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Old 08-13-2009, 10:07 PM
MatthewH12 MatthewH12 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 2

I'm trying to get my NX8500GT Dev ID 10de:0421 using the VGA connector working in OSX86. I had iDeneb 1.4's DVD lying around so I tried that first, both with NVKush, and NVInject (not at the same time), along with the boot settings EFI patch and none of those worked, so I figured I'd try a newer release and grabbed iAtkos V7 as i read Chameleon v2 might help, and it was included. First I tried the EFI strings option in the installer and when it booted all I got was a flashing grey colored screen instead of the desktop. So I reinstalled and tried NVEnabler which a google search said should work. I tried it, and I got a Black screen with large white blocks and multicolorered pixels (hard to describe I know). So I am at a loss for what to try next, any ideas on how to get this card working in 10.5.6 or higher?

Thanks very much!!


EDIT: Using 9f23 and EFI Studio on iAtkos v7 I can get in and set the proper res, but everything is ghosted. Ideas?

Last edited by MatthewH12; 08-16-2009 at 05:59 AM.
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