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Old 12-13-2008, 08:23 PM
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nfoav8or nfoav8or is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: WA, USA
Posts: 933
The Clone Wars are here!

I'm glad you did a piece on EFi-X and EFi-X USA with a little comparison to Pystar and OpenTech... I don't want OSx86 commercialized to be honest... thats not what it started out being and that shouldn't be how we go out (although for those of us determined enough, it will never "go out"... just get harder).

People trying to capitalize on technology modifications such as OSx86 are playing a rough game against a swifter and more powerful opponent (who also happens to have a lot more money to throw at legal issues than any of them). This isn't a case of David vs. Goliath and we can't be outspoken on this because it can come back to bite us in the bum.

Bhast2 posted about AppleInsider's thread yesterday regarding EFi-X USA kind of putting their foot in their mouth with the statement: “According to [our] engineers, there is no way Apple can disable the EFi-X card without disabling their own Intel Macs,” the spokesman further points out. “There is no way that Apple can disable the EFi-X card because it utilizes the same open firmware that [its] own boards use and thus would render all of [Apple's] own desktops useless as a result.”

This is blatant open-war and I for one don't want to see an end to OSx86 for my own (non-capital) reasons. Its a hobby and it should stay that way.

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