InfiniteMac OSx86

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-   -   Install works, setup, not so much... (

scififan68 11-10-2008 04:04 AM

Can you please tell me what graphics card you have?

Mercury1975 11-10-2008 08:42 AM

geez...i am not too too sure...

is there a way for me to find out via mac os x?

or do i need to give my computer make/model?

im totally a noob with all of this...

nfoav8or 11-10-2008 10:19 PM

well it all depends on what you have in your computer. I'm going to assume you have a desktop. If you are using on-board video then you'll be joining the ranks of us who are attempting to solve this over at as with many other places. If you've installed a video card then its pretty obvious where to look to get this information. Help us help you.

EDIT: as for updates, I recommend Zephyroth's AMD Software Update. Great bit of software that updates your OSx86 machine (both AMD and Intel via selectable option). If you are in need of this, PM me and I'll help you acquire it or send you on to somewhere that you can get it yourself (since we aren't allowed to post links to software that alters Apple code anymore on this site).

jongill04 07-01-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by scififan68 (Post 17990)
This loop can be fix by getting a compatible pci lan card or usb ethernet, or

Ok When I boot with the -s and try typing the /sbin/mount -uw /

This is what happens, I start with a prompt that is -sh-3.2# then i type that and all it does is goes back to the same prompt?

Also if I boot with out the CD in it, it will go to the b0 error but its fine if I have the CD in there it will go to the 1rst time user or w.e.
Another thing is, is it gives me an error about my keyboard at the begining.