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Old 05-22-2010, 06:50 AM
m28ew m28ew is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by andyvand View Post
Replace Pci(0x14,0x2) with the numbers listed in IORegistryExplorer behind the device name (@X).
If it is on a bridge, change it like this: Pci(0x2,0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x2)...
If there is only one number listed, the second is 0x0.
How about the number (0x1) of <key>PciRoot (0x1) / Pci(0x14,0x2)</key>
Could you please tell us how did you get it ?

Fyi, my soundcard (alc888 | pci1002,4383 | codec: 0x10ec0888 | Address: 0) has these settings :
    | |   |                     
    | |   +-o SBAZ@14,2  <class IOPCIDevice, id 0x0, registered, matched, activ$
    | |   |   {
    | |   |     "built-in" = <00>
    | |   |     "IODeviceMemory" = (({"address"=18446744073639231488,"length"=1$
    | |   |     "acpi-pmcap-offset" = 80
    | |   |     "layout-id" = <79030000>
    | |   |     "PinConfigurations" = <>
    | |   |     "device-id" = <83430000>
    | |   |     "name" = "pci1002,4383"
    | |   |     "acpi-path" = "IOACPIPlane:/_SB/PCI0@180000/SBAZ@140002"
    | |   |     "IOName" = "pci1002,4383"
    | |   |     "vendor-id" = <02100000>
    | |   |     "revision-id" = <00000000>
    | |   |     "IOPCIResourced" = Yes
    | |   |     "acpi-device" = "IOACPIPlatformDevice is not serializable"
    | |   |     "subsystem-vendor-id" = <65150000>
    | |   |     "IOInterruptControllers" = ("io-apic-0")
    | |   |     "IOPowerManagement" = {"CurrentPowerState"=2}
    | |   |     "class-code" = <00030400>
    | |   |     "compatible" = <"pci1565,821b","pci1002,4383","pciclass,040300"$
    | |   |     "subsystem-id" = <1b820000>
    | |   |     "assigned-addresses" = <10a20082000000000000cffb000000000040000$
    | |   |     "reg" = <00a200000000000000000000000000000000000010a20002000000$
    | |   |     "IOInterruptSpecifiers" = (<1000000007000000>)
    | |   |   }
    | |   |
Thanks in advance


LOL... what a stupid question

I've found the answer :
Originally Posted by andyvand
Next use IORegistryExplorer to look up PCI paths (or use EFI studio / OSX86Tools) after reboot for the EFI patch... add the options as shown in the codebox and write it to

Last edited by m28ew; 05-29-2010 at 07:29 AM.
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