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Old 09-28-2009, 03:42 PM
thorazine74 thorazine74 is offline
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OSInstall.mpkg for MBR installation that works?

It looks like the well-known patch to OSInstall.mpkg to allow you to install to MBR partitions is not working as it should.
I edited one and it worked when you launch the OSInstall.mpkg from inside Leopard, but this same file doesnt let you install to MBR partitions when you boot the install media (from a USB partition in my case).
It looks like the check for the destination partition is not in effect at all when launching the installer from a running system (i.e. not only you can install to MBR but it lets you install to FAT32, EXT3, NTFS partitions, something that is supposed to be imposible and would not work at all), but its actually enforced when booting from the install media, and the known way to bypass the check (editing "EraseOptionAvailable=true" line in the "Distribution" file) doesnt seem to work anymore:
Anyone knows whats going on?
Or better, anyone managed to install Snow Leo on a MBR partition booting from the installation media?

AsRock P45TS | C2D E8200 | GeForce 8600GTS
Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.1 + Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 + Fedora 11
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Old 03-11-2011, 03:18 PM
john110311 john110311 is offline
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Posts: 3
Probably already answered elsewhere but just to confirm..

It does work if you replace a file on the installation media. I restored the Snow Leopard DVD to an external drive and booted off that (USB HDD). You will still need extra stuff to get it working, like FakeSMC, maybe legacy kernel, Chameleon, etc (MultiBeast?)

A copy/paste from there:

This is used to enable installation of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard on an MBR-formatted volume. Useful for installing OSX in a disk with an existing Windows installation.
How to install.
1. Copy the entire contents of the Mac OS X Install DVD to a USB stick/drive.
2. Navigate to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/OSInstall.framework/Versions/A/
3. Replace the file "OSInstall" with the one from this archive. Make sure the permissions are the same as in the original. (You don't have to delete the original OSInstall if you want to keep it for safety reasons. Just rename it.)
4. Install Mac OS X from this USB stick/drive.
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Old 03-11-2011, 09:51 PM
iPixel iPixel is offline
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Posts: 4
Just pointing out you should watch the file's target version. AFAIK there IS a difference between 10.6.0 and 10.6.3 for example. You'll need a specific file.

Originally Posted by thorazine74 View Post
Or better, anyone managed to install Snow Leo on a MBR partition booting from the installation media?
If you mean booting the OS (installed on the HDD already) using a stick, then I can confirm it works.
If you mean installing from your HDD (instead of a DVD/USB), to your HDD: Technically it's possible: Restore the DVD contents to a partition, add the kexts and chameleon to it and make that partition bootable. It will work.
If you mean installing from a DVD (for example) to your HDD, and then using that DVD (or whatever you used) to boot your HDD installation, again, it works (I did it already). At least, it works with Chameleon-based bootloaders.

Last edited by iPixel; 03-11-2011 at 09:58 PM.
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