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Old 10-31-2008, 05:06 PM
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nfoav8or nfoav8or is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: WA, USA
Posts: 933
to see what you are using as the graphics kernel extension right now, run kextstat in Terminal to view a list. You'll need to sort through these to figure out which is used for the graphics... however, it may be that your system isn't using an extension if it is giving you a single display mode with no supported other options and graphics. For this, we would need to look into finding out what kind of default graphics extension we could alter in order to place your device ID in and play around a bit. (note: adding a device ID to a known graphics Extension will not hurt the individual Extension if it isn't supporting the hardware in the end as long as you have the correct permissions on the file.)

Let me know how the journey goes.

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