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Old 09-12-2009, 07:07 PM
bzen bzen is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 14
SMB Share Issues + NTFS Write Support - 10.6 (64 Bit)

Have problems with accessing SMB share on NAS in snow leopard. This seems to be well documented problem across the net.
Appears that there are 2 Problem:
1) Authentication with SMB - only works with numeric only passwords (this sucks)
2) Even after Authenticating with numeric pwd only still read-only, no write
3) Have tried share with no passwords and same issue
Error is Dreaded Error -36
The Finder cannot complete the operation because some of the data in smb://........ could not be read or written. (Error code -36).
No problems in Leopard what so ever on both other actual Mac's that I have running 10.5.8 of leopard. I am using NexStar LX Enlclosure NST-375LX-BK
Anyone have working solution for SMB Write Support for 10.6 with 64 bit kernel?

NTFS-3G (4.4) + MacFuse (2.1.5 (Beta)). This does not work in 64 bit kernel and wont be able to uninstall. So had to revert back to CCC Clone before install. Paragon is only 32 bit and beta at 7-02, so no luck there. Anyone have working solution for NTFS Write Support for 10.6 with 64 bit kernel?

Workarounds (TEMP)
- My NAS has FTP so am using filezilla as FTP client

Other Attempts to fix that did not work
- update to 10.6.1 did not fix
- Tried editting smb.conf in /etc and adding in fixes suggested on net such as
 veto files = /.DS_Store/
 encrypt passwords = no
- Tried editting nsmb.conf in /etc and adding in fixes suggested on net such as
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