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Old 07-03-2009, 04:49 AM
Dojomann Dojomann is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 4
Windows Shares iATKOS 10.5.7

I can't seem to get my windows shares to show up in network at all...

Everything works fine and I can connect to them manually with the smb:// prefix

I've tried turning off IPv6 in network settings, as well as setting up my WINS name and workgroup, and adding my router IP as the WINS server (because some fixes said it might work).

My Windows computers see the mac no problem. What gives?

I have an ASUS p6t deluxe v2 mobo with a marvell yukon 88e056 onboard LAN (which works fine, and accesses the internet without a hitch.)

A couple things I've noticed are:

1. In diagnostics I get "failed" under ethernet and network settings

2. In system profiler, my IPv6 config still reads as automatically configure

Note, that I did make a new location instead of using the default one.
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Old 07-03-2009, 12:08 PM
zuz242 zuz242 is offline
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sounds like a net config mixup ...

but i remember there was a similiar problem last year with zephs relase (i think).
cause/fix there was a wrong alias in the system preventing shares to work properly..

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Old 07-03-2009, 12:27 PM
Dojomann Dojomann is offline
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Posts: 4
Perhaps I should try a different release? I have a few at my disposal, iPC 10.5.6 and iDeneb 10.5.5 and 10.5.6.

As a note, I didn't really enjoy how iATKOS had some non-stock mods to it, such as removal of the stock Aurora wallpaper.
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Old 07-04-2009, 05:32 PM
Dojomann Dojomann is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 4
I've tried another distribution (iPC 10.5.6) and I got the same result. I also tried swapping my router for another one (an older one I had lying around) once again, to no avail.

Could it possibly be the kext included for the marvell 88e056? Does anyone else here have that same LAN onboard and NOT have this problem?
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