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Old 06-13-2009, 01:53 PM
kameko kameko is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by nicky9499 View Post
The OSx86 community is a total letdown. Fine, I'll use the search engines; but over half the results I get contain no solutions at all, but are instead mere threads back here or that are completely ignored. contains nothing but a handful of drivers and it calls itself The Hackintosh Kext Database. You people have gotten Leopard to work on your computers - great job. But in my personal opinion that is no excuse to start behaving like snobs.

Yes, I am a newbie. And there are many things I do not yet know, but is is very much to ask for someone to show me where the kexts shown during installation are so that I can tweak around with different combinations to see what works? Does it take eleven hours just to post such a response? Both my computers are on, I keep reloading both forums and each time I am greeted with disappointment. For people like Voyn1x, they are of valuable assistance as has been already shown and I am very much thankful. But surely there is more than 1 person in this entire forum? What use is a forum for newcomers when all there is are rotting question threads?

Great job guys, great job.
You've worked so hard and accomplished so much, and yet this is your idea of sharing it with the world. It's kind of sad.
unbelievable. i just signed up today to find out more info about installing one of these builds onto my computer and was reading this thread for some guidelines. i hope you have at least some vague idea of how ridiculously ungrateful and spoiled you sound.
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