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Old 07-09-2009, 05:23 AM
Ali C. Ali C. is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 182
HD 3650 Glitches After Update to 10.5.7

So I found a set of drivers you have to install with Pacifist to get going well in OS X awhile back (if there were a name on them I'd give it to you but all they read is "HD3650 Drivers", just like when I downloaded them). They worked flawlessly until I updated to 10.5.7. Now I have strange bouts of web page tearing and can't quite figure out the cause.
I tried -v, reinstalling the drivers (twice), and making sure the card isn't overheating. All appears fine.
3D performance, strangely, seems unaffected.
Does anyone have any clue how I resolve this? I was considering trying an EFI string to supplement the kexts, but as it didn't need the string before I have my doubts.
Thanks in advance for any hints on this. I apologize there's no screenshot showing my problem but it's a sporadic one that never appears at a good time to take a screeny.

Custom Hackintosh...AMD Athlon X2 5000+ (2.6 GHz) on GA-MA78GM-S2H...Linksys WMP300n Wireless...ALC889a sound...ATI HD 3650 PCIe...1 GB DDR2 RAM...320GB Western Digital SATA + 200GB Seagate IDE HDD...Rosewill DVD-RW IDE...Running Kalyway upgraded to 10.5.7...All Fully Functional
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