Thread: need help!!!
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Old 03-11-2011, 09:45 PM
iPixel iPixel is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4
If you have only two or three partitions (i suppose you have an MBR partition scheme), you can make a third/forth primary partition which you dedicate to OSX.
Use a tool like GPartEd (comes on most linux live cd's) or for example Easeus' partition manager for windows (google it, it's free) to shrink one or more of your current partitions to free up space (at least 10 GB). Then, you create a new partition within that new space, and you install OSX on that one.
Chameleon bootloaders work fine on multiboot systems, as long as you are only using primary partitions (not extended + logical ones!) or if you use the GPT partition scheme.
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