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Godofwar 10-12-2012 05:40 AM

Does anyone else get sound problems with OSX? Sometimes when I load up the system VOODOHDA doesn't load up even tho I have it set to load up each time I boot up Mac OS-X. :'(

jhusly 10-13-2012 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Godofwar (Post 59028)
Some reason my flash acts up slowly at times on Google Chrome browser(sadly this my favorite browser). Does anyone know of a good or possibly better browser than Chrome for OSX? Is Camino a good one? I really don't want to change browsers but something is off about Google Chrome which is a shame since I like how Google Chrome looks.

I love chrome too in windows but in osx i use firefox.

jhusly 10-14-2012 01:11 AM

anybody able to use sleep enabler on their lion hackintosh? Or atleast tried?

Godofwar 10-15-2012 02:39 AM

YES, I DID IT! I got my mac to self boot! :D

Still bugs me tho flash acts weird on my Mac and I'm not too sure my graphics card is getting along with Hackintosh for whatever reason that is. It's weird that when I watch videos on youtube it freeze for a quick second than unfreezes. It's weird that on Google Chrome things act weird on flash websites like Xat when I click grid the grid freezes for a quick second. But than when I use another browser like Camino the grid won't freeze but I still get that quick freeze on youtube videos no matter what browser I use. Also other weird stuff I have with my mac is the sound effects delay. Like if I empty my trash can I hear the trash can empty like 1 or 2 seconds later on a clear delay. I know thats not suppose to do that because my nephew has a real Mac(HE PAID 1,300 BUCKS FOR IT. beautiful screen on the Mac but I don't know if I'd ever pay that much for an operating system, but maybe if I was rich.) and his does not do that. So, I don't know if that is because I'm on Hacknitosh or if I have something not set up properly.

Also, I wish I didn't have such a crush on google Chrome since it really seems to not like my Hackintosh...

Godofwar 10-15-2012 04:10 AM

Now ain't this something? I just tried a Mac browser called Google Chrome Canary and it fixed all my browser freezing quickly related problems. Butt!!!! On youtube videos I now get weird scratchy noises on the videos... It's like I can't win? HAHAHA, this is a joke! :D

I must say this is quite weird how some browsers work differently than others... Very bizarree in my opinion.

Godofwar 10-15-2012 11:09 PM

Guys, what is the best alternative to TextEdit for Mac? I'm using JEdit, do you recommend a better text editor or is JEdit a good replacement?

Godofwar 10-19-2012 02:31 PM

Yeah, now my instant boot stopped working. I am back to being forced to type in commands such as -legacy UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0

Here's a screenshot of my org.chameleon.boot.plist from the Extra folder. Thanks

instant idiot 10-20-2012 01:15 AM

Here I am assuming that the only flags you have to specify at boot are these:

-legacy UseKernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0
Also, I reccomend making a backup of /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist before making these changes. (Just in case, y'know...)



to No.



and add PCIRootUID=0 to the <string> section of Kernel Flags.


(By the way, would you mind putting files like org.chameleon.Boot.plist between [code] tags instead of taking a screenshot? It's easier to read and modify.)

Godofwar 10-20-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by instant idiot (Post 59049)
Here I am assuming that the only flags you have to specify at boot are these: [code]-legacy UseKernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0

Yeah, sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't tho. I might not be typing the right commands in at boot. ^_^ I don't know, all I know is that Hackintosh Lion is a bit more complicating to get to boot up than Snow Leopard was. I know it's probably simple when I find the command that my pc wants it to use. Okay, I just saved my file in Jedit, I'll let you know if it works.

Godofwar 10-20-2012 03:33 PM

Nope, didn't work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Boot Graphics</key>
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-legacy npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0</string>
<key>Quiet Boot</key>
<key>Legacy Logo</key>