InfiniteMac OSx86

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Godofwar 09-24-2012 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58905)

Open Type:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

Hit enter, than type:

killall Finder

You'll see that fseventsd-uuid vanishing like magic. :)

Nope, still there. Also, I never told Lion to show hidden files. So I don't know why I would have to tell them to hide them now... Your -legacy npci=0x3000 boot command worked but problem is that I still crash every so often before booting up Lion. No matter if I type -legacy -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 or -legacy npci=0x3000

I am using the correct kernel right? I am using mach kervnel brono something v4 I believe for my Amd Phenom II x4 965 3.4ghz.

Also, fixed the sound problem. I just had to not use my motherboards sound. I used my soundcards sound. It turns out Voodoo was compatible with my sound card but its still only using 2 speakers instead of 5.

One thing is messed up tho, I get no sound Mac sound effects... Is that normal? On Snow Leopard on Zipeg I would here it make some cool music when I extracted something.

The Connactic 09-24-2012 07:48 PM

Which iteration of Lion r u using?

Godofwar 09-24-2012 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58907)
Which iteration of Lion r u using?

IATKO's L2, and my mac side failed again. This is weird, I went on my windows 7 side and ran utorrent to finish up a download on it, I also ran Jdownloader to copy links from it so I could download from my mac side. So I saved those links as a .txt on my windows side. I than shut off my computer and booted up and these commands no longer work -legacy -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 and or -legacy npci=0x3000

Weird, I tried like 30 times shutting off my computer on and off with the -legacy -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 command and or -legacy npci=0x3000 but Mac side refuses to boot... :'(

I am using Bro march kernel v4 or whatever its called. Is that the correct kerenel for Amd Phenom II x4 965 3.4ghz?

gils 09-24-2012 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Godofwar (Post 58911)
IATKO's L2, and my mac side failed again. This is weird, I went on my windows 7 side and ran utorrent to finish up a download on it, I also ran Jdownloader to copy links from it so I could download from my mac side. So I saved those links as a .txt on my windows side. I than shut off my computer and booted up and these commands no longer work -legacy -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 and or -legacy npci=0x3000

Weird, I tried like 30 times shutting off my computer on and off with the -legacy -v arch=i386 npci=0x3000 command and or -legacy npci=0x3000 but Mac side refuses to boot... :'(

I am using Bro march kernel v4 or whatever its called. Is that the correct kerenel for Amd Phenom II x4 965 3.4ghz?

euh ??? iATKOS L2 does not work in installation live on AMD ! it only works for intel!
he settled in SL 10.6 UTILIZING his OSInstallmpk and provide for the replacement of the kernel.

pour les Atlon/Phenom : x4 965 -legacy busratio=17 UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=1 ou 0 et GraphicsEnabler=Yes ou No suivant les cartes graphiques .

Godofwar 09-25-2012 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by gils (Post 58915)
euh ??? iATKOS L2 does not work in installation live on AMD ! it only works for intel!
he settled in SL 10.6 UTILIZING his OSInstallmpk and provide for the replacement of the kernel.

pour les Atlon/Phenom : x4 965 -legacy busratio=17 UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=1 ou 0 et GraphicsEnabler=Yes ou No suivant les cartes graphiques .

I thought I was suppose to use IATKO'S L2 and patch it with the Mach Kernel v4 made by brokvenski or whatever his name is. Are you recommending a different Lion disc or distro? :eek: Official Lion disc or don't use that?

The Connactic 09-25-2012 04:32 AM

Godofwar, retail is always better. :)

I think you should update your system to 10.7.4 and replace your kernel for RAWX86's.

Godofwar 09-25-2012 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58918)
Godofwar, retail is always better. :)

I think you should update your system to 10.7.4 and replace your kernel for RAWX86's.

Will I run into problems with retail? I have no idea how to install retail, is it the same process? If its same process than I guess I will try retail.

The Connactic 09-25-2012 05:35 AM

Refer to MyHack (google it!) which has a comprehensive guide. Take in notice that even with retail you'll have issues because of your AMD CPU: it will only work in legacy mode (32-bit), the stock finder won't work etc. If you had a Bulldozer, you could run it flawlessly with full 64-bit app support.

Some people are just lucky, their old MoBos can settle with an upgrade to Bulldozer. Mine, despite being AM3, would not accept it. It's a sin. So i'm at the same boat as you, running Lion 10.7.4 on an outdated Athlon II X2 250 CPU. Anyway, even a 32-bit OSX grants me more computational joy than Win 7 ever gave me. :)

Godofwar 09-25-2012 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by gils (Post 58915)
euh ??? iATKOS L2 does not work in installation live on AMD ! it only works for intel!
he settled in SL 10.6 UTILIZING his OSInstallmpk and provide for the replacement of the kernel.

pour les Atlon/Phenom : x4 965 -legacy busratio=17 UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=1 ou 0 et GraphicsEnabler=Yes ou No suivant les cartes graphiques .

Hey man, it worked. But I have another problem now, my graphics card isn't being recognized now so the resolution is bad.

I did you command -legacy busratio=17 UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=1 GraphicsEnabler=Yes

How do I get my Nvidia card working? Do I need to update to 10.7.3? Your command worked perfectly! I am finally able to get back on my Mac side by I am not at 1920x1200 resolution. :-/

Thanks, but since I'm using ITAKO L2, can I just update to 10.7.3 and replace the kernel and dock. I have pathfinder so I should be able to do that right? Is that all I have to do or could my command change on what I have to type to get back on Mac?

Gils, you're a freaking genius. I fixed resolution problem I set PCIRootUID=1 to PCIRootUID=0!!! Thanks!

Godofwar 09-25-2012 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by The Connactic (Post 58920)
Refer to MyHack (google it!) which has a comprehensive guide. Take in notice that even with retail you'll have issues because of your AMD CPU: it will only work in legacy mode (32-bit), the stock finder won't work etc. If you had a Bulldozer, you could run it flawlessly with full 64-bit app support.

Some people are just lucky, their old MoBos can settle with an upgrade to Bulldozer. Mine, despite being AM3, would not accept it. It's a sin. So i'm at the same boat as you, running Lion 10.7.4 on an outdated Athlon II X2 250 CPU. Anyway, even a 32-bit OSX grants me more computational joy than Win 7 ever gave me. :)

Okay, now where exactly do I type this boot command in so I don't have to type a long boot command each time I want to run Mac?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Boot Graphics</key>
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<key>Quiet Boot</key>

My Text edit is broken, it won't work for whatever reason. A beachball loads constantly and it never loads up the text. I'm using a Mac text program called JE edit? Is that fine? Where exactly do I type -legacy busratio=17 UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0 GraphicsEnabler=Yes at? Does it go in one of those lines? Thanks! I didn't understand where you said I was suppose to post them last time. Also, when text editor was working it wouldn't let me overwrite the file before. I don't know why, and I have no idea why texteditor is not working anymore. Tho, JE text editor should work just as good no? :p

Thanks for all your help, I know I can be a pain in the butt but I think that command that other guy gils gave me might be the exact command I need. Tho, will that command work if I update to 10.7.3? And I asked earlier is that if I did update to 10.7.3 would all I have to do is replace the kernel and dock again or would I have to do something so much more? Also, is there a point to update to 10.7.3? Is it more stable or just safer to be on a higher number?