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View Full Version : Solution for random kernel panics in Snow

08-23-2009, 07:16 AM
I have been messing around with Snow Kitty the whole weekend...
I managed to get up and running without Kernel Panics in Snow...

JUST DONT INSTALL THE LATEST CHAMELEON! This is the cause of all random Kernel panics....
Instead use the classic Chameleon v1.0 (bootloader.dmg) and replace the boot file....as many guides mention...
And something else!
Never boot with -f flag....
Hope that helps someone...
I was in front of my computer 2 days in order to solve the random kernel panics problems....he he :)

08-23-2009, 07:29 AM
Took me a whole week to solve it ;)

You are correct about -f (seems to do more bad then good)
You are wrong though about Chameleon v2 RC1 (not RC2) because it works. The only issue I will probably have (havent checked yet) is the no sleep in Windows 7 when booting from chameleon so this is nothing related to SL.

Also no need for commands etc because that will only add to the confusion. Kextutility seems to be the proper tool to add/remove kexts, repair permissions and rebuild mkexts.

Great that ya got it working in the end bud and it does run smooth doesn't it.

Now we only have to wait for the 64bit apps to start appearing.

08-23-2009, 07:33 AM
Its weird.,...because if i install Chameleon v2 RC1 then i go back to kernel panics...Not all the time but partly.....
However if i use the Chameleon v1.0 then i dont have a single KP for hours....

08-23-2009, 08:40 AM
And you didnt forget to put the dsdt.aml file inside root folder ? (and maybe extra folder too)

I had panics related to dsdt and permissions.

08-23-2009, 09:16 AM
Yeah....i had it installed ...
same configuratio and files...nothing was changed.....ONLY the bootloader

08-23-2009, 02:34 PM
Yes Chameleon 2 RC1 432 with PCi EFI v10 works fine for me.

zikman is correct ....no sleep in Windows 7 if you boot from Chameleon.

My dsdt.am file is in E/E.

I attribute all my KPs when on the desktop to incorrect permissions. After installation of some programs I can get KP's until I rebuilt the mkext with Kext Utility.

08-23-2009, 07:04 PM
Hi there, not sure if this is wrong place to ask. but i am curius about two things. Chameleon bootloaders and DSDT.aml file.

First of all i am running 10.5.8 ( IPC 10.5.6 PPF5 upgraded to 10.5.7 and then to 10.5.8). I dont dualboot. dont want to, my system works like a charm, and I wont even start what I think of WinBlo**. Linux I love but OSX is just my cup of thee.

Now. I have not been patching my system with DSDT.aml, and I have not installed the Chameleon. I run with the vanilla kernel and only patching for my IHCX9(or how it was spelled..:) ), smbios800Mhz, UUID, Audio for myALC883 and a kext for my ATI X1950 Pro card.

If I ( when Snow Leopard comes out officially that is) want to try to:
1. Either upgrade or
2. Total fresh install to SL
will I need to use a bootloader and will I need to patch my system with a DSDT.aml file?

PS!! what th eheck does DSDT do actually, I cant seem to get a proper explenation anywhere what it does and it would be interesting to know what dsdt is and does:D

Hi by the way everyone, Love your forum :D

08-23-2009, 07:30 PM
I'm using Chameleon 2 RC2 build640 and Netkas BOOT v10.1.

It works fine for me.

08-23-2009, 08:35 PM
PS!! what th eheck does DSDT do actually, I cant seem to get a proper explenation anywhere what it does and it would be interesting to know what dsdt is and does

DSDT = Differentiated System Description Table

DSDT tells the OS how to interract with the hardware. The DSDT is a table found in your computerʼs BIOS that controls power, time, etc. (ACPI) functions. OS X checks for faulty DSDTs when it boots so a PC DSDT would look faulty to OSX. To fix this, a dump of the DSDT is made and patched, which capabel of being by Chameleon. You can also put some other features or hardware components not present on your system in DSDT.

08-24-2009, 02:17 AM
I've had a stable system for a few hours now and I'm using the RC1 installer and the PCEFI boot file provided in Snow's tutorial.

So far, so good.

Now if only my OpenGL and interface performance didn't suck so hard.

08-24-2009, 03:33 AM
I was working on an install today and my SL boot was always hanging with the "Mac OS Version: Not Yet Specified" printout, which I thought I was told was due to bad extension caches, but I think I ruled that out. I was using the Chameleon RC2 all along, hoping it wasn't really that, but I think I'll have to try downgrading to RC1 now (or in a while, I broke my install by using a different SL Chameleon Support package on RC2, so I need to get home and make a boot USB from my Mac). Hopefully that solves it.

08-25-2009, 01:27 AM
Yeah I'm getting random kernel panics after about 45+ minutes of use.

My "boot" file is 61KB (60,288) bytes.

08-25-2009, 02:29 AM
My "boot" file is 61KB (60,288) bytes.

Mine is 299 KB.

08-25-2009, 03:52 AM
Yeah I'm using some v1.0 of some sort.

I've been getting kernel panics at really frustrating points. Lost a lot of work because of it.

Gonna try RC1 again.

08-26-2009, 02:31 PM
Hi ppls, actually i solve this problem, just start system with -x64 -s parametrs but at half time of booting i need to type Exit to kick next part of booting system... any ideas to get working SL without KP and -s prm?

Thx, Arrow ;)

08-26-2009, 04:38 PM
-s is single-user mode, so it's supposed to bring up the prompt. Just don't use -s. If you are fine with -x64, just add it under "kernel flags" to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist.