View Full Version : Snow Leopard works! Some problems... Should be easy to fix!
08-21-2009, 01:10 AM
I got Snow Leopard working on my laptop :P.
I get native QE/CI & resolution change on my X3100, which is good. Ethernet also works. Here's the problems I'm having so far. If anyone knows how to fix these things, please tell me!
1. Wifi doesn't work. I'm on Atheros AR5007. Works fine in Leopard. I see some things regarded the kext while in verbose mode. It tries to load the kext a couple of times but failed. I'll take a picture upon request.
2. Audio doesn't work. I'm using the VoodooHDA.kext that was specifically made for SL and it says something weird in verbose mode. I'll take a picture upon request.
3. Laptop trackpad/keyboard doesn't work. I'm using a USB KB/mouse at the moment. I'm using VoodooPS2 in Leopard and it works great. Any fixes on this? UPDATE: Reinstalled VoodooPS2, and the keyboard is now working, but the trackpad isn't :(.
7. I see something about waiting for dsmos while booting in verbose mode. Doesn't seem to bother the boot time or anything, but should I be worried about this?
I guess that's it for now... I'll update this post with anything else that I can find.
08-21-2009, 03:01 AM
Will try and help some ...
1. You don't have the right kext .... kexts that work in Leopard don't necessarily work in SL.
2. VooDooHDA did not work for me unless I put it in S/L/E
4. You wont see the drive from which you boot on your desktop
5. Try OpenHaltRestart.kext
7. I think I may get the same message .... I'll check next time I boot
08-21-2009, 04:15 AM
1. I didn't change the wifi kext. It's loading the regular ones that come with SL.
2. I will try that, thanks.
4. Why not? They show up fine in Leopard :(.
5. Will do.
7. Alrighty!
I've been having some problems with my laptop not turning on. It'll just stay at System BIOS Shadowed & Video BIOS Shadowed. It won't change after that.
I noticed that sleep worked while in Snow Leopard, but only for 5 seconds, then the laptop will turn back on. After I rebootd, it's been saying this system and video junk. It doesn't seem to want to boot anymore :(. I can't go into the BIOS either.
08-21-2009, 05:01 AM
3. UPDATE: Reinstalled VoodooPS2, and the keyboard is now working, but the trackpad isn't :(.
5. UPDATE: HOLY CRAP! I patched the DSDT, stuck it in the root, and it shuts down and restarts near instantly ;). Although, when I go to shutdown, it just restarts the computer. Does the same thing in Leopard. Note: I am using OpenHaltReboot.kext in /E/E.
08-21-2009, 05:24 AM
3. UPDATE: Reinstalled VoodooPS2, and the keyboard is now working, but the trackpad isn't :(.
5. UPDATE: HOLY CRAP! I patched the DSDT, stuck it in the root, and it shuts down and restarts near instantly ;). Although, when I go to shutdown, it just restarts the computer. Does the same thing in Leopard. Note: I am using OpenHaltReboot.kext in /E/E.
- For the keyboard and trackpad, grab the kexts support 32&64 mode here:
- Put the patched dsdt in Extra's root
- Put OpenHaltReboot in S/L/E & repair permission.
08-21-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi do you have the Extensa 5620z?
I have the sound working with: ALCinject.kext
And voodoohda.kext.
Fix keyyboard with:
Good luck with WIFI, mine is also not working :( (ar5007eg)
That's the one that work by me.
Show HDD's:
08-21-2009, 01:00 PM
4. Why not? They show up fine in Leopard :(.
You have to ask Steve. :p
I have 2 SL installs, slightly different, and they both don't have the partitions of the boot drive on the desktop.
My other Mac and Windows partitions are all accounted for.
4. If correctly snow showing your HDDs in Finder > HDD showing on desktop works if you enable in FInder preferences! Defaultly in SL disabled.
2. If VoodoHDA works for you in leopard - Use this one
3. To get working trackpad and keyboard > Remove ApplePS2Nub and VoodooPS2Controller.
And install this with kext helper:
5. If your reboot/shutdown still not works correctly. You can try my OpenHaltRestart (works for me). Install with Kext helper in /System/Library/Extensions
8. For battery meter use this kext
08-21-2009, 02:21 PM
7. I see something about waiting for dsmos while booting in verbose mode.
I do not get this message.
08-21-2009, 02:22 PM
4. If correctly snow showing your HDDs in Leopard > Show hdd on desktop works if you enable in FInder preferences! Defaultly in SL disabled.
Thanks slic :) ... that was probably the easiest fix yet. :D
Thanks slic :) ... that was probably the easiest fix yet. :D
np, btw. I wanted to write in Finder - no leopard :D
08-21-2009, 02:30 PM
4. If correctly snow showing your HDDs in Finder > HDD showing on desktop works if you enable in FInder preferences! Defaultly in SL disabled.
Many thanks slic, more useful for a dummy like me :-|
08-21-2009, 04:09 PM
Some updates:
1. Battery meter is working :). Says "Service Battery" though lol.
2. Audio still doesn't work. Look at the picture below to see what I see during verbose boot.
3. Verbose mode says something about DSMOS... My computer kinda just sits there until DSMOS comes back.
4. slic's PS2 drivers didn't do anything. At least with VoodooPS2, my keyboard would work :\.
5. My drives on my desktop show up as folders instead of drives. UPDATE! They seem to be showing as drives now.
6. My DVD drive isn't detected :(.
When I use VoodooPS2 and try to go to the preference pane in System Preferences, it says that a Synaptics touchpad wasn't found.
Just updated the first post a tad.
Here's a screenshot of everything I have in /E/E:
And here's a picture of what I see during verbose boot:
Maybe I'm not installing the kext's right or something?? Someone can connect to my computer with Teamviewer and see if you can dig up any dirt on all this stuff.
So, in short, here's the problems I'm having:
1. no audio
2. no trackpad
3. no keyboard
4. no wifi
Would like to get the all working soon :).
Maybe I could just install my working drivers from Leopard? ;)
ALSO! I think this is happening because of Snow Leopard... Look at this thread:
That happens whenever I put Snow Leopard to sleep and reboot. My computer just sits at that screen forever. Can't even get into the BIOS. SO, I have to take the hard drive out, go into the BIOS, reset all the settings, and then boot. Kind of annoying unless I carry a screwdriver around with me everywhere.
Maybe I could just install my working drivers from Leopard? ;)
If wokrs in leopard, should work in 32b snow :-)
Test it!
08-21-2009, 06:06 PM
You don't need disabler.kext
I'm using vanilla AppleRTC.kext in S/L/E but then my dsdt has the CMOS reset fix.
Voodoo.kext must be in S/L/E ... it won't work in E/E
08-21-2009, 11:15 PM
How do I get the CMOS reset fix so I don't have to keep taking my hard drive out and resetting my BIOS's settings?
I got PS2 working, but it's only from my keyboard (as usual). It just doesn't detect my Synaptics trackpad.
Wifi (Atheros AR5007) problem:
I never liked using VoodooHDA. Pushing mute doesn't actually mute everything. I can still hear audio. I want to use my usual HDApatcher/STAC9205 codecs that I use in Leopard.
If I try using those, it'll give me a kernel panic upon boot (because of AppleHDA.kext).
Audio is working, but it could be improved. I can drag the volume slider all the way down and there won't be any audio, but my mute button doesn't do anything... It will bring the slider down all the way but it doesn't actually adjust anything. I really hope that the HDA patcher works properly without giving me a kernel panic. I mainly want to get VoodooPS2 working.
Shutdown STILL doesn't work properly. My desktop will go away, and my wallpaper and cursor will stay there. After about a minute, the screen will go black. Then, after about 30 seconds, my computer will restart (instead of shutdown). Going to Restart will make my laptop restart like normal.
Sleep also doesn't work properly. It sleeps, but for 3 seconds. Then the laptop will wake up by itself.
UPDATE!: PS2 KB AND TP is working! Got that out of the way.
For some reason, restart is doing the same thing as shutdown... I don't know what I did. Can I re-do something that may fix this?
08-21-2009, 11:48 PM
THX very very mach, sata2 hard drive its full working for my asus p5k :)
How do I get the CMOS reset fix so I don't have to keep taking my hard drive out and resetting my BIOS's settings?
Fix is here >
Remove AppleRTC in S/L/E and install this one )))
If I try using those, it'll give me a kernel panic upon boot (because of AppleHDA.kext).
Do not patch the SNOW AppleHDA.kext
Patch the latest AppleHDA.kext from Leopard.
Then remove snow AppleHDA.kext and with kext helper install your patched AppleHDA from Leopard.
Shutdown STILL doesn't work properly. My desktop will go away, and my wallpaper and cursor will stay there. After about a minute, the screen will go black. Then, after about 30 seconds, my computer will restart (instead of shutdown). Going to Restart will make my laptop restart like normal.
This behavior solved Perrmisions repair after i fixed all problems and installed kexts.
It's the constant installation of kexts and another fixes.
Sleep also doesn't work properly. It sleeps, but for 3 seconds. Then the laptop will wake up by itself.
Yes, this normally on X3100...
Sleep doesn't work properly also on Leopard.
Yet we have to live without sleep :)
08-22-2009, 12:26 AM
I can't repair permissions because I'll get this:
Any ideas? I want to get shutdown/restart working.
I'll take my AppleHDA.kext from Leopard and bring it into SL. I'll let you know.
How about my wifi? I have Atheros AR5007, which works fine in Leopard. It shows up as airport but I can't turn airport on.
UPDATE: Yeah. I took my alcinject.kext and my AppleHDA.kext file from my Leopard /S/L/E folder, installed it with Kext Helper, rebooted, and I got the same kernel panic. Picture below:
UPDATE2!!!: I downloaded voodoohda 0.2.2, installed it with kext helper, and my audio instantly started to work. Mute works properly too :D. Freaking happy right now!
Only if Wifi & shutdown/restart worked... I'd be super happy. Then I can ditch Leopard and start using Snow Leopard.
Repair permissions with this commands:
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
reboot.... This reboot will slow then it should be better.
May be stupid but it is possible that this causes verbose mode ( -v )....
Sometimes it seemed ^^
08-22-2009, 04:09 AM
Did that. Will test shutdown/restart whenever I get to it :D.
Something really stupid keeps happening. When browsing around some folders, Finder will randomly kill itself and come back up. EXTREMELY annoying!
08-22-2009, 07:15 PM
So everything is working except wifi (Atheros AR5007).
Also, Finder randomly crashes.
I'm going to backup my working drivers and reinstall SL to see if this fixes my Finder problems and Disk Utility problems.
08-23-2009, 01:38 AM
Just reinstalled Snow Leopard using my previous methods. Got everything working like before, and the Finder problems are gone! Still can't repair permissions in Disk Utility, but oh well!
To fix the Repari permissions problem, you must edit Info plist in PlatfromUUID.kext
To string place UUID of your snow partition. get it in disk uttility ( right click to paartiton and select information)
And add this kernel flags to
rd=uuid boot-uuid=HEREISPLACEFORUUID
08-23-2009, 05:05 AM
Just one quick question.
Has anyone been able to make hardware acceleration to work with GMA X3100 under 64 bit mode??
08-23-2009, 05:37 AM
^^ Probably not, unless Apple decides to make them 64-bit compatible.
@slic: It didn't work. Still getting the error in Disk Utility.
Whatever I just did made my DVD drive show up :D.
New problems: sometimes, after the Apple logo/verbose mode, it'll just stay at the grey screen instead of changing resolutions and going to the login screen. I can actually type in my password, press enter, and take screenshots and hear the camera shutter. Took about 5 reboots just now to get it to work.
Also, shutdown/restart still isn't working. It'll turn my monitor/USB devices off and it'll sit there for 30-60 seconds. I'm using the updated fakesmc.kext file.
08-23-2009, 08:22 PM
To fix the Repari permissions problem, you must edit Info plist in PlatfromUUID.kext
To string place UUID of your snow partition. get it in disk uttility ( right click to paartiton and select information)
And add this kernel flags to
rd=uuid boot-uuid=HEREISPLACEFORUUID
this dosn´t work for me :-(
i have edit
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>rd=uuid boot-uuid=MYUUID</string>
09-05-2009, 08:09 PM
Put the UUID in (Extras)
smbios.plist (Extras folder, entry under SMUUID)
UUIDplatform.kext - right click - info.plist (also in root of Extras)
run kext utility to update perms and mkexts and reboot
09-05-2009, 08:12 PM
Hey slic,
I saw your signature and noticed you got the same broadcom 57xx I got, but you got it working.
I haven't been able to make it work. SL sees it, it's active and 'green' in my configuration settings but it just doesn't work, I can't connect to the internet nor to the lan.
I have it working on my Leopard 10.5.8 but I lost any hopes in making it works under Snow Leopard. I'd be very glad if you could help me.
Thanx in advance!
09-05-2009, 10:18 PM
Why should I put in my UUID? It automatically knows what it is when booting...
09-05-2009, 10:21 PM
because it will fix your problem when u try to fix disk permissions.
09-05-2009, 11:09 PM
Actually, I've done that a few weeks ago. Didn't solve anything.
I don't need to repair permissions anyway. Everything seems to be working fine.
09-07-2009, 09:49 AM
Hey slic,
I saw your signature and noticed you got the same broadcom 57xx I got, but you got it working.
I haven't been able to make it work. SL sees it, it's active and 'green' in my configuration settings but it just doesn't work, I can't connect to the internet nor to the lan.
I can finally connect to the internet using this (, AppleBCM5758M modded by nobb1x
09-08-2009, 04:40 PM
Well, I thought I should let people know that I bought a 15" MacBook Pro (the 2.66GHz model). Loving it. I'm retired from the hackintoshing community.
09-08-2009, 04:48 PM
pfft.. you cheated! where's the fun in that? :P
09-08-2009, 04:49 PM
I don't have to F around with kext files anymore or try to get everything working properly. It's amazing.
09-19-2009, 05:42 AM
Fix is here >
Remove AppleRTC in S/L/E and install this one )))
Does this work on an efi partition?
09-22-2009, 10:08 AM
Does this work on an efi partition?You don't need this any longer. See the Sticky Guide on how to fix it using DSDT. :)
09-23-2009, 12:40 AM
I'd rather not dive into editing my dsdt. Imo, the hac scene shouldnt rely on hand-editing code to get hacs to work. Its like we were just getting things easy to use then BAM! the dsdt comes along and makes things that much more confusing when it really shouldn't.
09-23-2009, 12:48 AM
Why not? I think we are much better off with injecting hacks using the DSDT table instead of editing parts of the system itsself - last but not least both is just manipulated code - hand edited by yourself or not. ;)