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ynoc 12-08-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by sobik (Post 40202)
I am using original SL 10.6 Retail DVD. Because not all of this pack was stable on my D630, I have made my own patched DSDT.aml and kext pack (assembled from several Snow Leopard D620/630/830 HOWTOs and proven sources -, etc...). What is important - this installation can be upgraded via Apple Software Update to the latest version 10.6.2 :)

I will post it here after another day or two of testing - just to be sure... ;)

Sobik: how is it going so far - I could help out testing a bit too.


InsanelyOne 12-09-2009 03:30 AM

Black screen on first boot after install
I'm trying to install onto a USB stick on my D630 with Intel X3100 graphics (1440x900 native resolution).

SL installed fine onto the USB stick but when I try to boot off of the stick it seems to be working just fine and then right when I think it would normally show the initial screen it just goes black. I've been scouring all of the Hackintosh related forums for hours and hours and can't find a solution.

Ideas anyone?

sad_nomad 12-10-2009 03:38 AM

plug external monitor, start the laptop, press F8 at the darwin bootloader, switch to external monitor (fn-F8), use -v switch, when text mode finishes - switch back to internal screen.

sad_nomad 12-10-2009 03:50 AM

how safe is to update D630 to 10.6.2
I have D630, running 10.6. how safe is to update the laptop to 10.6.2?
any advice ? thanks!

blacklabelsktr2 12-10-2009 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by sad_nomad (Post 40858)
I have D630, running 10.6. how safe is to update the laptop to 10.6.2?
any advice ? thanks!

I mentioned this data a few posts ago.
Basically, updating is safe, just make sure you delete the SleepEnabler.kext before rebooting or you won't be able to get it working again easily. Let me know if you are confused by my posts, it late here, so I'm kind of tired. I'll try and clear up the instructions if needed.

You may need to re-apply some kexts after update depending on your config.
I also decided to use an older version of the boot loader which fixed my usb and bluetooth from dropping out. I never made my own dst.aml file.. so this was a work around for me. To use the older version I just copied the boot file from the link below onto my current drive..

Now I updated from 10.6.1 to 10.6.2, but I don't see any trouble if you go straight from 10.6.0 to 10.6.2 as long as you delete that SleepEnabler before reboot.


Originally Posted by blacklabelsktr2 (Post 39253)
I tried the 10.6.2 Update through Apple Update. Deleted and replaced SleepEnabler.kext before rebooting. Seemed to update fine. However, when rebooting, it seems as though USB and Audio (and even bluetooth) no longer work. I applied the original kexts.. but no success with getting them working again. Anyone else experience this or know the fix?



How I fixed my problem after the 10.6.2 update..this is odd, but it worked for me..
First I made a copy of my screwd up SL install to a USB. Then:
1. Went to: (dang it, I copied the url wrong, so it wont work. For the boot file I'm using.. try this instead.. )
and downloaded Bootloader2. Installed the included Charmeleon 1 Installer to the USB drive, Copied included Boot to USB Drive /Volumes Folder.
2. Re-installed original Audio kexts from original D630 Package in this post (the original one, before the installer) Followed Included Directions on adding the VoodoHDA Helper and preferences.
The USB copy now has bluetooth working, audio, and USB again!!! I'm going to either do the same to my main drive or just clone it over.

Update: As mentioned in step 1.. The boot file included with that fixed almost all my issues.. It runs even better than before.. USB and Bluetooth work everytime now.. whereas before they would stop working every once in a while.

If you restart and have issues with your graphics resolution.. I just reinstalled the D630 installer package (uncheck option for reinstalling chameleon and then I used HelperKext to add SleepEnabler.kext and Natit.kext back in (to overwrite the existing bad ones).
my current specs (my profile wont let me update my sig for some reason)
Got a wifi card that works with airport! - the same card in the current mbp's
running 10.6.2
Everything working except for Sleep and Restart (also I don't think secondary monitor works..haven't tried it.)

InsanelyOne 12-13-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by sad_nomad (Post 40857)
plug external monitor, start the laptop, press F8 at the darwin bootloader, switch to external monitor (fn-F8), use -v switch, when text mode finishes - switch back to internal screen.

Well... I'm getting close but not quite there. I'm typing this now on my D630 under Snow Leopard but I'm in Safe Boot mode. If I don't do a safe boot I get this error:

ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - WARNING - LPC device initialization failed: C-state power management not initialized

I suspect it has something to do with the DSDT file. I've tried using the DSDT Patcher but that didn't get rid of the error. I've also tried removing the DSDT file but get the same error.

Suggestions are welcome...

wojei 12-18-2009 01:15 AM

Warning in console
Do any of you know how to fix any of the following errors that I get in a console:

12/17/09 7:10:23 PM[19] /SourceCache/SmartcardCCID/SmartcardCCID-35253/ccid/ccid/src/ifdhandler.c:1323:init_driver() Driver version: 1.3.8

12/17/09 7:10:26 PM[82] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:

12/17/09 7:10:28 PM[82] ([107]) Exited with exit code: 1

12/17/09 7:09:03 PM[11] EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 26


ganjabob 12-24-2009 08:48 PM

GMAX3100 loading but LCD is 'sheared'?
2 Attachment(s)
Hello gurus.

I've got retail SL installed with SLICs patch set and I'm able to boot up into SL on a Dell D630 with a GMA965 Intel video card.

However only my external monitor is appearing in the proper resolution (and size). Actually my LCD is also 'noticed' properly and loading the GMAX3100 appropriately and it's registering at 1440x900 (I used SwitchResX pro to change the settings). The strange thing is that the LCD is 'showing' my 1440x900 desktop bigger than it should, only the right 1/3 of the desktop and it's appearing only on the left side of the LCD. A picture's worth a 1000 words. The first pic is of the 'sheared' LCD image. Second is the System profiler showing my GMAX3100 drivers are loaded properly and registering the proper resolution.

SwitchResX is registering both monitors properly and their appropriate resolutions.
The LCD is vendor: AUO-6AF, product: 1347
The Monitor is vendor: NEC-38A3, product: 43BC.

I've build a custom resolution in SwitchResX for the LCD using the following:

Pixel Clock: 96.3 Mhz non-interlaced
Active: H=1440, V=900
Front Porch: 64pixels, 3 lines
Sync Width: 32pixels, 3 lines
Back Porch: 224pixels, 6 lines
Blanking: 320 pixles, 12 lines
total: 1720 pixels, 912 lines
scan rate: 54.716 kHz, 59.966 Hz
image size: 303mm, 189mm

I've also tried the 'standard' 1440x900 resolution that OSX wants to use and it looks the same just with fewer vertical still registers too large a desktop scale and only on the left 1/2 of the LCD.

If I remove the GMAX3100 kexts I boot into a prop looking (but scaled) 1024x758 GPU-only desktop. From all the research I've done the GMA965 and Dell D630 combo is an OSX bummer but it appears it's not a driver issue, it's a monitor issue with the AU Optronics LCD used in the Dells. Any ideas how I can address this issue? Note that I have the same issue in Kalyway's 10.5.2, iPC 10.5.6, Retail Leopard and Retail Snow Leopard. That's why I don't think it's a GMAX3100 issue! Thanks.

rabidpilot 01-01-2010 02:45 AM


I have D630 with nvs 135m graphics card. running snow leopard retail 10.6.2 I can't find a driver/Kext that will give me 3d rendering support. So can't play dvd
get the following error:

There was an initialization error
getting a valid video device could not be found for playback [-70017]


Originally Posted by blacklabelsktr2 (Post 40860)
I mentioned this data a few posts ago.
Basically, updating is safe, just make sure you delete the SleepEnabler.kext before rebooting or you won't be able to get it working again easily. Let me know if you are confused by my posts, it late here, so I'm kind of tired. I'll try and clear up the instructions if needed.

You may need to re-apply some kexts after update depending on your config.
I also decided to use an older version of the boot loader which fixed my usb and bluetooth from dropping out. I never made my own dst.aml file.. so this was a work around for me. To use the older version I just copied the boot file from the link below onto my current drive..

Now I updated from 10.6.1 to 10.6.2, but I don't see any trouble if you go straight from 10.6.0 to 10.6.2 as long as you delete that SleepEnabler before reboot.

my current specs (my profile wont let me update my sig for some reason)
Got a wifi card that works with airport! - the same card in the current mbp's
running 10.6.2
Everything working except for Sleep and Restart (also I don't think secondary monitor works..haven't tried it.)

teufel2k 01-04-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by ganjabob (Post 41749)
Hello gurus.

I've got retail SL installed with SLICs patch set and I'm able to boot up into SL on a Dell D630 with a GMA965 Intel video card.

However only my external monitor is appearing in the proper resolution (and size). Actually my LCD is also 'noticed' properly and loading the GMAX3100 appropriately and it's registering at 1440x900 (I used SwitchResX pro to change the settings). The strange thing is that the LCD is 'showing' my 1440x900 desktop bigger than it should, only the right 1/3 of the desktop and it's appearing only on the left side of the LCD. A picture's worth a 1000 words. The first pic is of the 'sheared' LCD image. Second is the System profiler showing my GMAX3100 drivers are loaded properly and registering the proper resolution.

SwitchResX is registering both monitors properly and their appropriate resolutions.
The LCD is vendor: AUO-6AF, product: 1347
The Monitor is vendor: NEC-38A3, product: 43BC.

I've build a custom resolution in SwitchResX for the LCD using the following:

Pixel Clock: 96.3 Mhz non-interlaced
Active: H=1440, V=900
Front Porch: 64pixels, 3 lines
Sync Width: 32pixels, 3 lines
Back Porch: 224pixels, 6 lines
Blanking: 320 pixles, 12 lines
total: 1720 pixels, 912 lines
scan rate: 54.716 kHz, 59.966 Hz
image size: 303mm, 189mm

I've also tried the 'standard' 1440x900 resolution that OSX wants to use and it looks the same just with fewer vertical still registers too large a desktop scale and only on the left 1/2 of the LCD.

If I remove the GMAX3100 kexts I boot into a prop looking (but scaled) 1024x758 GPU-only desktop. From all the research I've done the GMA965 and Dell D630 combo is an OSX bummer but it appears it's not a driver issue, it's a monitor issue with the AU Optronics LCD used in the Dells. Any ideas how I can address this issue? Note that I have the same issue in Kalyway's 10.5.2, iPC 10.5.6, Retail Leopard and Retail Snow Leopard. That's why I don't think it's a GMAX3100 issue! Thanks.

Hi ganjabob,

i have exactly the same problem. I also tried some patching the DSDT as mentioned a few posts ago, but nothing helps! If you or someone else could help finding the right settings I would be very happy!
