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Ianxxx 03-28-2008 01:59 PM


[cite] agrafuese:[/cite]Yeah, that app doesn't work for AMDs...tried it some time ago.

So Ianxxx, you went with the DS3L??? I thought you were gonna go with that other cheapo board? That's good news though, because that's the board I want. Glad to hear another account of the DS3L working great. IMO, 2-channel audio is fine. It's all I use. Besides, I've never had anything more than that with my AMD anyway!

Oh, but AMD users may still have a fighting chance to have a stable system! Did anyone see that JaS is back on the scene?? Check it out:

I was all smiles when I read the news, but he wont be making an AMD release for quite some time it seems. Still, it's something to look forward to! :D
When I went shopping the place I use only had DS3Ls in stock so I thought what the hell. It seems certain components are very in demand. E2180s for isntance. I bought an E2160 unfortunatly it will only clock to 2700 but hell it's running at 25degrees 1.375v so I can live with that. If you do get one of these boards the only downsides I can see are, reports of max bus speed 450mhz (but I think thats high enough as far as I'm concerned) and it seems a little fussy with memory bought 800mhz 444-12 memory it runs at 555-15 but again it will do this at 900mhz default voltage no problem. I used kalyways disc to install and his 10.5.2 update, then just updated everything by software update. Results seem almost perfect, even X11 working. Xbench scores:

agrafuese 03-28-2008 02:35 PM

Good stuff man. My #1 priority for a mobo is that it is compatible with Leopard to the point of feeling like a real mac. I had it this way on my current system with Tiger, and I intend to get it back in Leopard with an Intel system. I honestly could care less about overclocking. I figure if I really cared that much about speeding things up, I'd rather just put another $100-$200 into a better processor or more RAM. Overclocking is fun and interesting, but I really don't enjoy it as much as others might. It's a bit tedious for me, and I'm constantly paranoid that I'm going to do something wrong. I just want a stable system. So the DS3L sounds like a perfect board as far as that is concerned. As far as a processor goes, I'm a little torn between getting a Q6600 or an E6850. I'm still not clear on whether or not the quad-core would even do anything for me in Leopard, and the E6850 is stock at 3.0ghz with a higher FSB. It's only a $20 difference between the two, so I'm a little on the fence there. Ianxxx, do you know if quad-core would be beneficial at all? Keep in mind OC isn't a concern for me...

Ianxxx 03-28-2008 02:44 PM


[cite] agrafuese:[/cite]Good stuff man. My #1 priority for a mobo is that it is compatible with Leopard to the point of feeling like a real mac. I had it this way on my current system with Tiger, and I intend to get it back in Leopard with an Intel system. I honestly could care less about overclocking. I figure if I really cared that much about speeding things up, I'd rather just put another $100-$200 into a better processor or more RAM. Overclocking is fun and interesting, but I really don't enjoy it as much as others might. It's a bit tedious for me, and I'm constantly paranoid that I'm going to do something wrong. I just want a stable system. So the DS3L sounds like a perfect board as far as that is concerned. As far as a processor goes, I'm a little torn between getting a Q6600 or an E6850. I'm still not clear on whether or not the quad-core would even do anything for me in Leopard, and the E6850 is stock at 3.0ghz with a higher FSB. It's only a $20 difference between the two, so I'm a little on the fence there. Ianxxx, do you know if quad-core would be beneficial at all? Keep in mind OC isn't a concern for me...
As far as I understand it quads come into there own when doing things like converting video files etc. It's a tough one because you have to take into account each piece of software, can it use quad core? If I where you and I was going to spend that type of money I'd consider an E8400 you can get an oem for around Ģ120 or a boxed version for Ģ140, 3Ghz 6mb cache 45 nano far as I know there is no problem with OS X. I know you said you're not interested in overclocking but reports are that this processor will easily overclock to 4Ghz I think that says something about the processor overclocked or not.

roisoft 03-28-2008 02:44 PM


I have an intel system as well (GA-P35-DS4-E6850-4gb-7600gt) look my xbench, maybe this can help you.
I have leo installed in a software raid.

Ianxxx 03-28-2008 02:46 PM


[cite] roisoft:[/cite]Hi!

I have an intel system as well (E6850-4gb-7600gt) look my xbench, maybe this can help you.
I have leo installed in a software raid.
roisoft what make of hard drives are you using, I was just wondering wether to set up software raid or buy a better hard drive?

roisoft 03-28-2008 02:52 PM

2 x 400 WD 16mb cache and 2x 320 Samsung 16mb , same performance +- (both)

agrafuese 03-28-2008 03:16 PM

@roisoft, your bench scores are absolutely sexy. is your DS4 board working 100% with full-features? anything not working? are you overclocking? is your leopard vanilla?

@Ianxxx, thanks for the advice. I'll check that CPU out.

Ianxxx 03-28-2008 03:27 PM

roisoft how come your graphics scores are so high? You easily outscore my xfx7900gs?
Also could you tell me what kext you use to recognise all 4 sata ports?

mrburns05 03-28-2008 03:45 PM

yeah my 7900 gt/ko @ 580/1680 gets

Quartz Graphics Test 174.14
Line 132.96 8.85 Klines/sec [50% alpha]
Rectangle 180.65 53.93 Krects/sec [50% alpha]
Circle 148.21 12.08 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]
Bezier 139.63 3.52 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]
Text 572.67 35.82 Kchars/sec
OpenGL Graphics Test 108.79
Spinning Squares 108.79 138.00 frames/sec

roisoft 03-28-2008 03:48 PM

E6850=3.4ghz( 24/7) +400mhz OC, 3.8 (stable), 3.95 my top score, but i donīt want to force too much and i donīt need it because the performance is awesome. All the P35-DS series are perfect for OS X, workig 100%, ethernet, 6+2 Sata2, E-sata works, Sleep/Reboot works, Shutdown 50%, 100% stable. Digital Out/In works perfect, and if you want 5.1 you need set up an agregate device in midi preferences and thatīs all.

Iīve installed from retail dvd adding dsmos.kext, efi-strings for audio and Gfx, and deleting AppleIntelCpupowermanagement.kext .. thatīs all you need.

Iīve enabled the QuartzGL and disable the Beamsync for do this open a terminal and type


sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ QuartzGLEnabled -boolean YES

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Compositor -dict deferredUpdates 0