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yabadabadol 09-09-2009 12:57 AM

Can only boot with boot132 cd
OK I have os x 10.5.8 zooming along on a q6600 quad, G31M-ES2L. Audio, nVidia 7300gt, all apps seem normal. When I boot from Chameleon I get the Logo and the spinning spokes, the the blue screen and mouse pointer appear and then the curtain of doom descends "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button."

I can boot via the boot132cd, choose 80 for primary disk and Darwin launches into my installation. Its probably obvious and simple but I don't seem to see a way out just yet.

Great tutorial BTW.

353inf 09-09-2009 09:08 PM

Hangs at 'transfer files screen'
Thanks for the guide. After setup of keyboard and at the 'transfer files 1st thru 3rd choices, with 4th 'not at this time' .........hangs and eventually reboots to welcome screen.
Any help much appreciated. Thanks

Ricky87 09-09-2009 09:39 PM

Did you try to do this in safe mode? You have to boot with -x option from chamilion or boot-132.


yabadabadol 09-10-2009 04:22 AM

I can now boot to one of 2 sata hdds. I used uinstaller and chose the PC_EFI v9 Chameleon edition 1.0.12, had no luck with Chameleon v2.0. My usb hdd and 2nd sata drive aren't shown as boot options. Any ideas?

user411 09-18-2009 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by swhya (Post 33237)
For all of you using the Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L, I have been running this board for awhile. Attached is legacy audio for Leopard and Snow Leopard and some tools. In the zip is a folder called HDA, in that folder is 2 other folders, one for Leopard and one for Snow Leopard and 1 file dsdt.aml. You can use either the dsdt.aml or the HDAEnabler.kext (don't use both) along with the HDA.kext. I use the dsdt.aml for my sound which just injects audio information (layout-id, and pin configurations) and the HDA.kexts injects the proper layout information for your on-board audio to work. HDAEnabler.kext does the same thing as dsdt.aml, it just injects it in a different place in the IORegistry. put the dsdt.aml file in /Extra and the HDA.kext and HDAEnabler.kext (only if you don't want to use my dsdt.aml file) in /Extra/Extensions. rebuild the /Extra/Extensions.mkext using MKextTool and reboot if your using leopard. if your using Snow Leopard, follow the above directions except run Kext Utility app in the tools folder instead of MKextTool and then reboot. You should now have line out, front headphones, line in and mic working. Don't forget to remove all of your other sound kexts (AppleAzailia, Voodoo etc. before you run Kext Utility).

Thank you very much swhya! I have been trying to get sound working on my Gigabyte GA-G31M-E2SL Rev. 2 under Snow Leopard for some time now and your method finally got it running. Decompiling your .aml file and comparing it with mine made me notice a "Device (AZAL)" section was still remaining in mine. After commenting the AZAL device out, I was able to boot with audio using my patched dsdt and your HDA.kext in /Extra/Extensions. Next there were some sound assertion failures to fix. They all disappeared when I disabled Azaila audio in the BIOS.

All of my references to "patched dsdt" refer to using

On a side note, I was not able to get audio working without resorting to dsdt patching. Maybe removing Device (AZAL) or disabling it in the BIOS is the minimum requirement to just use kexts?

Andrew 09-19-2009 09:09 PM

I've got the system working great with this tutorial, but my only problem is that I'll convert high definition video, and such and also it serves as a VPN server / iTunes / AppleTV server, etc etc. and if I try to do like converting a video and watching a movie on my AppleTV it will have a kernel panic, is there anyway to see what's wrong?


altoidboy 09-27-2009 11:56 PM

Hey everybody, I'm new to this forum and have this mobo (GA-G31M-ES2L) which I just got up and running on Snow Leopard thanks to this tutorial link (, however, audio isn't working.

Do you all have any tips for any things to try? I've tried VoodooHDA and it doesn't seem to work (unless I'm doing it wrong).

When I open the Sound control panel, it shows no input or output devices.

When I go to System Profiler > Audio, I see:

Device ID: 0x1458A002
Audio ID: 12
Available Devices:
Line Out: Connection: 1/8-Inch Jack
External Microphone: Connection: 1/8-Inch Jack
External Microphone: Connection: 1/8-Inch Jack
Headphone: Connection: 1/8-Inch Jack
S/P-DIF Out: Connection: 1/8-Inch Jack

I also tried to launch Audio MIDI Setup but only the Audio Devices page comes up and it says "No Devices Found". (MIDI devices don't show up at that something else broken?)

I actually don't need built-in audio to work, and would prefer to use a third-party soundcard (Tascam US-1641). I googled for US-1641 drivers and did find drivers specifically written for Snow Leopard, so downloaded and installed them. But the US-1641 isn't seen by the OS nor by the Tascam controller application.

I'm new to the OSx86 world so please be gentle. Any pointers to places to research or basic things to try would be really appreciated. Thanks!

353inf 10-03-2009 01:49 AM

still please
Just a head's up..........seems that I finally was able to install 10.5.2 with dual boot vista. Not much else happening though after .............

17. When you are at the desktop, copy the OSX_Tools folder to your desktop (via CD, external drive, etc)
18. Open the OSX_Tools folder, open the Chameleon folder, and install Chameleon.
19. If you have one of the motherboards listed in the DSDT folder, copy the corresponding dsdt.aml file to the root of your hard drive. If not, go to the next step.
20. Open the DSDTPatcher Folder in the OSX_Tools folder. Launch the App in there
21. Select: New HPET Option, and Apply DSDT Patch to: on the right side. Select your OSX Hard Drive from the dropdown menu and click 'Run DSDT Patcher'

You will be prompted for your admin password. Enter it. This will generate the DSDT file that is needed for your motherboard. When it is done:

22. Quit the DSDT Patcher ................

All the above are not working or it appears not. I am able to use 'boot 132 disc' to get into either vista or osx after entering '80' at boot. Also the vista option shows 'windows ntfs' which prior to installing the Chamelon dsdt package only had hd(0,1). Sorry to go in such detail but it has been difficult getting any of this working. I noticed my first post was on 9/9/09, so I'm making headway. Again appreciate any help.

biggui 10-07-2009 12:40 PM

Hello everyone ! I posted this in the v2.0 thread, but tought i'D post it in here too since you guys seem to reallly know what you are talking about !

First, I would like to thank every member of the community for being so active and helpful.
i'm pretty active myself on the osx86 scene, but since I rarely get desperate (I always end up finding an answer to my problems) I rarely post. So i will try to keep the story short.

The story started a couple months ago when i stumbled across a guide to install mosX on a gygabite P35C-DS3R ( my media center) and since then, i'm trying (with a lot of succes!) to install osX on all sort of configurations.

Last week, after a friend gave me a buggy dell server he had, i realised I had all the hardware i'd need to build another hackintosh except for a motherboard:

-Pentrium D dual core @ 2.8 ghz
-1x 2gig OCZ ddr2-800 ram
-2x 80 gig sata drives
-1x IDE or SATA optical combo drives
-1x decent psu


I tough i'd give myself a break and go buy the legendary g31m-es2l board from a local store. its the rev 2.0 but i have a realtek 8139 NIC laying arround. Well... i've never had as much trouble trying to install osX on a machine :'(

I post because (even tho i'm not a pro) i'm running out of options to try. I have the feeling its something really stupid, so here I am asking for help. :eek:

Motherboard G31m-es2l v2.0 with bios FC.
I really want to try the retail install methos on this board but i can't even getthe osx retail disk to boot, so for now i'll skip that part and tell you what else i tried.


The problems is that after every installation i do (and the installation goes fine) the comp enters into a reboot loop. I'll try to explain where it reboots in my own words. When, after you get into the chameleon logo, you boot with -v for example. the computer starts looading a couple files then switches video mode (it seems, at least to me) That's where my comp reboots. It also happens with the 132boot method. I pop the boot CD in, see the lunix bootloader, eject it, put the Leopard retail disk, boot on it, and it does the same thing. starts loading then tries to switch video mode and reboots.


What i tried so far:

-Partition using GUID and MRB, tried both
-BIOS settings : sata in all modes (enhanced, auto, combined, etc) disabled/enabled the onboard lan, HPET in 32 ans 64 bits mode, ACPI S1 and S3, soft off (instant off), SMART enabled and disabled, Disabled onboard IDE and enabled it... tried to looad default and optimised settings...
-tried my 7800gtx witch i know is working on osX (used in other setups) to bypass the onboard video i was using for a while (didnt mind to be stuck in 1024 for now, but tought it might be the problem)
-tried installing from an IDE AND sata optical drive(ideneb 1.5.1 and iatkos v7 for now since 132 method reboots.
-tried another PSU just in case
-in iatkos and/or iŠeneb, I keep the default kernel, but i tried to install with and without the realtek drivers for my 8139 based NIC, with and without the x3100 video drivers, tried with and without the cpus=1 boot and patch from the installation, tried with and without an intel ICHXX chipset driver, tried with and without every audio drivers... No matter what I try, it always reboots at the exact same spot.
-tried to boot with -v, with "CPUS=1", forcing the resolution to 1024, alouette !!!

I think i did all i could, and read sooo many threads hoping to find what i did wrong...
i now admit my defeat (for now!) and turn to you guys and girls for a little help.

gave a lot of details, i know, but i tought it would be better than not enough.
My goal is to practive my retail install skill with with board (10.5 and SL), that's why i'm posting here.

I also speak french if you are more comfortable giving advices in french!

thanks alot in advance !


nelisftw 10-14-2009 08:19 AM

Is this also the way to make a nice vanilla snow leopard install?

bmckay 12-02-2009 05:39 PM

First post, so my apologies for possibly resurrecting a thread.

I have the G31M-ES2L Rev.2 board. I have sound working now, using a combination of the Lifehacker guide, swhya's kexts, and LegacyAlc883. However, I've come to an impasse.

I can't get mic or line in working. The volume meter shows that there is sound coming into the board, but no sound output from the device. Just to make sure that sound IS indeed working, I played a few YouTube videos, and no problems there.

Anyone have any solutions to this sort of issue, or should I give up on it?

yogi446 12-04-2009 03:20 PM

Have you tried using quicktime to record from your mic?

A mac won't play mic sounds through the speakers by default.

idk12 01-16-2010 09:13 PM

Hello, so MB version 1 and 2 will work correct?

finster 01-21-2010 10:00 PM

Hi all,

I've got a rev 2 G31M-ES2L and a Netgear GA311 PCI card (RTL-8169 based).

I was having problems with internet connectivity, saying the cable was unplugged - messages "AppleRTL8169Ethernet: IOInterruptEventSource error"

I tried the Psystar driver, the driver from the Realtek website, a downloaded AppleRTL8169Ethernet.kext but still no joy.

In the end I deleted AppleHPET.kext and AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext from /System/Library/Extensions and everything now works.

Hope this helps somebody.

marc 01-29-2010 03:27 PM

can't boot
first try with a hackintosh,
i was able to get through the usb boot and install of snow leopard with a three partition set up, one snowleopard/backup/and chameleon. But on my first reboot the system won't boot from the usb again??? it freezes at the dmi pool.....

any suggestions?

i've tried using a boot132 cd which when loaded into darwin recognizes the snowleopard partition but just goes to a black screen when trying to boot it

Appreciate any advice

matthewordie 01-31-2010 12:10 AM

Got everything working so far with this guide with one exception.... Ethernet. Is there a kext file for it? Or do I need a seperate NIC card.

UnaClocker 01-31-2010 05:46 AM

I followed the guide, but can't seem to get CI/QE with the onboard video. I assumed that was taken care of in the patched DSDT, since there's no patched GMA3100 kext included.. But alas, that doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm also not getting any network connectivity, another kext that seems to be missing from the original pack. I'm actually wondering if the patched DSDT is even loading, because when I click restart, it doesn't reboot, it just hangs.. A patched DSDT would have fixed that..

boomerx01 02-06-2010 08:59 PM

I have v2.0 board and the boot 132 method does not work for me. The installer fails. I have swapped memory, set BIOS to enhanced, etc., no luck. Any suggestions?

fantome2024 03-19-2010 02:53 AM

I have board rev 1.1 will this method work???

shiningchihuahau 04-01-2010 06:23 AM

Successfully installed, but still have some problems
First of all, thanks so much for this Tutorial, its been a fantastic help.

I've managed to install Snow Leopard onto my pc, it's using the G31M-ES2L Motherboard, Intel core 2 Duo, 2GB Ram. If any other specs are needed please say?

I've followed the steps for putting files in the Extra folder, but the audio still doesnt work and the resolution isnt right (i need it to be 1366x768). Also the network settings arn't working. It doesnt allow me to chose any other connection methods (eg. Ethernet or Airport) apart from Built-in Serial Port for a dial up connection. Any ideas how to fix that problem?

I've double checked and i've copied LegacyALC883 into the extensions folder correctly. Also, another problem!, i have a Nvidia GT220 graphics card, but i dont think it's being recognised.

Any help regarding these issues would really be appretiated.


zenrascal 04-19-2010 06:29 AM

I just want to share this: If you're looking for a rev 1.x G31M-ES2L mobo, there are some available on eBay right now (April 2010). I know because I just bought one from the guy. It's item 120445578721.

Most places won't tell you what rev they're going to send. They can't be bothered. I've written a lot of places & usually get that runaround. This guy's ad mentions rev 1.x. I messaged him first to double-check & he messaged right back saying yes, a rev 1.x is what he'd send. I ordered one and, sure enough, that's what it is.

I've had great luck with the G31M-ES2L running Leopard for about a year. Just updated to Snow. I decided to get another board & lucked out finding another 1.x.

To be clear - I don't know the seller and am not involved in the sale of these boards. Just want to get the word out to others who, like me, wouldn't mind getting ahold of one.

bobble666 05-25-2010 01:15 PM

After much reading, re-reading and then realising I had missed the odd small (but very important) detail here and there, finally got my rig working.

Running the following:
Rev 2.0 board
Intel 4.6 Ghz chip
2 x 1Gb Corsair DDR-2 PC640 RAM
nVidia 8600GT
Belkin F5D5000ea (Realtek 8139 chipset)

Had took a while to latch onto the Rev 2.0, ethernet not compatible bit, then tried a D-Link 530TX NIC, which also failed - crappy VIA/Rhine Chipset. Once the Belkin was popped in, hey presto!

Next step is to pop Win7 on the second partition, then my life is complete!

One final question - can I simply buy a retail DVD of Snow Leopard and upgrade. Or would it be better to follow this process for SL??

Thanks again guys - top top work!!!

Sydneyboy 08-08-2010 02:16 AM

Built-in LAN Atheros AR8131 works perfectly with this kext
I trawled through many forum and got my built-in LAN Atheros AR8131 works perfectly 1st go with this kext. Read all about it here:
Download here:
This kext is 64-bit but works flawlessly with 32-bit as well! :D

I am trying to get the built-in GMA X3100 working as I have managed it succesfully (with an older Leopard kext AppleIntelGMAX3100FB 156KB ) on my laptop HP 6710b but so far, no luck. Anyone has success with the built-in graphic on this G31M-ES2L rev 2 board yet ? Should I give up and use something like the cheap nVidia 8400GS

Ianxxx 08-15-2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sydneyboy (Post 49954)
I trawled through many forum and got my built-in LAN Atheros AR8131 works perfectly 1st go with this kext. Read all about it here:
Download here:
This kext is 64-bit but works flawlessly with 32-bit as well! :D

I am trying to get the built-in GMA X3100 working as I have managed it succesfully (with an older Leopard kext AppleIntelGMAX3100FB 156KB ) on my laptop HP 6710b but so far, no luck. Anyone has success with the built-in graphic on this G31M-ES2L rev 2 board yet ? Should I give up and use something like the cheap nVidia 8400GS

I'm sure if you haven't already you can read about this all over but the graphics on your mobo is gma3100 not gmax3100 as far as I know there is no fully working solution.

evil saltine 08-22-2010 10:58 PM

Black screen

I have a rev 1.x board with a Radeon X1550. When I boot with Boot132 and insert the retail Snow Leopard disc, Chameleon loads the kernel, but the screen then turns black and nothing else happens.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

bobble666 09-20-2010 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sydneyboy (Post 49954)
I trawled through many forum and got my built-in LAN Atheros AR8131 works perfectly 1st go with this kext. Read all about it here:
Download here:
This kext is 64-bit but works flawlessly with 32-bit as well! :D

Excellent work! Managed to get this working, although it doesn't recognise the built-in LAN after a reboot - unless I run kext utility??....

Is there something a need to do to make the changes/recognition of this kext "permenant"?

ropuri 12-12-2010 03:28 PM

G41-ES2L Install does not recognise my Windows 7 install
I have OS X 10.6.4 Installed and fully functional on my G41-ES2L Board using the instructions on :

I also have Windows 7 Installed on a separate HD on the same box, but when I boot up using OS X as the primary Disk, the Boot loader does not show the Windows Partition when I click any key on bootup..

I can boot to the Windows partition using the Bios and switching to the Windows partition but would like to have the option of Windows showing up in the OS X Boot loader..

Any help is appreciated ?

zcream 12-26-2010 05:06 PM

Do you still have AppleHDA in S/L/E ?


Originally Posted by user411 (Post 35223)
Thank you very much swhya! I have been trying to get sound working on my Gigabyte GA-G31M-E2SL Rev. 2 under Snow Leopard for some time now and your method finally got it running. Decompiling your .aml file and comparing it with mine made me notice a "Device (AZAL)" section was still remaining in mine. After commenting the AZAL device out, I was able to boot with audio using my patched dsdt and your HDA.kext in /Extra/Extensions. Next there were some sound assertion failures to fix. They all disappeared when I disabled Azaila audio in the BIOS.

All of my references to "patched dsdt" refer to using

On a side note, I was not able to get audio working without resorting to dsdt patching. Maybe removing Device (AZAL) or disabling it in the BIOS is the minimum requirement to just use kexts?

Hydroxide 11-10-2011 11:53 AM

Guys I am having problem with step 2.
"When everything is loaded, remove the Boot CD and insert your Apple Leopard Retail DVD into your drive. You should see the word 'BOOT', when the DVD is recognized, press Enter.

It should now start to boot the Retail DVD, after a few minutes you will reach the OS X installation screen"

When I see the word boot and insert my Apple DVD, I press enter. Then it askes me which partition I want to use (81 or 80) After I pick that, another question pops asking which drive, when I pick the drive and hit enter, it says bootmgr is missing. What is wrong? I am using Windows 7 64 bit currently..
Really appreciate your help :)

jespejo 12-31-2011 03:41 AM

Blank Screen afer retail DVD screen
Hydroxide, did you solve this? I have the same issue doing mine.


Originally Posted by Hydroxide (Post 55967)
Guys I am having problem with step 2.
"When everything is loaded, remove the Boot CD and insert your Apple Leopard Retail DVD into your drive. You should see the word 'BOOT', when the DVD is recognized, press Enter.

It should now start to boot the Retail DVD, after a few minutes you will reach the OS X installation screen"

When I see the word boot and insert my Apple DVD, I press enter. Then it askes me which partition I want to use (81 or 80) After I pick that, another question pops asking which drive, when I pick the drive and hit enter, it says bootmgr is missing. What is wrong? I am using Windows 7 64 bit currently..
Really appreciate your help :)