Originally Posted by Imkantus
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I also don't reealy see the sense of a prepatched Disk Image that needs a working OS X Install. Everyone who has got such one could do this himself.
Maybe realising an Image that could be restored to the HD using dd or similiar like the very first OSx86 releases, would be more useful. 
Okay, I didn't know that...

That it was against the rules... Other forum didn't make a problem of it... But I respect the rules of this forum...
The sense of this pre-patched image is that this image almost works on any Intel PC! This can be very useful cause this image fits on 6.5GB USB pendrive or any other external or internal harddrive!
So you can take it with you if you going to buy a laptop or netbook! Most people know that the information on HCL wiki isn't any guarantee that it will work! This USB pendrive can be used to test any Intel computer on the fly!! (No DSTD needed)
Second, there are a lot of people (including me..) that were not able to install Snowleopard in the first place! Now with this working image there are a lot people who have a working Snowleopard installation! (Look on different forums)
Third, I'm working on the very same image with a Window/PC installation method.. With this method you have a working Snowleopard installation within 10 minutes! You don't need any OS to install! It will be available very soon!
(This Mac installation image is more like a test version for the PC installer to come..)
(This is more in you're way of 'sense' I think..)
I do understand your opinion, that it make's no sense to need a working OSX to install a Snowleopard..
Cause most people here will know how install Snowleopard from distro or retail with Empire EFI..
But there are a lot of people who don't know how to do it!
That's the reason there are some many questions about it!
This image is just for the 'noobs' that aren't able to select the right drivers and patches!
This image was designed to help a lot of people in the OSx86 scene!