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Godofwar 09-23-2012 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58881)
I am! But i must confess, my windows 7 installation is on a PATA disk. I have one PATA for Win 7 and three SATA for respectively Lion 10.7, my time machine for both my AMD and my Atom netbook (which backs up to it via network) and a big NTFS 1.5TB for general storage.

I think that your problem is indeed related with Bcd, and the mess happened when you installed Snow Leopard: i think you forgot to disconnect your Windows disk when you first installed Snow Leo, and now the old bootloader survives in your Windows HD, and it doesn't matter how many times you reformat your OSX disk.

My best advice would be, if you have all your data securely backed up, to erase windows, reinstall it (remember to disconnect the OSX disk, if it still there) and then disconnect the Windows disk and install Lion with the latest chameleon. ;)

Yeah, but I told you earlier that I tried your method about disconnecting Windows 7 when Snow Leopard was installing and than my usb mouse refused to work. Oh well, I should quit looking into trying to get Lion to boot with Windows. I mean I had other problems such as audio being out of sync and Apps folder would mess up and not save apps. Is Lion osx suppose to be as buggy as it was for me or does it just really hate my Amd cpu? I would like to some how get hacked 500 series 570 drivers for snow leopard but none exist that I know of. That would probably make things much more simpler for me. :D

instant idiot 09-23-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58882)
Instant Idiot, i never saw anything like you're experiencing. Sorry if i'm of little help now. :(

Oh well, I have a flawless Snow Leopard installation, so I'm not missing out big time. :) I think I'll try a different HDD and connect it via SATA instead of USB just to see if it makes a difference.

Godofwar 09-23-2012 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by instant idiot (Post 58886)
Oh well, I have a flawless Snow Leopard installation, so I'm not missing out big time. :) I think I'll try a different HDD and connect it via SATA instead of USB just to see if it makes a difference.

What is the need to update to Lion if you have a flawless Snow Leopard? You're not running into the problem like I am where your graphics card isn't supported are you? Or was there a certain software Lion had that you wanted.

instant idiot 09-23-2012 08:11 PM

None whatsoever. I don't even use OS X as my main OS. There's a new version, so I figure I might as well try to install it.

About the graphics card: I haven't even got it to work in Lion yet, while it works fine in Snow Leopard. (ATI Radeon HD 5670)

Godofwar 09-24-2012 07:01 AM

I'm having some luck now. I finally got Mac Lion and Windows to work each other. I even set it up how I like it where when I'm on my Mac side I can drop files on my Windows 7 side. It was really simple to fix, it seems EasyBCD and Windows7/Lion didn't like each other. So what I did was set Lion's hard drive to boot first. Now I can choose either to start Mac or press f8 to go in my Windows 7 side. Now my problem is that I have to find a adobe flash that works correctly with Mac. I'm on some chatrooms and it keeps saying that it needs to save storage but won't let me click yes on it when I want to. I had that same problem with Snow Leopard and I'm pretty sure I solved that by installing an older version of flash. Right now I haven't installed my graphics card drivers yet tho. If anyone has good drivers for 570 for Lion I'd appreciate them. I'm afraid to install the gtx 570 kexts I have right now because I know it will mess with the applications folder like it did last time. I'm also afraid of updating to 10.7.3 because last time that also messed up saving applications and files to my hard drive.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact that for whatever reason command -legacy -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 does not always work. Is that normal or is something up with my system for that to not always work? Maybe I need a different command? Sometimes I need to restart my computer up to 5 times just before the command actually works.

Yeah, I'm gonna need a solution for that flash problem I have. It sucks, a chatroom I frequently visit has a storage thing and when I click yes or okay on it it just won't let me. I can take a screenshot of it if you don't know what I mean.

The Connactic 09-24-2012 07:36 AM

It's probably because of your graphics. The flash issues, probably the same issue: flash movies needs QE/CI, which needs a properly working Graphics Card. So you have to chase those drivers: good luck! :)

One more thing about the commands: i think you need only -legacy npci=0x3000, since arch=i386 would be redundant (all patched kernels are 32-bit already) and -v would make you always boot verbose (with UNIX console output), instead of that clean and beautiful apple logo.

Godofwar 09-24-2012 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58901)
It's probably because of your graphics. The flash issues, probably the same issue: flash movies needs QE/CI, which needs a properly working Graphics Card. So you have to chase those drivers: good luck! :)

One more thing about the commands: i think you need only -legacy npci=0x3000, since arch=i386 would be redundant (all patched kernels are 32-bit already) and -v would make you always boot verbose (with UNIX console output), instead of that clean and beautiful apple logo.

Is there a way I can put my harddrive on the desktop like in Snow Leopard or does that require updating or is this because I'm on AMD with Lion?

Also, where did you say I'm suppose to put -legacy npci=0x3000 so I don't have to always type it?

The Connactic 09-24-2012 07:54 AM

Finder preferences. And org.chameleon.plist in Extra folder for the boot flags (search my post, man, i won't type those key/strings again).

I strongly suggest you to use Path Finder instead of the 32-bit Finder. DP2 finder really sucks, and has some copy/paste/trash issues that are really annoying and tricky to solve. Path Finder works quite well and add some features, like the ability to cut files instead of just copy/paste, and some built-in features that substitute ones from Lion's core services that will like malfunction on -legacy mode. The downside is that you can use it free for only 30 days. :(

Godofwar 09-24-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58903)
Finder preferences. And org.chameleon.plist in Extra folder for the boot flags (search my post, man, i won't type those key/strings again).

I strongly suggest you to use Path Finder instead of the 32-bit Finder. DP2 finder really sucks, and has some copy/paste/trash issues that are really annoying and tricky to solve. Path Finder works quite well and add some features, like the ability to cut files instead of just copy/paste, and some built-in features that substitute ones from Lion's core services that will like malfunction on -legacy mode. The downside is that you can use it free for only 30 days. :(

Idk if i just caught a virus or what, but I was downloading a crapload of Mac browsers and all of a sudden I do not get any video from youtube videos and game trailer videos. I have not installed Nvidia drivers yet, so I don't know if that will fix it. But I find it weird I get black vides on youtube now. A mac virus? :mad:

EDIT: I do not know what caused that to happen but now its solved. I updated my drivers now I'm Mac'ing it up at 1920x1200 resolution. Another problem is that as I said earlier, the key commands to boot Lion up don't always work and take me like 5 times to finally boot up. I tried your boot command but instantly got a kernel panic. This is some weird stuff, I wonder if there's a solution to it.

My trash can won't empty either, there's this file in there called fseventsd-uuid. It's always in there...

The Connactic 09-24-2012 03:38 PM


Open Type:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

Hit enter, than type:

killall Finder

You'll see that fseventsd-uuid vanishing like magic. :)