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Old 07-20-2010, 06:30 AM
Medivv Medivv is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 9
Thanks a lot, I have no idea how I haven't found that page already, been googling like mad...

I followed the guide in your first link, it was just sick though, took 5 (!) hours for dd.exe it to extract the iso file to the usb drive. Finally when done I struggled with selecting the partition in diskpart.
Finally found out that the reason was SunDisk's CRAPPY U3 launchpad utility that had reservated a read only part of the memory. The uninstaller crashed several times, but I finally managed to remove it using an XP installation on another computer... the problem is it also removed everything else on the flash drive....
Will give it another try though, haven't given up yet.

Just saying... everything involving partitioning and OS installations is the most frustrating thing you can get yourself into.....
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