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Old 02-12-2010, 03:04 AM
srs5694 srs5694 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Woonsocket, RI
Posts: 29
Originally Posted by iTuning View Post
You will see that neither the name of the EFI-partition is "EFI", nor
the type code is "ef00", which is the proper one for a EFI System Partition.

And for the correction, you will need two switches :
- "c" for changing the partitions name
- "t" for changing the type code to "ef00"
- "w" for writing the changes to the disk
A small correction (or at least an elaboration): The partition name, which you correctly say can be changed via the 'c' option in GPT fdisk, is unimportant with respect to whether OS X mounts the partition. That field in the GPT data structure exists to be informative to users. GPT fdisk, GNU Parted, and some other tools (but not Disk Utility) display this field. It can be handy in differentiating different partitions with the same type code but different purposes. For instance, Linux and Windows use the same type code for their native partitions, which can make it hard to tell what's what in a Linux/Windows dual-boot environment. Using the partition name field, you can give each partition a descriptive name, such as "Linux /boot" or "Shared NTFS data." Naming the EFI System partition in this way can be useful, but isn't necessary to keep it from mounting in OS X.
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