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xmaniak100 09-20-2012 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Godofwar (Post 58817)
So I rushed ahead and did the process again and just realized that something is wrong yet again. For whatever reason my bootloader stays the older version even after I delete the Snow Leopard partition. It makes 0 sense to me and I installed the newer Chameleon onto the Lion but no it wants to keep detecting the old Boot Loader. Any solutions for this dumb bootloader that doesn't want to update to the newer bootloader? So my problems are boot loader related because the freaking bootloader loves to stick with the 2009 version even tho I have a 2012 version of Chameleon that I installed on Lion, I erased the Snow Leopard Partition yet some how Chameleon 2009 version is still there.

It may happen if it was installed to the EFI partition which has priority over the normal one...try to delete or reformat it... you should be able to see it with command sudo diskutil list

Godofwar 09-20-2012 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by xmaniak100 (Post 58822)
That is REALLYstrange could you tell me what exactly did you do??? or make a video?

Used Mod Cd boot disc like I normally do and I use Hazard 10.6.6i(something I know they don't like us talking about here) but its what I used to use to get Snow Leopard running because I could never get retail to work ever. Used to install fine before I had my neighbor put his harddrive in temporarily so I can do this little Hackintosh project. Maybe one of the plugged in cords is causing this weird CMOS failing 3 error? Should I try filming this all with my Vita camera(It's junky but all I have...)

Edit: I'm gonna make another video so people can see what I see. Also I used to use the -v -x -f cpus=1 busratio=20 arch=i386 on modcd plus hazards distro but that really isn't needed. I tried doing it and I still get the error so I know that command isn't needed.

Godofwar 09-20-2012 06:59 AM

New Video, new problem... I thought 3 harddrives would finally be my solution to getting Lion to finally work... Now I have a new problem, can't even install Snow Leopard anymore... Weird CMOS errors showing up now. There is no easy way to get Lion to work with my rig, unless I'm just a screw up.

Godofwar 09-20-2012 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by xmaniak100 (Post 58820)
So first of all You CAN NOT use any SL kexts on makes sense same as you cant use windows XP drivers on Windows 7... You must use chameleon 2.1 there is a link: And manually replacing kernel isnt bad :)

Thanks, since 3 harddrives were causing that error in Snow Leopard I decided to do only two. But I have a trick up my sleeve. I did this so far. I installed Windows 7, easybcd, added snow leopard to the boot. Installed Snow Leopard on my 2nd harddrive. Now I'm in my Snow Leopard side currently, I erased my Windows 7 side(This is where I'm going to install Lion). And than after I install Lion I'm going to put Windows 7 disc install my computer and delete my Snow Leopard side, install Windows 7 again and add Lion to the boot side on Easy BCD. And everything should work out beautifully if that Chameleon boot loader you gave me for lion will work. :p

Is this crazy enough to work?

Godofwar 09-20-2012 10:00 PM

OMG, OMG, OMG I GOT IT WORKING! LION LOADS BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY INTERNET CONNECTION ETHERNET CONNECTION ISN'T DETECTED ARE THERE ANY kexts for it? Sorry for caps, I'm so excited!!! I can't believe that I got it working! I need Kexts for my internet and Voodoo Kexts to get my audio working. No which ones I'll need? I can't believe I got it working. Also, finder is not working so I need the correct finder.

ham4ever 09-20-2012 10:10 PM

any idea to get latest chameleon to install in USB using winows , ?? i can't acces any MAC partition

Godofwar 09-20-2012 10:28 PM

Yeah, I realized that Chameleon still refuses to install to my Lions harddrive. I only got Lion working because a black loader came up and I'm pretty sure thats not Chameleon. :'(

I still have the problem of my Finder being broken, Sound not working, and internet not working for Lion. They really don't make this all that easy for me.

The Connactic 09-20-2012 11:10 PM

Congratulations, Godofwar!

Which method did you use?

Finder won't work. Google Lion DP2 Finder (is a 32-bit version).

Google also - there you will find any kext that you really need.

Godofwar 09-20-2012 11:20 PM

Typing from my playstation vita. Im still having problems to some degree. Will i have to use legacy command each time? Also what kexts do i need to get internet to work? I know theres a pkg file for voodoo sound to work. Is there a kext or pkg file to get internet? Plus, i willl need that dock pkg or kext.

Godofwar 09-21-2012 03:56 AM

I can not get windows 7 and lion to co-exist. I also still am missing sound and network from lion. I do not know how to install the dock.