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Old 06-09-2010, 02:41 AM
gotytytyty gotytytyty is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 2
Thanks, Andy! I'm very excited to hear the news
I'm using 10.3.0 Blackknight kernel. So far, everythings works wonderful, of course, i still can't run 32bit app in 64bit mode. However, I have a problem with installing After Effect CS5. It keep on asking for 64bit system for it to be installed. I've tried to install it in x64 mode, but I cant even run the installer in this mode.
I dont know if it's a kernel's problem or something else, and I really need After Effect.

Here is my specs:
AMD PHENOM II X4 B50 @3.6ghz (It's originally X2 but I unlocked it to X4. I still feel lucky! )
Mainboard BIOSTAR A3+

Thanks Andy and Blackknight for everything you guys have done so far! It's so meaningful to the OSX86 community

Last edited by gotytytyty; 06-19-2010 at 02:06 PM.
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