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sk1nhd33t 07-24-2009 10:50 AM

Thanks for the guide i made an 80gb partiton and tried it a while ago and works as expected but i have some questions and some problems maybe someone can answer it?

tried this on a Q8200 - 2.33ghz stock speed no overclock, 10.5.6 retail DVD updated to combo 10.5.7.

1: Using the VoodooPower.kext temperature monitor is reporting the temp to be higher by 10c, without it its under 40-42c on light load but with it loaded it's 50+. Also tried voodoo light kext and the same thing. So i remove it for the meantime but im missing speedstep.

2. this method overclocks my processor? it now reads 2.43Ghz from 2.33 on about this mac.

3. should i be concern w this error? any way to fix it? or it's normal


kernel ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::getCPU_PSSData - _PSS evaluation failed
4. just bought a new aluminum apple keyboard (slim one w/o numpad), is it normal that upon sleep the keyboard cant wake the computer? on other keyboard this is working, just press any key and it wakes. im seeing an error too on my console im not sure if this is the one causing it


kernel Extension "" has no explicit kernel dependency; using version 6.0.
5. IOUSBFamily.kext - tried the included kext and the USB flash sleep problems are gone but it cant detect my USB bluetooth dongle on start up so i remove it for the meantime. Looking for a fix.

Once again thanks for any reply and this very helpful guide, this help us noobs a lot :D

jdc1001 07-28-2009 11:00 PM

Great Guide
Voyn1x - This guide is excellent, and helped me get my g31m-e2sl box up and running with 10.5.7 quickly. A few notes:
  • I was able to combine your guide with this one to allow me to boot from two 1TB drives in a RAID-0 arrray with Apple's sofrware RAID.
  • The IOUSBfamily.kext included in your extra folder prevented me from installing VMware Fusion - I received an error at the end of the install stating that the postflight script had failed to run. Removing the kext, and re-running the script from the VMWare installer package fixed things. My USB devices don't work after sleep, but besides that I'm good to go.

Thanks again!

mecanoiz 07-29-2009 08:37 PM

i've installed a retail osx 10.5.7 on this board using chameleon en kexts loaded on EFI partition and everything works except airtunes.
I can ping the airport express but the airport util & itunes can't find it.
Tried restarting the afp and bonjour daemons and loading serveral network kext such as RTL1000 and RTL8169. This board is far more compatible then my old asus p5k e wifi but I need the airtunes feature as my receiver is out of reach and cables crossing the room is no option

sk1nhd33t 07-30-2009 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by mecanoiz (Post 30244)
i've installed a retail osx 10.5.7 on this board using chameleon en kexts loaded on EFI partition and everything works except airtunes.
I can ping the airport express but the airport util & itunes can't find it.
Tried restarting the afp and bonjour daemons and loading serveral network kext such as RTL1000 and RTL8169. This board is far more compatible then my old asus p5k e wifi but I need the airtunes feature as my receiver is out of reach and cables crossing the room is no option

google realtekr1000.kext by psystar, Time Capsule and airport utility is working flawlessly on mine. :)

lewson 07-30-2009 10:37 AM

I have and idea to make it full vanilla, can anyone try this out?
Put the VoodooHDA kext is \Extra\Extensions along with these two kexts from S\L\E IOAudioFamily.kext and OSvKernDSPLib.kext . Then it will be FULL vanilla :D

mecanoiz 07-30-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by sk1nhd33t (Post 30254)
google realtekr1000.kext by psystar, Time Capsule and airport utility is working flawlessly on mine. :)

i've tried using the psystar kext but without any sucses.
I've tried a port scan through network utility. 53 domain / 5000 commplex-main / 5009 winfs / 10000 ndmp are found on the Airport Express. I've read about issues with airtunes on insanelymac being resolved by installing other drivers.
Also tried the official realtek driver installer (onto os x partition).
Anybody got any older version of these mentioned above ? Or any clue on what service should be running to activate airtunes ? (btw remotes aren't found neither)

sk1nhd33t 08-02-2009 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by lewson (Post 30258)
I have and idea to make it full vanilla, can anyone try this out?
Put the VoodooHDA kext is \Extra\Extensions along with these two kexts from S\L\E IOAudioFamily.kext and OSvKernDSPLib.kext . Then it will be FULL vanilla :D

ive seen that done before but with the EP45 mobo and im sure it will work on our G31M, the question is which is the better audio driver for our ALC883, maybe the old timers here can shed some light? here are the 3 that i tested that works

1: AppleAzaliaAudio + HDAEnabler
2: ALCinject + AppleHDA
3: VodooHDA


Originally Posted by mecanoiz (Post 30268)
i've tried using the psystar kext but without any sucses.
I've tried a port scan through network utility. 53 domain / 5000 commplex-main / 5009 winfs / 10000 ndmp are found on the Airport Express. I've read about issues with airtunes on insanelymac being resolved by installing other drivers.
Also tried the official realtek driver installer (onto os x partition).
Anybody got any older version of these mentioned above ? Or any clue on what service should be running to activate airtunes ? (btw remotes aren't found neither)

sorry mate if thats giving you a hard time good thing on mine it's perfectly working, try to put the RealtekR1000.kext in /S/L/E if it's not there or if it's /Extra/Extension add IONetworkingFamily + IOPCIFamily ;)

if still no luck maybe you should try to redo the leo install.

mecanoiz 08-02-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by sk1nhd33t (Post 30369)
sorry mate if thats giving you a hard time good thing on mine it's perfectly working, try to put the RealtekR1000.kext in /S/L/E if it's not there or if it's /Extra/Extension add IONetworkingFamily + IOPCIFamily ;)

if still no luck maybe you should try to redo the leo install.

Putting the realtekr1000 in SLE worked instantly. Thank you very much!
Now is there anyone who has an idea why the kext doesn't get loaded from the EFI partition ?

JoQ 08-02-2009 11:52 PM

Ordered this board today :D
Very nice guide i must say. I have one thought tho:
I read the manual and it says that you can get 5.1 audio trough the three ports on the back: green (line out), blue (line in), pink (mic). In Windows XP you can choose in the driver-settings to switch all ports to output, for 5.1 i have to connect three connectors to the board.

Any chance this will work in OS X?
Would be really great if so!

JoQ 08-04-2009 10:09 PM

Hi again guys, i've tried everything to get 5.1 audio to work. Is it possible?
What audio kexts are you using?
And if it won't work trough the three ports at the back, will it work with SPDIF if i buy the adapter?

Please help me out!