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Old 08-02-2010, 08:15 PM
fruitfan fruitfan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1
Kernel panic report from mouse lag

On my iMac I have had problems with my mouse;
The pointer blinks and flies around the screen. When I enter any mouse dialog like "do you want to save before quitting" popups, the computer emitts the repeating sound you hear when you misclick(aka the warningsound: "Funk" from the system preferences).

This is extremely annoying because I can't click on anything properly. Either the mouse double clicks or doesn't click at all.

Anyways, I've had this problem several times, or shall I say everybody else in my family has (so I don't have any personal experience with the issue). The only way to cancel it has been to restart the computer.

It seems like a minor annoyance, or so I thought until I finally got a kernel panic report that forced me to power off.
I regret that I didn't copypaste the report here. The report mentioned parallels and VMware fusion over and over. Can they have anything to do with this? I also read some similar threads with people who get kernel reports from torrents. I used Vuze not to long before the incident. I doubt there is any connection but I thought I'd mention it.

The computer is iMac intel, osx 10.5 bought 2008 (-can tell specs if needed)
The mouse is a Razer Death Adder with cord.

I've tried to find answers to this problem everywhere but nobody has the same problems it seems. Is there someone who at least knows what causes it and maybe how to get rid of it?
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