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STLVNUB 04-04-2011 06:08 AM

Why not "RELEASE" your code so everyone can use it??

tdtran1025 04-05-2011 08:10 AM

In your latest two revisions, .82.30 and .82.31, you mention that mkext has be to be on root of Lion partition for the the extra kexts to load. Can you clarify this, since Lion deoesn't use mkext, or does it?

afd_sg 04-06-2011 05:04 AM

Can a moderator of this group please advise what is going on.

There is so much plagiarism these days where people steal work and put there own name to it and ask for donations.

I was told off by the moderator of another OSX website that are also working on an EFI boot, for suggesting that the participants take measure to protect their work, or even charge for it. The genuine and very talented guys who do this work deserve recognition for their efforts.

If you are correct iphoneTom the moderators here should advise us so we can give the credit where it belongs.

This is very sad.

NIZGTR 04-06-2011 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by iPhoneTom (Post 53518)
I have never seen such an incompetent loser like OS_Ninja.

This kid steal my work, and sell it as hims!

He came into my #uefi-boot channel, talked some sh** about helping on development, with no idea what efi is, and after weeks of begging me on knees for getting my code, he said al over the world he coded "iBoot".

What the heck is wrong with you kid? You are at least not able to talk any word to me about your stupid doings?

Sorry, but you are an such poor loser...

Best thing is: some days ago, Ujen, ninjas little helper on getting working sourcecode, tried once again to get my work for patching smbios. Hard to belive, but true... ;) ;)

I'm sorry but this is quiet childish imho. and you say "Sorry, but you are an such poor loser..." but look at wut your doin, is it any less "poor"?

I agree that everyone should start workin as a team instead of biting each others ass's.
it should have happened a long time ago.;)

Yamcha 04-06-2011 06:08 PM

Anybody know why I am unable to boot using iBoot, I don't see the GUI at all.. Has anyone else encountered the same issue? I used the iBoot Windows Setup Tool..

So I have no clue where I'm going wrong.. If anyone knows I'd appreciate your experience..


afd_sg 04-07-2011 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Yamcha (Post 53564)
Anybody know why I am unable to boot using iBoot, I don't see the GUI at all.. Has anyone else encountered the same issue? I used the iBoot Windows Setup Tool..

So I have no clue where I'm going wrong.. If anyone knows I'd appreciate your experience..


Hi - due to the bitching here I would suggest you keep an eye on - These guys are getting it together...

kocoman 04-09-2011 12:09 AM

There seems to be a 450 post limit on "Printed version" of threads in the invision boards.
So its hard to search the posts.

I tried both iBoot (1.5a) and XPC (82.33) on MSI p6n2 mb, but only gets "BStart rt" then blank screen.

here is my result.. if anyone understands it

MD5 (DuetToHdd) = bcddeed0b013f82635767808cc35e0fc

xpc modded hdd (or no parameter in DuettoHDD) - gets Bstart rt! then black screen (LCD inverter lamp still at full, press all keys, no response)

MD5 (Efildr20) = c00d5077ed32bec945de53fe6f5f0c7d

xpc modded USB - gets Berr rt! - stuck there
MD5 (Efildr20) = abeb48da7a1e6cf16b1d98f73b45faf9

xpc original
MD5 (Efildr20) = f360a2278ddef04e785218ae3b3d114e


iboot 1.5a mooded AND original!!
MD5 (Efildr20) = 8164f6e3b6b4cf972546edd50a2d9c5c

iboot patch with HDD (no parameter) - Bstart, then black screen with LCD inverter still at full
MD5 (Efildr20) = 2123f531c42a636b19b476c3c55e1e4c

(arrgh, textedit autocorrects iboot into boot) iboot patch with usb - Berr rt!
MD5 (Efildr20) = 1acc97b2c5d60a9f16965fc1afd01fe7


It seems that Duet bootloader only with with MBR, while SL and Lion needs GUID to install. It seems to be going backwards with MBR..

anyway might need another MB.

Is there a wiki of working MBs for Lion? it seems all info is scattered all over the place..
[quote name='tdtran1025' post='1667925' date='Apr 9 2011, 12:45 AM']Not done properly. Try XPC .0.82.33, It has OS X formatter, making it the job a lot less cumbersome.
USB stick setup: attached file[/quote]

I did try 0.82.33 before, I got the link from the irc room at moofspeak uefi-channel, same goes for iboot..

I could not find a "OS X formatter" in the XPC package, the one linked by you is "Made by caine for users."

The md5 stuff came from the DuetToHDD app

I tried the one "Made by caine for users." (also attached by your post), and it only says "MBR start" then same blank screen.

I disabled serial port.. but still same..

I tried Netkas RC3 patched, but got double panic with "can't preform kext scan" (on the Base Install Image)

using C2D E6400

I wish there was some debug version with more output ?


EDIT: I am looking at this file,

It boots in text to say "ABCE

"welcome to efi world"

we'll see what I can do with that
ok, I tried 2 other XPC (unknown version) at (they are both the same I believe)

and it boots fine, with GUI. The "Wait" was more "normal"

But I get

Loading System\Library\Extension\Extensions.mkext not found
Loading efi\xpc\dev-prop.dat Not found

I went to replace the bootx64.efi file, and got this

(hand typed without double checking, so might have typo)

XPC 0.82.33 loaded from Acpi(PNP0A08,0x0)/Pci(0xB,0x1)/USB(0x3,0x0)/HD(1,MBR,0x54455544,0x3F,0xF0FFB4)
XPC © and build by iPhoneTom
No VBE interface found, XPC will quit now.
Press [Return] or [ESC] to exit.

tried to search google for above message, but come up empty..
It seems like newer versions removed support of some things...

this forum is very overloaded.. get database error/can't connect

I tried to replace with another bootx64.efi file,

it says
(hand typed without double checking, so might have typo)

Welcome to XPC v.0.651, © by iPhoneTom 2009,2010
XPC-Efi-Boot is an EFI GUI Bootloader application.
Latest version download and information under

Starting GUI…
(hangs there)

I tried to go to site, but the site is 'blank'

For the one that worked (I mention in the beginning of THIS post), it does not show version number..
edit: I tried the working Efildr20 from the 2 links in this post, but mixed it with iboot 1.5a,

to do that, you need to copy out the iboot.efi from /efi/boot/iboot/iboot.efi into (and RENAME it) /efi/boot/bootX64.efi, then put the rest of the iboot files, now iboot boots ok.

can't locate smbios protocol, not found


there were errors converting smbios system table : not found

how to fix this problem? where to put the smbios.plist ??
also, your usb stick should be flashing if the computer is not hung..

there are at least 3 version of Iboot

1) the one from Osninja
2) the tonymac86 one
3) xiezhy in beijing one

Its hard to search in google because they don't match up.

OS_Ninja 04-13-2011 12:22 AM

Oh Boy....! Give it up iPhoneTom... Nobody needs/wants your code.

BTW, the only code I ever got from you would never compile, and when I finally got it to compile, it never booted os x...

As for me "not knowing" what EFI is.... A monkey can program EFI. Its written in the most simple programmer language, "C"..

Now.. About Ujen trying to "steal" your smbios code... Are you really being serious? Is that what you really think...? Stealing code eh? How many lines of code did you actually write yourself when you supposedly coded XPC out of thin air...?

The last time I looked at "your" code it was a messy copy/paste collection of REFIT, Chameleon, EDK2 and some code from sources that i will not mention so you can save some degree of dignity. ;)

Hmmm... Does this look like "XPC" code to you?

VOIDPatchSmbiosTables(INVOID *Smbios)
CHAR8 *AString;

// Get Table Type0
if (SmbiosTable.Raw == NULL) {
AsciiPrint("SmbiosTable: Type 0 (Bios Information) not found!\n");
// Get Vendor
AString = GetSmbiosString (SmbiosTable, SmbiosTable.Type0->Vendor);
// Patch Vendor
AsciiStrCpy (AString, gSettingsFromMenu.VendorName);
// Print Patched Vendor
AsciiPrint("BiosVendor: ");

// Get Table Type4
if (SmbiosTable.Raw == NULL) {
AsciiPrint("SmbiosTable: Type 4 (Processor Information) not found!\n");
// Patch Processor Info
if (SmbiosTable.Raw != NULL) {

VOID *Smbios;
// Get SMBIOS Tables
Smbios = GetSmbiosTablesFromHob ();
if (Smbios == NULL) {
// Locate SMBIOS Protocol
Status = gBootServices->LocateProtocol (&gEfiSmbiosProtocolGuid,NULL,(VOID**)&gSmbios);
// Patch SMBIOS Tables
// Get Hob List
HobStart.Raw = GetHobList ();
// Iteratively add Smbios Table to EFI System Table
for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (gTableGuidArray) / sizeof (*gTableGuidArray); ++Index) {
GuidHob.Raw = GetNextGuidHob (gTableGuidArray[Index], HobStart.Raw);
if (GuidHob.Raw != NULL) {
smbiosTable = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob.Guid);
if (smbiosTable != NULL) {
// Check if Smbios Table exists in E/F seg,
// According to UEFI Spec, we should make sure Smbios table
// is kept in memory of specified type
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
Print_On_Error(Status,"There were errors Converting SMBIOS System Table!");


I didn't think so.. So why not stop running around making false claims.

HEY, I have a GREAT Idea!!! Since you say Ujen tries to steal your code and iBoot is "your" code, make me look like a fool by posting the code i supposedly stole from you. ;)

To Mods: Please remove iPhoneTom posting from this thread, it is flooding the topic. To guarantee of bogus iPhoneTom claims, I guarantee he doesn't show supposed code he claims is stolen.

To iPhoneTom: Doing things like this does nothing to help the community. Jealousy is a wicked disease..

FlyingPig 04-13-2011 12:34 PM

This whole topic is a joke, and both "iBOOT" and "XPC" are rapidly being left in the dust by the properly opensource alternatives which are attracting people more interested in progress than ego.
My suggestion would be for everyone to concentrate on finding a standard directory structure and modular scheme so that the various UEFI preboot/bootloaders will conform to the same standard as they emerge.

It is beyond doubt that people have bahaved badly and selfishly, but focusing on this & banning/flaming each other only lessens both your projects. As this, in fact leads people to contribute to more unified and open alternatives, it is of no consequence, and you must feel free to carry on bashing until you wake up one day to find you have been forgotten as a footnote on the way to better things.

Cooperation & openness wins friends & creates progress, Fighting just leaves you both bruised in the gutter.

kocoman 04-13-2011 10:53 PM

I feel that iBoot 1.5a and XPC development will stop for good

OS_Ninja 04-15-2011 12:49 PM

kocoman and FlyingPig, iBoot is opensource for those who have a true interest in it's development. We are always looking to expand our team.

Maybe if the both of you actually participated and had a true interest in iBoot, you'd both have a different outlook...

FlyingPig 04-15-2011 01:22 PM

OS_Ninja: what you describe is the opposite of opensource: Your attempt to recruit people to your closed project simply proves my point. If you are opensource, please post a link to a repository where the code is available. Open to "team members only" = closed.

I have been following (U)EFI developments closely since the MacEFIX86 project all those years ago, I think if you had seen as many projects come & go as I have, *your* outlook would be different.

It's your call: join the world or stay locked in your little corner, calling for assistants.

thebigO 04-17-2011 12:04 AM

Won't boot
I have been trying all day with this thing, both the windows bootsector patch and mac version. I am not getting the .bin file that the users are reporting. I adhered to the instructions and the only file i put in was my dsdt. My GA-x58A-UD3R says in red letters "MBR START!" while performing DMI services and then goes to a black screen... Any help will be greatly appreciated. BTW I think this is awesome that someone made a true EFI emulation with the capability to run .efi shells. You don't have to take heat from the community for not being opensource too. You are being appropriately protective of what you made so only those with true intent of contributing to your work instead of ripping from it get the source.

kocoman 04-17-2011 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by OS_Ninja (Post 53681)
kocoman and FlyingPig, iBoot is opensource for those who have a true interest in it's development. We are always looking to expand our team.

Maybe if the both of you actually participated and had a true interest in iBoot, you'd both have a different outlook...

I had already tried it, but it just give me black screen (with "no cursor") after the MBR Boot. I then tried/replaced an older version of EFILDR20, which booted iBoot 1.5a, but then when I tried to boot OSX Base Install in Lion, I get

can't locate smbios protocol, not found


there were errors converting smbios system table : not found

how to fix this problem? where to put the smbios.plist ??
I don't really mind open source or not, because C programming is not easy to understand, unless you can run a debugger while booting...

I did post about this problem in the previous messages in the same thread

Also where to ask for support? I go to IRC #iboot but no one answers/talks there

thebigO 04-17-2011 11:14 PM

Error Conclusion
While working through the EDK source to figure out how the modular system of DUET works, and testing OS_Ninja's bootloader on a few other computers I have concluded that he did not add support for the X58 northbridge and i7 processors. Core and Core 2 chips are entirely functional though. Besides, Gigabyte just released it's hybrid EFI beta for the GA-X58A-UD3R so it should be able to run a boot.efi if I mess around with it a bit :).

iPhoneTom 04-18-2011 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by OS_Ninja (Post 53634)
Oh Boy....! Give it up iPhoneTom... Nobody needs/wants your code.

LOL! Yeah, i see. iBoot is there since you steal my code... Everybody knows it, oh boy.

Your poor, incompetent loser. Like i said.

iPhoneTom 04-18-2011 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by thebigO (Post 53709)
OS_Ninja's bootloader

He has no bootloader, he has my bootloader.

thebigO 04-18-2011 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by iPhoneTom (Post 53711)
He has no bootloader, he has my bootloader.

All he probably did was laid a crap UI over it and jacked it up. Idk how someone can beg for code, EDK is SIMPLE to build just look at tianocore and you'll figure it out eventually. Besides, UEFI is coming into PCs now so with a few extra .efi extensions it will be able to boot up into Mac with no hax :D. If you don't think that it will work because "Mac is not true EFI", well it is, just an old version (1.10) that bypasses the EFI BIOS screen. UEFI has backwards compatability so with an hfs+.efi you can boot with the mac "boot.efi" file. That is effectively what Tom is doing here with DUET.

Btw Tom, is this Core i7 problem because it is not in you EDK compilation?

Koco are you using an x58/i7 build too?

kocoman 04-19-2011 05:24 AM

From sunki at this thread

Using this source

They can get 32bit Atom booting Lion ...

kocoman 04-24-2011 11:18 AM

I don't know where everyone gone, but for now, only EFI (Duet Emulation) would boot lion for now

I hacked around the efi shell and ...

(if you AT least boot into the screen where it tell you have XGB ram, and cpu type and speed, then you can use this method. )

I have find a way to "solve" the iboot's SMBIOS Not found problem that nobody answered before..
(I haven't fully tested yet - will sleep now after this post)

this will need you to have complied your own edk2(64bit only, must match your Efildr20 type) or clover (still need look at fixing it for 64-bit compile), you will need to add Smbiosdxe and smbiosgen to the dsc file.. (can also explain how to if needed)

with my Efildr20 (64bit file) from, (the others Efildr20 does not work for me (MSI Nvidia based motherboard), just stuck at WELCOME TO EFI WORLD, or black screen etc) I was able to boot into a shell, (I will explain how to do this if needed) -

then from there I just use these commands

fsX: your drive (X = drive, use map to find it, ie: USB0)
cd to the dir of the smbios*.* file
load smbiosdxe.efi
load smbiosgen.efi
cd to iboot dir

then iboot didn't complain about smbios not found anymore.. and tried to boot mach_kernel..

can also try load vbox things from clover, etc, but try that later..

you could use "devices" shell command to see whats loaded, but for some reason smbios does not show up.. (its not a "device")

you can't run the smbiosdxe.efi directly, it will say "image is not an application"

I hope this help others in the future.

later I need try figure out what *.efi file is the vesa driver (XPC complain no vesa driver)

OS_Ninja 06-01-2011 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by kocoman (Post 53787)
I don't know where everyone gone, but for now, only EFI (Duet Emulation) would boot lion for now

Im still here, but everyone is selling out!!! iPhoneTom post's shit and everyone jumps on his "bandwagon"....

So, this is probably my last post on infinitemac, I maintain this subject elsewhere now..

Btw, iBOOT was the first loader to "boot" Lion, ya know Mac OS X 10.7, and now that the source is released every other bootloader does too, including XPC ;)


kocoman 06-09-2011 11:57 PM

I had gone to use netkas/anV's chameleon (not the latest svn, which actually does not work), and its working fine with Lion.

the main problem was the double panic/masked IRQ problem..

vinobaje 06-15-2011 08:41 PM

geting error
Im getting error when i trying to boot via iBoot
what im getting is

´´Remove disks or other media.
press any ke to restart´´

Can you please help me