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flip360 07-08-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by ronovar (Post 54458)
Hello, i im searching for solution how to make Restart/ShutDown enabled, my notebook have MCP79 chipset and i have set MacBookPro5,1 model and other data to match my hardware configuration.

I Have successfully pathed DSDT folowing pathes:

HPET, RTC, TIMR, CPU & LPCB (for speedstepping), and VGA.

When i dont have VGA injection Shutdown works, but when i inject via DSDT shutdown and restart is broken.

My Sleep is working Out Of Box, no need patching.

Could some one see my DSDT and tell me where i need to put DSDT Shutdown/Restart fix?

I See that i must insert in _PTS method

If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05)) // If ShutDown S5 State is called

but i need code.

SpeedSteep is working on my P8400 Intel Core 2 Duo, nVidia Geforce GT 120M, 1GB, Sleep is working but Restart/Shutdown is NOT.

Please help.

P.S. In my E/E folder i have only FakeSMC, AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext to make it more Vanilla.

Try and use Chameleon`s Graphic Enabler without the DSDT patch for VGA.

binhpv 07-08-2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54459)
hi Guys,

We have Lion working on our beloved vanilla notebooks :)

All you need to do is generate a working dsdt or use the one u already have (dunno if you can use mine cause of hw differences).

Download LionGM and use the USB installer from this link:

After installing Lion, put AppleHDA and AppleACPIPlatform from 10.6.x in S/L/E, use the old kexts from 10.6.x in E/E, reboot and you should have a fully working OS X Lion system :)

Note: It should "work" on most K50 notebooks, if not we will try and fix things along :)
Sofar everything is working OK except iGlasses :P


Hi flip360, I wonder if there is anyway to install Lion without Leopard preinstalled on my notebook? And, in case I reinstall Windows 7, will it still boot to Lion or Windows will damage the Chameleon boot loader? Thanks!

flip360 07-08-2011 06:29 PM

if you make the USB Installer on another Mac then yes but i am afraid that OSX is a must. As for Win7 if you re-install it you just have to re-enable the OSX partition to boot Chameleon from. ;)

ronovar 07-08-2011 06:44 PM

Thank you for your response.

I have remove DSDT injection of nvidia Graphics and put in -GraphicsEnabler=Yes, Graphics is working, but Restart and SHutdown does not work.

Where i should i search for problem? Do i need to download MCP79 chipset datasheet and search for PWRM on which address is, and call _PTS?

I compared values in my ioregistry from graphicsenabler and my dsdt patch in dsdt and is the same.

Could some know what is NVPM in dsdt injection? Does it mean NVidia Power Managment?? If so that is maybe reason why when i press shutdown it power of lcd, cpu, but fans on vga is working and does not shutown. Maybe nvidia power managment needs values to know when shutdown is called.

flip360 07-08-2011 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by ronovar (Post 54463)
Thank you for your response.

I have remove DSDT injection of nvidia Graphics and put in -GraphicsEnabler=Yes, Graphics is working, but Restart and SHutdown does not work.

Where i should i search for problem? Do i need to download MCP79 chipset datasheet and search for PWRM on which address is, and call _PTS?

I compared values in my ioregistry from graphicsenabler and my dsdt patch in dsdt and is the same.

Could some know what is NVPM in dsdt injection? Does it mean NVidia Power Managment?? If so that is maybe reason why when i press shutdown it power of lcd, cpu, but fans on vga is working and does not shutown. Maybe nvidia power managment needs values to know when shutdown is called.

when i close the lid the notebook goes to sleep, but no shutdown here either, restart works fine. if you find out what its causing this it would be valuable info to all ;)

ronovar 07-09-2011 06:49 AM

DSDT Shutdown fix
I have found function call in DSDT that works OOB and shutdown works before injection.But when graphics is injected via DSDT it gets ignored.Need help for DSDT is function call that shutdowns and Sleep and is working before graphics injection:

Method (_PTS, 1, NotSerialized) // Put To Sleep function
Store (Arg0, DBG8) // Get value form DBG8 o variable Arg0 which is 8
PTS (Arg0) // Call another function PTS with parameter Arg0 -- this is function that calls shutdown function that wee need to fix!!!
Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, Zero))
Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, One))
If (LAnd (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04), LEqual (OSFL (), 0x02))) // Sleep function that works!!!
Sleep (0x0BB8)

Store (ASSB, WSSB)
Store (AOTB, WOTB)
Store (AAXB, WAXB)
Store (Arg0, ASSB)
Store (OSFL (), AOTB)
Store (OSYS (), OSTP)
Store (Zero, AAXB)

Function that is called here is PTS here is it:

Method (PTS, 1, NotSerialized) // Shutdown function
If (Arg0)
If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03))

\_SB.PCI0.NPTS (Arg0)
OEMS (Arg0)

So i have testing and when i remove:

\_SB.PCI0.NPTS (Arg0)
OEMS (Arg0)

Shutdown does NOT work, but when i put this code back then Shutdown works:)

My problem is here when i inject graphics trought dsdt this code gets ignored.

I remember that in all forums people says that we need to put to _PTS function call to shutdown which is:

If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05))

So i have put:
If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05))
PTS (Arg0) // Call the function what does shutdown but no go:(

If some one has idea how to corretly call function it will be great to all K50 and K70 hackintoshes:)

flip360 07-09-2011 11:12 AM

So you are saying that Shutdown works with Chameleon`s Graphic Enabler, without the VGA patch in DSDT? Maybe the PTS calls something else?

ronovar 07-09-2011 01:24 PM

DSDT SHutdown
No, i im saying that Shutdown works if you dont use GraphicsEnabler, DSDT VGA injection, or VGA kext injextion.

I would tell that when we use Graphics injection (DSDT, kext or GraphicsEnabler) we kill Shutdown that calls PTS(Arg0) So we need fix. I have traying modify calls in PTS today but without result.

I could not find any kext that works to fix my shutdown/restart problem, do you have one? If you have please give me a link to download and study what calls i need to put in dsdt patch.

Or if you know any DSDT expert to ask(like BugHalter or what is the name of man that fix our sound alc662 problem on


flip360 07-09-2011 06:10 PM

i tried OpenHaltRestart and EvoReboot but no success, only reboot no shutdown. I will try and post to the russian forums and ask there for a fix. I think something changed in Lion`s power management because the same setup worked in 10.5 and 10.6. Maybe the newer versions of Chameleon has to do with it?


ronovar 07-09-2011 06:33 PM

I im using AsereBootloader end when booting i see that in booter has ReestartFix implement....

All the fixes for gigabyte boards and asus (desktop full atx) are on forums via DSDT patch, but that very important is that this board is using INTEL chipset, we on our laptops have NVIDIA MCP79 chipset, and i see when SBRG (South BRidGe) is called who Shutdown computer is that intel chipset has different address for SBRG.

Our frends in can solve this problem, i know that russian guys are experts for this dsdt please post this problem in their forum and poste here results.


Could you upload original AppleHDA.kext from 10.6.8..i updated successfully, but have wrong pathing binary and now i dont have original AppleHDA.kext.I will countinue pachiing audio dsdt when you uploaded kext and waiting for shutdown/restart fix form our guys -

flip360 07-10-2011 03:15 PM

here you go buddy AppleHDA:

as for the shutdown fix, i posted in the russian forums and i await for reply, maybe will try Andys and cparm bootloader and see if that fixes stuff,


ronovar 07-10-2011 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54478)
here you go buddy AppleHDA:

as for the shutdown fix, i posted in the russian forums and i await for reply, maybe will try Andys and cparm bootloader and see if that fixes stuff,


Thank you....Could you please post link to the russian forums so that i can read what they say about shutdown fix?

ronovar 07-10-2011 09:17 PM

Shutdown is working via DSDT
Hey guys...i ime very happy....i have found solution how to fix shutdown in dsdt...

You just need to add this code into _PTS

If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05))
Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.S5CT)
// Your existing CODE from original _PTS


Function that we need is magiccly Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.S5CT) This S5CT is response for Shutdown!!!

Here is complete code for asus notebook

open DSDT
search for _PTS

Method (_PTS, 1, NotSerialized)
If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x05))
Store (One, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.S5CT)
Store (Arg0, DBG8)
PTS (Arg0)
Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, Zero))
Store (Zero, Index (WAKP, One))
If (LAnd (LEqual (Arg0, 0x04), LEqual (OSFL (), 0x02)))
Sleep (0x0BB8)

Store (ASSB, WSSB)
Store (AOTB, WOTB)
Store (AAXB, WAXB)
Store (Arg0, ASSB)
Store (OSFL (), AOTB)
Store (OSYS (), OSTP)
Store (Zero, AAXB)

And Shutdown is workig, sleep is i need to check restart if working...

Guys Asus K50 and K70IO is vanilla, it has very close DSDT fixes like gigabye...put my modification into your DSDT and post your results,you will have shutdown working without any kext.

flip360 07-10-2011 11:11 PM

wonderfull news and congrats on your fix :) could you post your modified DSDT so we can update the front page?


ronovar 07-11-2011 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54482)
wonderfull news and congrats on your fix :) could you post your modified DSDT so we can update the front page?


Yes, no problem. Here is link to download my DSDT that has shutdown fix (just search for _PTS and copy to your _PTS into DSDT.

This dsdt is from my K70IO and is same as K50 but its better to copy only fix.

By me is currently working sleep and shutdown, restart is not i need to fix only PTS method where it says If (LEqual (Arg0, 0x03)) that means when Restart is pressed on Apple menu go to execute code.

You have say that by you Restart is working, could you please upload your DSDT on which restart is working to investigate code and copy to my DSDT.

This shutdown modification in DSDT will shutdown very fast, and will not kill any of features on Mac OS X.Now is shutdown vanilla...:))) Yupiii

flip360 07-11-2011 11:28 AM

Hi ronovar,

here is my DSDT:

i tried adding your fix to my dsdt, it compiles fine no errors, but shutdown still doesnt work.

also in the beginning of the DSTD yours has:

External (\_SB_.PCI0.HBDP)

and mine has:

External (\_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.S5CT) which is responsible for shutdown as you said.

I am using Chameleons Graphic Enabler.
also here is something interesting:
at the end of the thread there is an archive to download with ioregs and smbios dumps from real mac`s and there are one of MacBookPro5,3 and one of MacBookPro5,1 as we use it, maybe there is some fix we can load in our DSDT`s.


ronovar 07-11-2011 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54487)
Hi ronovar,

here is my DSDT:

i tried adding your fix to my dsdt, it compiles fine no errors, but shutdown still doesnt work.

also in the beginning of the DSTD yours has:

External (\_SB_.PCI0.HBDP)

and mine has:

External (\_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.S5CT) which is responsible for shutdown as you said.

I am using Chameleons Graphic Enabler.
also here is something interesting:
at the end of the thread there is an archive to download with ioregs and smbios dumps from real mac`s and there are one of MacBookPro5,3 and one of MacBookPro5,1 as we use it, maybe there is some fix we can load in our DSDT`s.


I found where you have mismised code, try this and your shutdown will work

First i downloaded your DSDT and you have correctly applied the code to the _PTS except one thing, you dont have in your DSDT Device(LPCB) so code in _PTS does dont know where S5CT is located....

Solution is to find Device(SBRG) and rename it to Device(LPCB), and shutdown will me.

And dont to forget to repleace all references SBRG to LPCB, if you will not you will get a lots of errors when compiling...

If you could not make modification, please write here and i will modify it as descipted above.

I found that your reset code into dsdt is quite different, and can you tell me are you using some kext or not when your restart is working?

And dont forget to remove all kext for shutdown, restart and sleep (like sleepenablerm evorebot, etc).

flip360 07-11-2011 12:45 PM

I will try to modify my dsdt as you suggested, and for restart i am using EVOReboot or OpenHaltRestart, without it it doesnt want to restart...hmmmz. No sleepenabler or such. Can you try to merge the two somehow or take the best of both worlds?


ronovar 07-11-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54489)
I will try to modify my dsdt as you suggested, and for restart i am using EVOReboot or OpenHaltRestart, without it it doesnt want to restart...hmmmz. No sleepenabler or such. Can you try to merge the two somehow or take the best of both worlds?


Thank you for your response, please try dsdt shutdown fix and post if it work for you:)

I im now reasearching alots of dsdt (Gigabyte, Asus, Asrock) and i im studdying DSDT what function i need to call to reboot, for now i see that it has sense that PSS method what is dumped from linux to have speedstepping working is needed to put in S3 state which is called Restart.

Can you post link to russian forum? I have google chrome installed and now i can translate russian language to english..:)

I have just placed Evoreboot.kext and reboot is i will try to study that kext and make patch to DSDT.

flip360 07-11-2011 01:23 PM

I tried the fix but still doesnt work for me.
here is the link for the russian forum:
Hope we find a solution, thanks for your effort buddy :)


ronovar 07-11-2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54491)
I tried the fix but still doesnt work for me.
here is the link for the russian forum:
Hope we find a solution, thanks for your effort buddy :)


Please upload your dsdt that you have modified for shutdown fix and then i will make it see and fix it to work.

And put into Extra folder in plist system-type 2 which means that you are running laptop...not a desk PC.

flip360 07-11-2011 01:58 PM

here you go, modified dsdt :
thanks for the tip ;)


ronovar 07-11-2011 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54493)
here you go, modified dsdt :
thanks for the tip ;)


Here you have modifiet dsdt for shutdown

try it and post result:)

Remove all kext related to restart/shutdown/sleep from extra / extension folder.

flip360 07-11-2011 06:26 PM

tried the modified dsdt and shutdown and sleep work, restart does not :)
Thanks for the fix, hope we get down to fixing restart also,


ronovar 07-11-2011 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54495)
tried the modified dsdt and shutdown and sleep work, restart does not :)
Thanks for the fix, hope we get down to fixing restart also,


You are welcome....i im very happy that Shutdown & Sleep is working for you...i im currently working for restart fix but for now no result....but i have one idea...i will use evorestart.kext then i will dump dsdt.aml from snow leopard and see what modification to dsdt this kext has done to dsdt.But only problem youhave link or tutorial where i can download tool to dump dsdt.aml from snow leopard?

this cold be solution to make Restart working...but i need tool

flip360 07-11-2011 07:18 PM

DSDT Editor or DSDTSE try one of those :)

ronovar 07-11-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54497)
DSDT Editor or DSDTSE try one of those :)

Thanks...but i see in ioregistry that evoreboot creates own instance and comunicate with mach dsdt dumping when this kext is loaded will not touch no go.

I see that we from _PTS call Shutdown & Sleep (0x05) & (0x04), what works, but we call before Sleep(0x04) another function called PTS which is responsable for Restart (0x03).

So we need to google some restart dsdt fixed and post links here to compare this dsdt and then we can make restart fix.

Function that we search in dsdt.dsl is PTS and must have if (LEqual 0x03) which is call to Restart funcion.

ronovar 07-12-2011 06:36 PM

K70IO dsdt fixed and ready to run Snow Leopard 10.6.8
Here i would like to share my DSDT and files that i have modyfied to be put and running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

DSDT.aml has integrated folowing patches
- Nvidia Graphics Card injection (NVidia GeForce GT120M)
- Audio Injection HDAC & HDEF (ALC662)
- Sleep & Shutdown patch (Its working Sleep and Shutdown)
- Some Cosmetic Renames (To be more Mac compatibile)
- HPET & TIMR & RTC fix ( to allow run vanilla MACH kernel)
- SpeedSteep Working (C2Duo P8400)
- WLAN injection (AR9285 working vanilla)

Currently is impossible to patch RESTART fix (it needs modyfied bootloader to reaad FASL.aml) so you need to use EvoReboot.kext

DSDT patching for Battery Meter is very difficul but is not impossible, so use AppleACPIBatterymanager.kext.

AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext is needed to work keyborad and trackpad (Becuse real Mac does not have PS/2 devices only USB)

AsusK50IN.kext is used to inject pinouts when booting to make audio work( need bin patched AppleHDA.kext - just rename hex: 8508EC10 to 6206EC10)

fakesmc.kext is needed to simulate real Mac chip.

All is working flamlessy.

Here you go, download this files and enyoj:)

flip360 07-12-2011 09:18 PM

This goes to the first page :)
Thanks for the files buddy,


binhpv 07-28-2011 12:56 PM

Install without Snow
Hi Flip, do you think it is possible to install Lion on a newly formatted hard disk without Snow installed? I found a .cdr image of Lion on torrent site and they said we just need to rename it to .iso and burn to DVD to install Lion without Snow. Will the BootCD work with Lion?

hafiz689 07-31-2011 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by ronovar (Post 54503)
Here i would like to share my DSDT and files that i have modyfied to be put and running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

DSDT.aml has integrated folowing patches
- Nvidia Graphics Card injection (NVidia GeForce GT120M)
- Audio Injection HDAC & HDEF (ALC662)
- Sleep & Shutdown patch (Its working Sleep and Shutdown)
- Some Cosmetic Renames (To be more Mac compatibile)
- HPET & TIMR & RTC fix ( to allow run vanilla MACH kernel)
- SpeedSteep Working (C2Duo P8400)
- WLAN injection (AR9285 working vanilla)

Currently is impossible to patch RESTART fix (it needs modyfied bootloader to reaad FASL.aml) so you need to use EvoReboot.kext

DSDT patching for Battery Meter is very difficul but is not impossible, so use AppleACPIBatterymanager.kext.

AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext and ApplePS2Controller.kext is needed to work keyborad and trackpad (Becuse real Mac does not have PS/2 devices only USB)

AsusK50IN.kext is used to inject pinouts when booting to make audio work( need bin patched AppleHDA.kext - just rename hex: 8508EC10 to 6206EC10)

fakesmc.kext is needed to simulate real Mac chip.

All is working flamlessy.

Here you go, download this files and enyoj:)

i just curious about "( need bin patched AppleHDA.kext - just rename hex: 8508EC10 to 6206EC10)"
can you explain? because i can't make my sound work back after update to 10.6.8
please help

mondet 07-31-2011 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by pichibg (Post 53441)
Updated succesfully to 1.6.7! I have a problem with Shutdown/Sleep functions, does anybody have an idea how to fix that?

Congratulations to you guys but could you please show me the steps and tools you did to update your osx to 10.6.7? 'cos I have tried to do update my Snow Leopard 10.6 to 10.6.6 many times but it doesn't work for me, it's always stuck at the boot process. My laptop is K40IN

and if it possible can you guy show me or give me a guid to update to 10.7 'cos this link ( is not work anymore.

Thank you so much

Djadul 08-02-2011 12:24 PM

Hi guys...
I am using K40in with SL 10.6.2
How if I go straight update to 10.6.8?
Is there any step to do before I go update?

Thx guys... :D

mondet 08-02-2011 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Djadul (Post 54759)
Hi guys...
I am using K40in with SL 10.6.2
How if I go straight update to 10.6.8?
Is there any step to do before I go update?

Thx guys... :D

CHEER! :-d

flip360 08-03-2011 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by binhpv (Post 54658)
Hi Flip, do you think it is possible to install Lion on a newly formatted hard disk without Snow installed? I found a .cdr image of Lion on torrent site and they said we just need to rename it to .iso and burn to DVD to install Lion without Snow. Will the BootCD work with Lion?

dunno about that, i installed mine with the usb method but not liking 10.7 sofar :( You can try and burn it on a dvd and also the bootcd from the first page doesnt work with lion yet, use something simmiliar from insanelymac. Its strange that the battery is either unknown or in service, after replacing the 10.6.8 appleacpiplatform battery is ok but i dont have any info in system profiler about power which it worked properly in 10.6.7 and 10.6.8, any clue?


mondet 08-04-2011 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by ronovar (Post 51772)
Hello...i have successfully enabled audio on my Asus K70IO notebook, ALC662 audio codec via DSDT. I have no sound assertions errors, all is working perfect.But i have one issue that i dont know how to fix.

if i boot into 64-bit is working, but after 30seconds when i dont play music every 5seconds i hear click from speakers, so i think when after 30seconds user dont play any audio applehdacontroller goes to sleep and then checks ever 5seconds if is any music active and get click every 5 seconds. how to fix that? any clue or idea?

If i boot into 32-bit mode all is working perfect without click i want to use 64-bit mode...where to start begin to search?

i have snow leopard 10.6.5 retail. using dsdt patch for HDAC and HDEF injection and AsusK50IN legacy kext.

P.S: nobody is posting this forum dead?

to ronovar, I have the same problem with 10.6.6 , I heard the click sound every 5 secs... did you find any solution yet?

neonego 08-07-2011 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by mondet (Post 54765)
CHEER! :-d

Be careful to update. Make sure kext are there and run kext utility.
We need some tweaks for sound, restart, sleep and reboot.

My 10.6.8 doesnt starts right now.
Repairing later.

man_of_the_oak 08-08-2011 08:56 PM

It's a lot time since I visited this forum!

I have good news to some of you. Recently, I decided to install Mac OS X on my laptop again and this time I am going to create a detailed tutorial + I will create my own LegacyHDA kext for ALC662, what may fix some known problems with clicking etc. but from what I know this may be caused by power management settings for AppleHDAController...

flip360 08-08-2011 11:49 PM

Nice to see you here man_of_the_oak :)
Lion working perfectly here except the clicking sound (old problem) and the battery not properly shown in system profiler and taskbar (fix for the second is to install AppleACPIManager from 10.6.7)


gabguig 08-10-2011 01:50 AM

Look people I re-read this topic a thousand time and I was very confused.
I have an ASUS K 50 IN Nividia chipset MCP79.

I can not get sleep to work.
If I disable the trackpad note and use a USB external mouse Confucianism my sleep but if I have the trackpad afuncionar note, when returning from sleep is frozen.
I use ApllePs2controller kext for the keyboard and mouse mas break only works if I exclude the mouse kext apllePs2 plugins apllePs2Controller the kext.
Please help me I'm desperate.
Idit dsdt I use but do not know if there is something more to do.
If I solve this problem I would be very happy.
I'm running 10.7.0 lion
Thank you very much

man_of_the_oak 08-14-2011 12:00 AM

Guys, just a quick question to those who updated to 10.6.8:

Do you see MCP79 in Serial ATA part of System Profiler? I'm asking since on 10.6.7 I did but after updating - it became Unknown AHCI Controller...

gabguig 08-14-2011 02:59 AM

I saw clearly identified but as of now including 10.6.8 was unknown at the Lion.

man_of_the_oak 08-14-2011 01:26 PM

So you also had this problem on 10.6.8 and now on Lion?

flip360 08-14-2011 11:28 PM

yep, UnknownAHCIStandardController for serialATA here also :|

man_of_the_oak 08-14-2011 11:51 PM

Lion/10.6.8 is a piece of shit... seriously...

I have a MacBook myself and Apple's newest system caused my exFAT partition to disappear... not to mention useless Launchpad and shitty replacement of Expose. I am not going to update until it's at least without any serious bugs like it's now.

Anyway, I will definitely find a fix for this Unknown AHCI Controller issue in 10.6.8 (of course everything works fine but... cosmetics is the key!), so I will keep you updated. I really need to create a tutorial...

btw. For all clean DSDT freaks out there - all fixes we should add are:

DTGP method, delete Aliases within CPU section and rename all CPUX to P00(X+1), place Darwin inside of OSYS method (thanks to this we don't have to fix HPET, TMR and RTC sections), delete IRQ inside of PIC device (DVD-ROM fix).

+ in case of sleep problems: don't use Voodoo PS/2 kexts.

flip360 08-15-2011 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 54916)
Lion/10.6.8 is a piece of shit... seriously...

I have a MacBook myself and Apple's newest system caused my exFAT partition to disappear... not to mention useless Launchpad and shitty replacement of Expose. I am not going to update until it's at least without any serious bugs like it's now.

Anyway, I will definitely find a fix for this Unknown AHCI Controller issue in 10.6.8 (of course everything works fine but... cosmetics is the key!), so I will keep you updated. I really need to create a tutorial...

btw. For all clean DSDT freaks out there - all fixes we should add are:

DTGP method, delete Aliases within CPU section and rename all CPUX to P00(X+1), place Darwin inside of OSYS method (thanks to this we don't have to fix HPET, TMR and RTC sections), delete IRQ inside of PIC device (DVD-ROM fix).

+ in case of sleep problems: don't use Voodoo PS/2 kexts.

I agree on the updates, shitty lion and 10.6.8, 10.6.7 works perfectly. You could have a look at the DSDT from ronovar on the first page, or do a clean DSDT with the fixes you mentioned. As for sleep i dont think that our notebooks can do with Voodoo kexts,


man_of_the_oak 08-15-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54921)
I agree on the updates, shitty lion and 10.6.8, 10.6.7 works perfectly. You could have a look at the DSDT from ronovar on the first page, or do a clean DSDT with the fixes you mentioned. As for sleep i dont think that our notebooks can do with Voodoo kexts,


Hehe, I don't need renovar's DSDT since mine is completely perfect, all the fixes I mentioned are "discovered" by me, so of course my clean DSDT has them + he has a bit other type of laptop + he added HPET, RTC etc. fixes while they aren't needed (why? look at my info regarding DSDT) + my shutdown works OOTB with my DSDT (no fixes needed). As for Voodoo - I don't like their kexts in general but... wanted to try sth different than ApplePS2Controller ; )

btw. I have a fix for audio problems with popping/noises or how do you like to call it ;-)

flip360 08-15-2011 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 54922)
Hehe, I don't need renovar's DSDT since mine is completely perfect, all the fixes I mentioned are "discovered" by me, so of course my clean DSDT has them + he has a bit other type of laptop + he added HPET, RTC etc. fixes while they aren't needed (why? look at my info regarding DSDT) + my shutdown works OOTB with my DSDT (no fixes needed). As for Voodoo - I don't like their kexts in general but... wanted to try sth different than ApplePS2Controller ; )

btw. I have a fix for audio problems with popping/noises or how do you like to call it ;-)

NICE :) can u share the DSDT and the audio fix? Great work man_of_the_oak,


sacrificeme 08-15-2011 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 54922)
Hehe, I don't need renovar's DSDT since mine is completely perfect, all the fixes I mentioned are "discovered" by me, so of course my clean DSDT has them + he has a bit other type of laptop + he added HPET, RTC etc. fixes while they aren't needed (why? look at my info regarding DSDT) + my shutdown works OOTB with my DSDT (no fixes needed). As for Voodoo - I don't like their kexts in general but... wanted to try sth different than ApplePS2Controller ; )

btw. I have a fix for audio problems with popping/noises or how do you like to call it ;-)

Tyvm mate! Im waiting for some type of guide about year.. Read all about installing on my favorit russian applelife(cuz its my language, but seems its outdated totally, and too long responses), and with some type of success installed and used sl for about one year..

But its not clear for me, what kexts i actually need to use, whats wrong in my DSDT file and all of other things i made while using SL.

And i have clicking sound thats driving me crazy.. No problem with shutdown, but restart hangs, not actually problem because i can use shutdown function for restart =) Plz while you working on complete guide, provide us you sond fix if this posible.

Hope you can understand whats the problem with 10.6.8 (still sitting on 10.6.7), and hope this solve problem on Lion, cuz no real useful mail app on OS X, want to use mail5.

Sorry for my english.

man_of_the_oak 08-15-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 54923)
NICE :) can u share the DSDT and the audio fix? Great work man_of_the_oak,


I will share everything in my upcoming tutorial, guys ^^ + NEVER, EVER use someone's DSDT, I've got much more knowledge than last time I've worked with Hackintoshes and trust me, you may even destroy your hardware while using someone's DSDT. Always create your own and simply fix it.


IMHO tutorial on is a piece of shit. Especially information about DSDT and kexts in their attached to the post o.O WTF?

Anyway, to all Lion lovers, I am going to create LegacyHDA for this one, it will work with 10.6.8 too, of course.