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Snow 03-19-2008 06:40 PM

Yeah bud, no good.

In time machine prefs I get: Backup volume could not be found

My thread about this issue is here:

agrafuese 03-20-2008 02:05 AM

Last night I gave up on the nLan adapter after I discovered that it doesn't handle local network shares properly. So I went back to my original Leopard installation with skgeosx/Marvell lan adapter. System has been up 14 hours now and slow jerky mouse is back. This time it's less intense, but I'm leaving my system on to see if it gets worse over time. Some notes: Last night when I left the system on, I forgot that Little Snitch was off, and I was running Transmission. Coincidentally, Transmission crashed only two hours after I fell asleep, so I didn't get a good test out of that. However, I re-opened it, and turned Little Snitch back on. After about 2-3 hours, the mouse jerking is happening. This is also what I was doing while it happened:

Safari 3.1 - I was aggressively browsing and downloading about 30 MP3 files ranging from 2MB-16MB in size.
Quicktime - I was sampling each of the MP3s I was downloading.
iChat - talking to one friend (about the MP3s, hehehe).
Transmission - as I already mentioned, downloading a 3GB file from approx. 20 peers and seeding at the same time to others.

As soon as I noticed the mouse jerking, I stopped Little Snitch to see if it would help. It either didn't help or the difference was very slight.

Now, as I check my console again, what do I see? Oh! The f**king mDNSresponder tick messages and a host of cs_invalid_page messages again! This has to be somehow related, and the only things that come up on google about these messages are related to hackintoshes or VERY rare "real" mac problems not related to our issues at all. Here's a text file of the console messages. Go through them if you'd like, and let me know if you get anything at all similar to this. Most importantly, I want to know what "lssave" is, and if it has anything to do with Little Snitch, because I am getting that particular cs_invalid_page message A LOT (as you'll see).

<a href=""></a>

agrafuese 03-20-2008 02:13 AM

Ok! I just googled the "lssave" thing and found out that it has to do with the same LaunchServices thing I was talking about a couple days ago. Coincidentally, I found an apple discussion link that once again pointed to that LaunchServices database rebuilder that I gave the link to. I will now try it out and report back with results (if any).

EDIT: Ok, tried it out, and no luck on clearing these "lssave" cs_invalid_page messages. I don't think it will help me out in any other way, but I'll report back if it does somehow.

WinLinMac01 03-20-2008 04:28 AM

I know this might sound like a very basic problem, but what is the severity level of this issue? Is this mouse movement noticed in all of your computers everyone? Or am I the only one not facing problems with this release, lol. =)

I would like to hear. Thanks everyone.

cosgrove 03-20-2008 11:32 AM

I had a whole big post typed out but i accidentally hit command+left arrow and lost it :(

Long story short, I'm in the same boat as the rest of you (computer is a x2 3800+ OC'd to 2.5Ghz via FSB increase running zephyroth 10.5.2 rev1) and have the seemingly random 10810 errors. I get random reboots too while I'm away from my computer, so it's never on long enough to see the jerky mouse all the time.

I tried running everything I have at once to run it out of threads, but it didn't work. I'm going to try relaxing the FSB and see if that helps tomorrow.

agrafuese 03-20-2008 12:16 PM

what mobo/chipset do you have? and what kind of ram do you have? do you have any constantly running apps in the background (like little snitch)? at this point i've given up on finding a solution, and i just want to know what common link divides those of us who are having these issues from those who are not. there has to be an answer.

for me, a sure-fire way to get the system to start acting strange was to run torrents with little snitch turned on. so i turned off little snitch and started downloading a torrent, and so far i've been running for 10 hours without an issue. additionally, i've only seen ONE mDNSresponder "tick" error since. normally i would have seen about 10 by now. that's all i've got to say though :) i'm sure this problem will return in some way or another.

agrafuese 03-20-2008 01:10 PM

here's a little something to try out, posted by bhast2:

the theory is that cutting down on system logs will free up performance a bit. try it for yourselves, but give it some time guys. post back with your results. after i do it, i'm gonna try for a 24 hour run with some torrent downloads and little snitch.

WinLinMac01 03-20-2008 03:57 PM

that would be amazing if cutting the system log works, crossing my fingers. =)

bhast2 03-20-2008 04:17 PM


[cite] agrafuese:[/cite]here's a little something to try out, posted by bhast2:

the theory is that cutting down on system logs will free up performance a bit. try it for yourselves, but give it some time guys. post back with your results. after i do it, i'm gonna try for a 24 hour run with some torrent downloads and little snitch.

As i can see this doesn't work at all still get the errors

cosgrove 03-20-2008 06:36 PM

I have an NF4 DFI Lanparty Ultra-D with G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 500 (PC 4000), and a radeon x1900xt. I had little snitch installed at one point then I decided I didn't need it and uninstalled it. I haven't ran a torrent for a few weeks. Nothing starts at login.