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Old 02-17-2010, 12:28 AM
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spalek83 spalek83 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 152
on the install: maybe your iso is bad, get a different distro
perhaps put it onto a usb stick as apposed to a dvd, and boot from that
- or do the best install method: and use the retail dvd and adjust kexts/kernel/bootloader as needed. $29 and you can rule out any dvd burning issues completely.

looking into the distro you downloaded, you may be able to take hints from what is in there and get updated versions of individual components online, in addition to following one of the many guides on this and other forums

and as an amd user myself, getting a leopard 10.5.7 distro and installing it before snow leopard was extreemly helpful for learning what everything was, using that install as a foundation to install 10.6 from. 10.5 has been out alot longer then 10.6, and for most rigs - every conceivable issue has been fixed and explanations posted in forums by multiple people. with 10.6 there is less of a pool of resources.. atm

(iatkos v7 or ideneb, can't remember which finally worked)

something to chew on regarding your graphics card, it may not work with hardware acceleration out of the box.. or ever. maybe that iso has an option for it once you get it to boot. you can of course install OS X without any graphics acceleration, tho it will not lead to the final experience you are seeking. i say this because for your graphics card, I found some posts saying "Unfortunately, there is no driver in existence for the HD 3200" and your card is very close in the series. I did see a working kext(driver) for the 34xx series, which is slightly higher of a revision of your card. this website has information and downloads for other ati cards, i was just glancing but maybe there is something for your card specifically out there that you might find in a more refined google search

00010, would you consider if it might be helpful to respond to people in an open forum, so others can follow along? this is the biggest reason i read the forums, to see the advice people give to others. you could mention the ability to donate and the link for it in your signature

Last edited by spalek83; 02-17-2010 at 12:39 AM.
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