Work Around for display height issue on netbooks which have a height under 768.
I came across this article on Macworld.com which talks about the AppleDisplayScaleFactor variable. By setting this variable to say .80 the next time you open an application it will scale to this percentage. The article explains how to set this for particular applications which do not allow you to scale the app to a usable form.
I did a search and see its old news over on insanelymac but this is the first i have heard of it so im passing it along. Check the article out: http://www.macworld.com/article/142173/2009/08/scaleapps.html Here is the syntax: this sets the scale to 78%: Code:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleDisplayScaleFactor .78 Code:
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1 Code:
defaults write com.apple.iTunes AppleDisplayScaleFactor .78 MOBO: Z77MX-QUO-AOS CPU: Core i7 3770K GPU: MSI N760 TF 2GD5/OC Case: Modded MacPro2,1 Memory: 32GB Corsair Vengeance (CMY32GX3M4A1600C9) Wifi: Airport Extreme bcm94321MCA BIOS: HermitCrab Labs H3A.816M Monitor: AOC Q2963Pm 29" WFHD 2560x1080 21:9 Interests: KDE on Apple Darwin, Keeping it real with the command line, Helping those that help themselves |