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larrougos 04-10-2012 03:50 AM

Update on kernel from Bronzovka..
"NEW KERNEL mach_kernel V4 supported all old Intel AMD core but without emulator Ssse3"

PookyMacMan 04-10-2012 04:51 AM

Whee! Now we need some source code! :D This is getting exciting...

paced98 04-10-2012 03:18 PM

This is cool, now it supports old intel proccessors too. But is that all it does in this update, just more support to old proccessors.

tylwright 04-10-2012 05:12 PM

I gave up on Niresh's DVD. No matter what I did, it would not boot.

I just installed a clean copy of Lion on a flash drive and replaced the kernel with an AMD version. It boots but I get a kernel panic saying: "Unable to find driver for this platform: \"ACPI\"..."

Any ideas?

PookyMacMan 04-10-2012 07:02 PM

You are not using a kernel compatible wit your system. Did you get the right kernel?

tylwright 04-10-2012 07:06 PM

Yes, I'm using the second kernel on this page:

WxWatch 04-10-2012 07:25 PM

I did the same thing and it's telling me that it can't find legacy_kernel

tylwright 04-10-2012 10:28 PM

Well, I managed to get a couple of lines farther but now I'm stuck on:

"RTC: Only single RAM bank (128 bytes)"

What does that even mean?

tylwright 04-11-2012 04:50 AM

I managed to get a little bit farther using rBoot. Currently, I'm stuck at: "Failed to load -link error"

What can I do to resolve this issue?

alaskan 04-11-2012 05:19 AM

Use the mach_kernel_V4 one at the top of his page
Or this page:
to get it to boot install your favorite chameleon flavor, then at the chameleon promp type -legacy cpus=2 busratio=16 arch=i386 GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=0.

At least that is what worked for me.
Doesn't have a working Finder though, because that one is 64bit only.

Asus M4A78 motherboard with AMD Athlon II x2 250 processor.
ati SB700/770 chipset.
ATI RadeonHD 4350 enabled using ATI4350.Fix.v2.kext. In /Extra/Extensions/

VoodooHDA273 for sound.

Disabler.kext in /E/E
EvilAppleACPIPlatform in /E/E
IOPCIFamily from the install in /E/E ( I think this one is for 10.6.2 or 4)

And in org.chameleon.Boot.plist I put -legacy -v cpus=2 busratio=30 (mine required this) arch=i386 -force64 (for when the kernel will support this) GraphicsEnabler=Yes PCIRootUID=0 into kernel flags.
Notice the changed numbers for cpus and PCIRootUID. Seems to make a difference, and is what our Russian friends are doing to theirs.

paced98 04-11-2012 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by alaskan (Post 57044)
At least that is what worked for me.
Doesn't have a working Finder though

I got the 32bit finder at page 40 (or something, just look around and you will see the download link I made).

francesco 04-11-2012 01:20 PM

boot niresh dvd with cpus=1 busratio=11 -legacy "Kernel Cache"=amd Graphicsenabler=yes PCIRootUID=0 -v and I received " still waiting for root device.

:( Any help?

I have amd turion x2

Unrealized 04-11-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by francesco (Post 57047)
boot niresh dvd with cpus=1 busratio=11 -legacy "Kernel Cache"=amd Graphicsenabler=yes PCIRootUID=0 -v and I received " still waiting for root device.

:( Any help?

I have amd turion x2

I have not heard of a successful install with Niresh's dvd yet. lol.

francesco 04-11-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 57048)
I have not heard of a successful install with Niresh's dvd yet. lol.

How I can update to 10.6.8 to 10.7.3 xD? I really don't know, any help is good :).

Unrealized 04-11-2012 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by francesco (Post 57049)
How I can update to 10.6.8 to 10.7.3 xD? I really don't know, any hel is good :).

As I've said (for the 7th time, just counted!) many times, you need to use iAtkos L2 or a real mac. You don't really "update", but you install it to it's own partition via Snow Leopard.

Run OSInstall.mpkg from iAtkos L2 dvd and you should be set, pick an empty partition and just drop in the kernel afterwards. :)

Seby 04-11-2012 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by francesco (Post 57047)
boot niresh dvd with cpus=1 busratio=11 -legacy "Kernel Cache"=amd Graphicsenabler=yes PCIRootUID=0 -v and I received " still waiting for root device.

:( Any help?

I have amd turion x2

Try adding idlehalt=0 as boot flag

francesco 04-11-2012 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 57051)
As I've said (for the 7th time, just counted!) many times, you need to use iAtkos L2 or a real mac. You don't really "update", but you install it to it's own partition via Snow Leopard.

Run OSInstall.mpkg from iAtkos L2 dvd and you should be set, pick an empty partition and just drop in the kernel afterwards. :)

Thank you very much, I'm sorry, my english is so bad and I don't read all post :(.

tylwright 04-11-2012 03:47 PM

Alright, thanks to the posts above, I've gotten a couple of lines farther but still no luck.

I'm currently stuck on:
"USBF: 0.949 AppleUSBEHCI[0x80x40800]::CheckSleepCapability - controller will be" and then it's cut off and the system freezes.

Any ideas?

Unrealized 04-11-2012 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by tylwright (Post 57061)
Alright, thanks to the posts above, I've gotten a couple of lines farther but still no luck.

I'm currently stuck on:
"USBF: 0.949 AppleUSBEHCI[0x80x40800]::CheckSleepCapability - controller will be" and then it's cut off and the system freezes.

Any ideas?

It freezes to that part if I either

1) Have no working GPU drivers in use
2) I don't use -legacy

francesco 04-11-2012 10:40 PM

how I open the dmg file for view the contents?:(

delgadilloalex 04-12-2012 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by paced98 (Post 56942)
Got the Finder app! Have not tested yet, but I have found my DP2 lion and does have the setting to run in 32bit mode:):) Please test and check if it does work by replacing finder in System/Library/CoreServices


can u please upload xpchelper from dp2 in show hidden files


i would like to see if it fixes endless crash thats consuming cpu.

Unrealized 04-12-2012 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by delgadilloalex (Post 57072)
can u please upload xpchelper from dp2 in show hidden files


i would like to see if it fixes endless crash thats consuming cpu.

There is nothing wrong with the xpchelper, It's a kernel bug.

JadedRaverLA 04-12-2012 10:03 AM

Making the XPCHelper issue slightly better...
Hey everybody,

When I saw that an attempt was being made to create an AMD compatible kernel of Lion, I dug out an old PC (all my newer systems are actual Macs) and installed 10.7.3 on it. I ran into the same xpchelper issue that everyone else here mentioned. Although I'm not a good enough coder to improve the kernel itself, I did manage to make the problem less annoying.

First up:


tell application "Activity Monitor" to activate
do shell script "launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/"
do shell script "launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" user name "adminuser" password "adminpwd" with administrator privileges

This AppleScript is very simple. It just launches Activity Monitor (so that you can see when xpchelper goes crazy. Then, it unloads the crash reporter (both from the user and as root) so that when xpchelper DOES crash, crash reporter doesn't go crazy creating system logs and writing them to disk. The downside is you can't get crash reports of other crashes, but for now, it's a huge help. You obviously need to replace adminuser and adminpwd with your administrative username and password. Then save the code in AppleScript Editor as an application. You can either save it to the desktop for quick access or use the login manager to set it to autorun. The downside is you still need to watch Activity Monitor for when xpchelper goes crazy, but simply clicking it and hitting the Quit Process button takes care of it until the next time it goes nuts.

I'm trying to make it so you don't need to do that:


property currenttime : 0
property previousbreak : 0 as integer
property currentbreak : 0 as integer
on idle
        set currenttime to time of (current date)
        set currentbreak to (currenttime / 60 / 60 / 30) as integer
        if currentbreak is not equal to previousbreak then
                do shell script "/usr/bin/killall xpchelper" user name "adminuser" password "adminpwd" with administrator privileges
                set previousbreak to currentbreak
        end if
end idle

This is a basic script that runs as an idle process and simply kills all xpchelper processes every two minutes. It does keep you from having to watch Activity Monitor but in my experience killing the process when its not going crazy leads to more app crashes, so its not ideal. Still, if you want to use it, again replace aminuser and adminpwd with the necessary details, compile and save in AppleScript Editor. This time you need to save as format Application, and check the box next to keep open.

I'm working on a method where it looks at CPU Utilization of the xpchelper processes and kills only the ones that have gone crazy. I don't have that quite working yet though, and it may need to kill all instances as the bad ones are crashing and reforming too quickly.

Anyway, hope that helps. On my system 10.7.3 is fairly useable on an old AMD system, which is pretty impressive given that none of it was possible just a couple weeks ago.

Unrealized 04-12-2012 11:27 AM

Or you can just chmod -x it :) so it's not executable, and crash dumps wouldnt be written AT ALL. It's not the xpchelper which is eating the CPU here, It's the ReportCrash (or whatever) process.

Lacedaemon 04-12-2012 09:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey guys,

I have an AMD Athlon II X4 645, and my "About this Mac" used to say "Unknown CPU 3.1 GHz". When I installed OS X, I didn't have a dsdt.aml; However, when I finally extracted and compiled my own, my processor now says "3.1 GHz Intel Core i5". Is it possible to install Lion now that it displays an Intel CPU? I've attached a screenshot of my current "About this Mac".


delgadilloalex 04-13-2012 04:50 AM

[quote=JadedRaverLA;57074]Hey everybody,


tell application "Activity Monitor" to activate
do shell script "launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/"
do shell script "launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" user name "adminuser" password "adminpwd" with administrator privileges

this works but most apps crash after bout 10 min except safr,and afew others
but when crashes cant run it any more


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 57075)
Or you can just chmod -x it :) so it's not executable, and crash dumps wouldnt be written AT ALL. It's not the xpchelper which is eating the CPU here, It's the ReportCrash (or whatever) process.

it still runs activitymon. but mess. is access denied over and over
so then it wouldent boot with out it so.........single user boot
chmod 755
got so excited. thanks thou.

Unrealized 04-13-2012 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lacedaemon (Post 57081)
Hey guys,

I have an AMD Athlon II X4 645, and my "About this Mac" used to say "Unknown CPU 3.1 GHz". When I installed OS X, I didn't have a dsdt.aml; However, when I finally extracted and compiled my own, my processor now says "3.1 GHz Intel Core i5". Is it possible to install Lion now that it displays an Intel CPU? I've attached a screenshot of my current "About this Mac".


No, it's just a text string :)

paced98 04-14-2012 12:16 AM

Any news on a newer kernel yet?

Godofwar 04-14-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 57051)
As I've said (for the 7th time, just counted!) many times, you need to use iAtkos L2 or a real mac. You don't really "update", but you install it to it's own partition via Snow Leopard.

Run OSInstall.mpkg from iAtkos L2 dvd and you should be set, pick an empty partition and just drop in the kernel afterwards. :)

Hi, thanks for your help. What kernel do I need for Amd Phenom IIx4 965? Does a kernel exist for that? And how do I just drop the kernel in? Is there a new folder that will be created on my snow leopard side that has Lions operating system in it that I can browse and drop the kernel in some how? Thank you my friend. I can install Lion on Snow Leopard side with iAtkos L2, do I need to be at Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or is being at 10.6.6 for Lion disc alright too or you are unsure?

Anyone have any Iatko's Lion Wallpaper? Iatko's has a pretty cool looking lion logo.

lunfai 04-15-2012 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Godofwar (Post 57104)
Hi, thanks for your help. What kernel do I need for Amd Phenom IIx4 965? Does a kernel exist for that? And how do I just drop the kernel in? Is there a new folder that will be created on my snow leopard side that has Lions operating system in it that I can browse and drop the kernel in some how? Thank you my friend. I can install Lion on Snow Leopard side with iAtkos L2, do I need to be at Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or is being at 10.6.6 for Lion disc alright too or you are unsure?

Anyone have any Iatko's Lion Wallpaper? Iatko's has a pretty cool looking lion logo.

PM'ed you with instructions.

todesto 04-15-2012 12:22 AM

Please help~~

Originally Posted by lunfai (Post 57105)
PM'ed you with instructions.

Can you help me out with instruction as well? Thanks.

paced98 04-15-2012 02:18 AM

Wow, v5 is out!
Fix for old 1 core AMD cpus

lunfai 04-15-2012 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by todesto (Post 57106)
Can you help me out with instruction as well? Thanks.

sure sent, if you already have Snow Leopard running, use method 2.

Anyone got iCloud to work?

eluminx 04-15-2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by lunfai (Post 57108)
sure sent, if you already have Snow Leopard running, use method 2.

Anyone got iCloud to work?

I hate to be a pest, but could i get a copy of those instructions as well? I already have a copy of SL running and would not mind trying out Lion. Thanks for the help.

no1youknowz 04-15-2012 05:35 PM

Yes, could you also PM me with those instructions?

Anyone here working in getting LION on a VM? This is my primary usage...

maya77 04-15-2012 05:50 PM

Why instructions via PMs?

Post them here, please.

lunfai 04-15-2012 08:10 PM

Well, It's not finished. I will post them up when I finished the write up. EDIT: Formatted, it's being currently being approved on Insanely.

As for iCloud not working it's because we're using a self-compiled kernel meaning we won't be able to use it.

Unrealized 04-16-2012 07:26 AM

Does xpchelper still crash with the latest kernels? :)

davisin666 04-16-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 57119)
Does xpchelper still crash with the latest kernels? :)

Yep :(
But only a few apps use xpchelper (TextEdit, Preview, etc)

lunfai 04-16-2012 09:20 PM Here's the guide, anyway yes it still crashes, sadly.

Lacedaemon 04-17-2012 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by lunfai (Post 57127) Here's the guide, anyway yes it still crashes, sadly.


I have an existing Snow Leopard installation and am interested in installing/upgrading to OS X Lion. I followed your guide step by step, but every time I try to boot from my Lion partition, it instantly reboots the PC. During the post-installation phase, I didn't quite understand you when you said, "Install Chameleon using Chameleon Wizard on the harddrive." So I went ahead and used my existing bootloader to try and boot Lion, of course with your boot flags. I also tried using a USB stick to boot from it, but no success. Could the existing bootloader be the problem, and if it is, should I attempt to find the previously explained "Chameleon wizard" to install the proper one, then use fdisk to make my Lion partition my active one?


rhcp011235 04-17-2012 07:29 AM

Well, Thanks for getting this kernel going.

I have installed and gotten a FX4100 AMD chip to boot/install Lion. Finder works and Itunes works and appstore works. It doesnt seem to like to run 32bit apps. DYLD needs to be patched so it seems and many more things. This has a way to go.

Many OSX86 devs are on a IRC server that i use. Including nawcom and others.

I have started a chan for AMD. #amd-hackintosh also people are in #hackintosh

lunfai 04-17-2012 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Lacedaemon (Post 57129)

I have an existing Snow Leopard installation and am interested in installing/upgrading to OS X Lion. I followed your guide step by step, but every time I try to boot from my Lion partition, it instantly reboots the PC. During the post-installation phase, I didn't quite understand you when you said, "Install Chameleon using Chameleon Wizard on the harddrive." So I went ahead and used my existing bootloader to try and boot Lion, of course with your boot flags. I also tried using a USB stick to boot from it, but no success. Could the existing bootloader be the problem, and if it is, should I attempt to find the previously explained "Chameleon wizard" to install the proper one, then use fdisk to make my Lion partition my active one?


Hello! Did you replace the mach_kernel file in the root of the installed Lion partition? If your machine reboots without showing any verbose (after kexts are loaded on screen and kicks into the system boot, your machine is either unsupported or your using wrong mach_kernel.

Try v5 or the one at the bottom (of the 5, the oldest one), but shouldn't make a difference. Charmeleon Wizard is a program you can get for Mac (Snow Leopard/Lion) that installs the latest version of Charmeleon (or update), with ease. It's a small application that downloads the latest trunk build and then even does the dirty work for you.

But, reading from that you need to replace mach_kernel. Open your Snow Leopard partition OR macdrive and replace the mach_kernel (it will be hidden, use showallfiles) on your Lion partition.

Lacedaemon 04-17-2012 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by lunfai (Post 57131)
Hello! Did you replace the mach_kernel file in the root of the installed Lion partition? If your machine reboots without showing any verbose (after kexts are loaded on screen and kicks into the system boot, your machine is either unsupported or your using wrong mach_kernel.

Try v5 or the one at the bottom (of the 5, the oldest one), but shouldn't make a difference. Charmeleon Wizard is a program you can get for Mac (Snow Leopard/Lion) that installs the latest version of Charmeleon (or update), with ease. It's a small application that downloads the latest trunk build and then even does the dirty work for you.

But, reading from that you need to replace mach_kernel. Open your Snow Leopard partition OR macdrive and replace the mach_kernel (it will be hidden, use showallfiles) on your Lion partition.

Thanks for replying, lunfai. Yes, I did replace the mach_kernel with the one in your guide, and the system did in fact list a bunch of kexts before rebooting. I'll go ahead and try the different kernels you described and report back. Thanks again! ^_^

lunfai 04-17-2012 07:13 PM

Using a newer version of Chameleon might of been the problem, what build is the one your using? Let's add stuff.


-legacy -x -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 USBLegacyOff=Yes GraphicsEnabler=No

Lacedaemon 04-17-2012 07:37 PM

OK, I have not yet rebooted into Lion but I have replaced the mach_kernel with the v5 one. I am using Chameleon v2.0-RC5_699 (please note: this is located on my Snow Leopard partition, not my Lion partiton. I think I'll have to use fdisk to make the Lion partition active if I want to boot from there.) Thanks for those updated boot flags, I'll try those out later once this version thing is sorted out.

lunfai 04-17-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Lacedaemon (Post 57137)
OK, I have not yet rebooted into Lion but I have replaced the mach_kernel with the v5 one. I am using Chameleon v2.0-RC5_699 (please note: this is located on my Snow Leopard partition, not my Lion partiton. I think I'll have to use fdisk to make the Lion partition active if I want to boot from there.) Thanks for those updated boot flags, I'll try those out later once this version thing is sorted out.

The great thing about Chameleon Wizard is, it'll actually be able to upgrade your snow leopards chameleon to the latest build by picking partition, and you won't need to install it on the lion partition. :)

majicones 04-17-2012 09:50 PM

Hi I need help installing Lion. I am currently running snow leopard 10.6.8 on a Dell Inspiron M5030, AMD Athlon II P360 Dual Core Processor. I am a newb so please help with an easy solution.

majicones 04-17-2012 09:52 PM

I have 8gb ddr3 ram, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 series

dwash 04-17-2012 10:01 PM

CPU-Z TXT Report


CPU-Z version 1.60


Number of processors 1
Number of threads 2


Processor 0
-- Core 0
-- Thread 0 0
-- Core 1
-- Thread 0 1

Processors Information

Processor 1 ID = 0
Number of cores 2 (max 2)
Number of threads 2 (max 2)
Name AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+
Codename Brisbane
Specification AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3600+
Package Socket AM2 (940)
Extended CPUID F.6B
Brand ID 4
Core Stepping BH-G1
Technology 65 nm
Core Speed 1908.7 MHz
Multiplier x FSB 9.5 x 200.9 MHz
HT Link speed 1004.6 MHz
Stock frequency 1900 MHz
Instructions sets MMX (+), 3DNow! (+), SSE, SSE2, SSE3, x86-64, AMD-V
L1 Data cache 2 x 64 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64-byte line size
L1 Instruction cache 2 x 64 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64-byte line size
L2 cache 2 x 512 KBytes, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
FID/VID Control yes
Max FID 9.5x
Max VID 1.300 V
# of P-States 3
P-State FID 0x2 - VID 0x12 (5.00x - 1.100 V)
P-State FID 0xA - VID 0x0D (9.00x - 1.225 V)
P-State FID 0xB - VID 0x0C (9.50x - 1.250 V)

K8 Thermal sensor yes
K8 Revision ID 6.0
Attached device PCI device at bus 0, device 24, function 0
Attached device PCI device at bus 0, device 24, function 1
Attached device PCI device at bus 0, device 24, function 2
Attached device PCI device at bus 0, device 24, function 3