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Old 11-10-2009, 01:37 PM
osx86guy osx86guy is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 2
Need immediate assistance, problems installing osx86 to external hard drive, help!

hi everyone, I just bought an external hard drive for use with installations of osx86 among other operating systems. my question is, is it even possible to install osx86 properly on my usb external 500gb hard drive? Everytime I try to install Ideneb 10.5.7 and iatkos v7 using the cpus=1 flag, they notice my hard drive, i partition it, then when it gets to the checking consistency section i press skip to get to the installation of files part. once i get there, it gets to about 1/4 of the installation complete then just seems to lock. Anyone else have this problem? what did they do to fix it?

Another question, once I have the operating system installed (hopefully with help from you guys) will i be able to install the snow leopard upgrade dvd? (went out and bought it yesterday).

What would be the best option to use for a distro with the below specifications - keeping in mind that I want to install to an external usb hard drive as it will not notice my internal sata drives.

Heres my system specs:

Gateway dx4720-01h, 4gb ram, intel quadcore q8200 2.33 ghz, msi 7399 motherboard based on MCP 73 nvidia chipset, 1 sata dvd burner, 1 ide dvd burner, 1 1TB sata hard drive internal, 1 750gb SATA internal hard drive, MSI Tv@nywhere plus tv tuner card, ati radeon HD3650, Azilia audio Built in lan, video, sound firewire among other options.

If you can help I would appreciate it! If you notice anything else that may be of concern while installing osx86 please let me know.
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