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R:A:W:X86 07-02-2012 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by gils (Post 58079)
I confess I do not understand anything, the FX is not based on data SSSE3 manufacturer AMD, and the FX work in 64 bit mode? Thank you explain to me please?

dunno where your information comes from, but the FX has SSSE3 support:


Originally Posted by xmaniak100 (Post 58081)
Aha... but couldnt it be patched???

Where there's a will there's a way.
But that way will be a rocky road & I currenlty see noone to walk it.

To speak for myself I don't have any skills to write some simd emulation.

And even if there would be some other workaround for this - I don't have a platform to do testing on this.
I was playing with the thought of getting some Sempron 14* to try some stuff, but I don't want to waste 30 bucks on something with a bare possibility to work in the end...


Originally Posted by xmaniak100 (Post 58081)
cause my audio kexts work only in 64 bit and i canthave stable lion W/O them

64-Bit only Kernel Extensions require the X86_64 Kernel.
Having i386 Kernel with 64-Bit support enabled, won't work for this.

Currently I don't even have this working on the FX - all patched Kernel builds are i386 only.


Originally Posted by xmaniak100 (Post 58081)
And guys...just seeking an advice...should i go for this CPU ??? Or should I spend 50 more euros and buy new mobo and inteli 3/5?

If you could / would effort this, I'd do.

My main Workstation is equipt with an Intel Xeon E-1220 - so I can compare directly & the OS X work expierence is much better.

Altough the AMD-OSx86 thing is still fun to me.^^ :D

gils 07-02-2012 10:55 PM



ok, this info was not clear in my research, the FX is 3SE.
Will we one day run correctly the K10 as a 64-bit? Or will you join the circle of it missing processors like the IBM PPC?
It is true that with a E1220 processur Untel, care about them do not exist. Myself being equipped with a E1230, the least we can say this is not history.
thank you anyway for your work and your patient even if it is a game for you.

wastez 07-03-2012 10:08 AM

@ gils
If nobody will write a SSSE3 Emulator we will get stuck at this point and there will no way to run it in 64 bit kernelmode ever.
My mind is that nobody will do this, cause there are alternatives which are working.

@ xmaniak100
I would spend the money in an Intel System cause a Intel will work with the vanilla kernel. You don´t have to patch your binaries and as long as apple will take intel cpus the system will be compatible.

no1youknowz 07-03-2012 02:22 PM

Hey Guys,

I keep on getting this:


The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. Power off or reset the virtual machine.
I had snow leopard 10.6.8 working fine under ubuntu 11.10 but I've upgraded to 12.04 and now I'm getting this message. I've patched it to allow Apple machine but what else do I need to do? I can't recall what else.

This is the same for 10.7.4 vm that I grab from the net.

With virtualbox I just get a kernel panic.


Deltac0 07-04-2012 09:08 AM

Hi. I registered on this forum just to reply on this topic. :)

I've got Lion 10.7.2 running on AMD. 32-bit only though...
I installed it to another partition from my Snow Leopard, replaced the kernel, added kexts and replaced the with the one from DP2.

My boot flags: -legacy arch=i386 npci=0x3000
I use Bronzovka's kernel V4. The system hasn't crashed even single time in few days.
Only problem I've found is with Logic Pro 9, it crashes for some unknown reason...

But now I'm interested in 64-bit. I have Phenom II 965. I've read few pages of this topic and it seems to be pretty damn hard to get the kernel running in 64. So, what blocks the 64 bit? Is the kernel compiled only for 32/i386?

gils 07-04-2012 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Deltac0 (Post 58091)
Hi. I registered on this forum just to reply on this topic. :)

I've got Lion 10.7.2 running on AMD. 32-bit only though...
I installed it to another partition from my Snow Leopard, replaced the kernel, added kexts and replaced the with the one from DP2.

My boot flags: -legacy arch=i386 npci=0x3000
I use Bronzovka's kernel V4. The system hasn't crashed even single time in few days.
Only problem I've found is with Logic Pro 9, it crashes for some unknown reason...

But now I'm interested in 64-bit. I have Phenom II 965. I've read few pages of this topic and it seems to be pretty damn hard to get the kernel running in 64. So, what blocks the 64 bit? Is the kernel compiled only for 32/i386?


last modified kernel based Dimitrik reviewed by R:A:W:X86 runs only on 64 bit FX buldo.

m4f1050 07-04-2012 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Deltac0 (Post 58091)
Hi. I registered on this forum just to reply on this topic. :)

I've got Lion 10.7.2 running on AMD. 32-bit only though...
I installed it to another partition from my Snow Leopard, replaced the kernel, added kexts and replaced the with the one from DP2.

My boot flags: -legacy arch=i386 npci=0x3000
I use Bronzovka's kernel V4. The system hasn't crashed even single time in few days.
Only problem I've found is with Logic Pro 9, it crashes for some unknown reason...

But now I'm interested in 64-bit. I have Phenom II 965. I've read few pages of this topic and it seems to be pretty damn hard to get the kernel running in 64. So, what blocks the 64 bit? Is the kernel compiled only for 32/i386?

Your processor is not bulldozer, there is no kernel with 64bit support for previous AMD bulldozer CPU (i.e. athlon, phenom..)

wastez 07-05-2012 09:59 AM


Hi. I registered on this forum just to reply on this topic.

I've got Lion 10.7.2 running on AMD. 32-bit only though...
I installed it to another partition from my Snow Leopard, replaced the kernel, added kexts and replaced the with the one from DP2.

My boot flags: -legacy arch=i386 npci=0x3000
I use Bronzovka's kernel V4. The system hasn't crashed even single time in few days.
Only problem I've found is with Logic Pro 9, it crashes for some unknown reason...

But now I'm interested in 64-bit. I have Phenom II 965. I've read few pages of this topic and it seems to be pretty damn hard to get the kernel running in 64. So, what blocks the 64 bit? Is the kernel compiled only for 32/i386?
Your CPU is the problem why 64 bit will not work.
To run 64 bit kernel your CPU has to support SSSE3 instructions, and yours doesn´t support that.
So if you like to run 64 bit (userland, not kernelmode) you have to stay on Snow Leopard.

Don´t know it for sure (because i don´t know the error log), but much apple software need SSSE3 instructions too (like Final Cut X).
And i could imagine thats the same for logic but to be sure you have to post the log.

Deltac0 07-05-2012 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by m4f1050 (Post 58104)
Your processor is not bulldozer, there is no kernel with 64bit support for previous AMD bulldozer CPU (i.e. athlon, phenom..)

Yea, I know that. I was just wondering if someone could write SSSE3 emulator?

I'm also interested in kernel developing, just grabbed XCode 4.2 on my SL and compiled Lion XNU with AMD patches...
Still no boot, but its fun to take a look at the source of the kernel. :p

EDIT: Seems like the SSSE3 instructions are all in the commpage, which is written in Assembly...
Am I right, someone who actually knows something, could you confirm this?

frisco2 07-07-2012 04:01 PM

Hi Jungs,
einen Emulator finde ich Prima !!!
Ich habe im Internet gesucht und bin auf ein paar ältere Webseiten ( › InfiniteMac und insaneleymac) aufmerksam geworden. Es ging um die ersten SSE Emulationen für 10.4 daraufhin habe ich das Thema weiter verfolgt und habe diese Seiten gefunden und vielleicht kann R:A:W:X86 oder bronzovka es irgendwie Sinnvoll nutzen, eventuell um einen geeigneten AMD Kernel Patch zu realisieren?

Auf der Seite ist unter download ein Tool , das die Daten der CPU einliest, es wird auch von einem SSEPlus Emulator geschrieben?, leider habe ich davon null Ahnung, bitte nicht böse auf mich sein.

Desweiteren habe ich hier noch ein paar AMD Phenom II Binäar-Dateien siehe Link

Und hier noch die xnu-1699.26.8.tar.gz hier

Für 10.4. war es doch Möglich einen SSE3 emulator zu realisieren warum nicht jetzt für LION einen SSSE3 Emulator?

Was ist mit "SSE-Plus" ? das ist doch in der Lage einen SSSE3 zu emulieren?
Und was ist mit EM64T???????

Kann Jemand meine Fragen beantworten?