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naquaada 06-30-2008 12:38 PM

I think it is a board/ram/cpu issue. Puttabongs and my Dual-Core system are working without problems. My system has maybe a speciality: I installed it on a single-core computer with the same board and restored the image on my dual-core machine. Even real big applications like Final Cut and Logic are working without problems. BTW: My new M-Audio ProFire Lightbridge 34-channel audio interface is fantastic!

The only progs which are crashing sometimes are Firefox, Toast and the Quicktime Player, but I have the same problems on my single core machine. I presume these programs fail sometimes because the DivX-Encoder is faulty installed. The DivX Player and the DivX converter are also crashing. Firefox, Toast and Quicktime are all using the DivX-plugin. Bad is that I can't repair DivX even after removing all files, so I have to reinstall the whole system :-P I'll do it again on my single-core machine and copy the finished image to my other machines. I have 4 computers with 3 different boards, but all are using variants of the nForce 4 chipset and using a Radeon X1600, so porting the OS is easy - just restore it with Disk Utility from an image ;-)

Voyn1x 06-30-2008 02:10 PM

Thought i'd chime in with my results. I have found it certainly a lot more stable, going at least 15hrs without issues - where previously it would only manage 3hrs tops before an app would quit. I also haven't experienced the jumpy mouse since adding the flags, but have still received the -10810 error a couple of times after prolonged uptime.

Also Rogue kindly pointed out that Firefox contains 2 cpuids, so I promptly marvinised the bastards. This seemed to have solved the random crashing of FF. I had overlooked this, I've run Marvins in the past but since Mozilla is constantly releasing updates (especially for FF3) I think the cpuids had been rewritten somewhere along the line.

Oh well, new mobo here I come, maybe an intel chip while i'm at it! :)

pmcnano 06-30-2008 02:21 PM

aww i want a new computer too trying atm this kernel flags, i will report:

<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>apicpmtimer=1 notsc=1 nohpet=1 cpus=2 maxmem=3072</string>

Lets see what happens.....atm its working fine..wthout a problem

@All: which distro's are you using?

naquaada 06-30-2008 03:57 PM

Leo4All + 10.5.3 Update by Zephyroth Updater

Voyn1x 06-30-2008 06:24 PM

Zeph 10.5.2 Rev 1 upgraded to 10.5.3 using ASU.

Also using an EFI gfx string, MacNub's AppleSMBIOS27, Modbin 9.3.0 kernel and 9.3.0 system.kext

pmcnano 06-30-2008 07:18 PM

naquaada, I might try Leo4ALL V3 ppf patched to 10.5.3 to see how it goes, anyway, with the kernel flags i had been using for like 12 hours, i didnt had any problem, lets see how it goes ^^

R0GUE 06-30-2008 07:49 PM

Mine is exactly the same as Voyn1x's setup.

pmcnano 07-01-2008 06:57 AM

leo4all with ppf went wrong i cant get it boot, i get kernel panic before anything, i cant even boot in single user mode.

pmcnano 07-03-2008 09:07 PM

I have been reading, theeres a post in insanelymac about the divide by zero crashes on Tiger, it was because the HTT recognition in the kernel, they had to mod some hex parameters to get it working and suppostly it worked flawlesly, what do you think? It has something to do with the kernel recognizing 2 cpu's instead of 2 cores, or something like that.

What do you think?? hope it helps! ^^

naquaada 07-03-2008 09:42 PM

This was in August 2006, so maybe 10.4.7 or 10.4.8 = 8.4.1 or 8.8.1 kernel. And only two posts... that won't work here, the kernel is totally different now.

What shows System Profiler on your system? It's 1 cpus and 1 cores for me.