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Old 02-18-2009, 12:02 AM
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LawlessPPC LawlessPPC is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 506
just to elaborate on what was said earlier. Why do i like osx so much i only boot windows when i have to????? Well because i dont have to jump through hoops just to do something. Its also so amiga like its untrue it can be as techy to use as you want it or as easy to use as you want. Without having arcane things like a registry. So I think it good to have apps that make life easy for anyone it introduces ppl to a new way of computing. Once you got the basics mastered you actually feel in control. No i dont beleive ppl should have it all on a plate and they should have to work a bit to get results but whats wrong with having apps that just get on with what may be a simple task. I mean its not like we all sit here coding drivers is it

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