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Old 08-31-2012, 07:59 AM
Godofwar Godofwar is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 177
I believe Jhusly and I have same problem. That is why I'm going to erase both my two harddrives with DBAN. Than I'm going to set up Snow Leopard on one of my harddrives and try the method of getting Lion to install on the other harddrive. If I successfully do this, I will than erase only my snow leopard harddrive than I will install Windows 7 again. If Lion disappears when I install Windows 7 on the other harddrive that I erased Snow Leopard off I will use EasyBCD and use that as a dual boot program. I hope I conquered the unconquerable and have solved my issues. Right now I'm backing stuff up on Windows on one of my ext harddrives.
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