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Old 06-25-2009, 07:08 PM
bonfilio bonfilio is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 4
first post - another 750a SLI board

Just wanted to follow up on this topic.. I've got very similar hardware and I'm having zero luck.

Board is a Zotac Nforce 750a SLI with 2 9800GTs, 8GB ram, AMD x2.

The only distribution (tried many) that has worked for me (and after much research and tweaking) is the new iatkos 10.5.7. Every other distro - regardless of boot option - results in the crossed out Apple logo when trying to boot (DVD, never gets to the point of actually installing).

With iatkos 10.5.7, without any boot options, Darwin fully loads but when you get to the first grey screen after the Apple booting logo, the cursor just beachballs (it is responsive, follows mouse, etc) until a reset.

With the maxmem=2048 boot option, I've been able to install successfully. Able to format/partition (know all about AHCI) disks, able to see external USB disks, etc. When I install I've used a bare minimum of drivers (i think just the nforceata).

On the first reboot after installation, it goes to the same beachball cursor, regardless of boot options.

Does anyone have any idea on what needs to be done for a 750a (and I'd imagine all nvidia SLI chipset boards) for them to work?
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