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jhusly 08-31-2012 10:47 PM

Ive really tried that several times but before i could type in "update_dyld_shared_cache", my system hangs up and go into kernel panic. I either personally type it in or even just copy/paste the commands but im still getting the same error. I try restarting the system after that but it would still give me a kernel panic at the login screen so i have to re-install over again.

gils 08-31-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by jhusly (Post 58590)
Ive really tried that several times but before i could type in "update_dyld_shared_cache", my system hangs up and go into kernel panic. I either personally type it in or even just copy/paste the commands but im still getting the same error. I try restarting the system after that but it would still give me a kernel panic at the login screen so i have to re-install over again.


normal, si tu mets ton dossier amd patcher sur le bureau, il te Faut rajouter

~ / Desktop / amd blablabla .........

Normally, if you put your file on the desktop amd patcher, you need to add

~ / Desktop / AMD blah .........

jhusly 08-31-2012 11:03 PM

oh? What i did is,

"sudo su"
type password
"cd Desktop/amd_insn_patcher_src"
"./amd_insn ......"
does that make a difference? Im really so sorry, im really not good in commands...
but if you would try to look at the picture i posted with the the kernel panic, i think the first sets of commands works as there are patching going on in there...

gils 08-31-2012 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by jhusly (Post 58592)
oh? What i did is,

"sudo su"
type password
"cd Desktop/amd_insn_patcher_src"
"./amd_insn ......"
does that make a difference? Im really so sorry, im really not good in commands...
but if you would try to look at the picture i posted with the the kernel panic, i think the first sets of commands works as there are patching going on in there...

c'est pour localisé ton dossier amd patcher , pour ton panic , c'est certainement dû au conflit entre AppleHDA et voodooHDA , on installe jamais ces 2 pilotes ensembles , cause de KP .

Excuses moi pour le Français , Google traduit vraiment très mal . :)

jhusly 08-31-2012 11:18 PM

I see, so you mean VoodooHDA and AppleHDA kext might have been the reason for conflict that's why its giving me a kernel panic? Okay thanks, i would try to look at it when im back home and do it over again. I hope i get it right this time.

Really thank you for your time. :)

gils 08-31-2012 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by jhusly (Post 58594)
I see, so you mean VoodooHDA and AppleHDA kext might have been the reason for conflict that's why its giving me a kernel panic? Okay thanks, i would try to look at it when im back home and do it over again. I hope i get it right this time.

Really thank you for your time. :)

si tu veux faire bien , utilises cette méthode d'installation . :)

ce sera largement mieux que ces distros pas terrible .

The Connactic 09-01-2012 12:02 AM

Strange. I always had AppleHDA.kext and VoodooHDA.kext both installed side by side on my system, and never had any problems (AppleHDA doesn't even load). Maybe i'm lucky.

jhusly 09-01-2012 10:42 AM

Hi gils,

Ive tried again based on your suggestions but im still getting the same result. There lot of people who were able to succeed using the same trick/command but it just doesnt work on mine and I dont know why? :facefalm:

gils 09-01-2012 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by jhusly (Post 58598)
Hi gils,

Ive tried again based on your suggestions but im still getting the same result. There lot of people who were able to succeed using the same trick/command but it just doesnt work on mine and I dont know why? :facefalm:

it's weird anyway??
Can you describe your hardware?

You should reboot with -v -f to locate the error

jhusly 09-01-2012 09:48 PM

Hardware :
Asrock 970 Extreme 3
4gbx2 G.Skill Ripjaws
HD 5770
250gb WD

I always do that if i cant boot normally. Everytime doing this, the boot process stops at the last part where its still booting with chameleon background because it is suppose to continue at verbose with only black screen background.