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ynoc 12-08-2009 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by sobik (Post 40202)
I am using original SL 10.6 Retail DVD. Because not all of this pack was stable on my D630, I have made my own patched DSDT.aml and kext pack (assembled from several Snow Leopard D620/630/830 HOWTOs and proven sources -, etc...). What is important - this installation can be upgraded via Apple Software Update to the latest version 10.6.2 :)

I will post it here after another day or two of testing - just to be sure... ;)

Sobik: how is it going so far - I could help out testing a bit too.


InsanelyOne 12-09-2009 03:30 AM

Black screen on first boot after install
I'm trying to install onto a USB stick on my D630 with Intel X3100 graphics (1440x900 native resolution).

SL installed fine onto the USB stick but when I try to boot off of the stick it seems to be working just fine and then right when I think it would normally show the initial screen it just goes black. I've been scouring all of the Hackintosh related forums for hours and hours and can't find a solution.

Ideas anyone?

sad_nomad 12-10-2009 03:38 AM

plug external monitor, start the laptop, press F8 at the darwin bootloader, switch to external monitor (fn-F8), use -v switch, when text mode finishes - switch back to internal screen.

sad_nomad 12-10-2009 03:50 AM

how safe is to update D630 to 10.6.2
I have D630, running 10.6. how safe is to update the laptop to 10.6.2?
any advice ? thanks!

blacklabelsktr2 12-10-2009 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by sad_nomad (Post 40858)
I have D630, running 10.6. how safe is to update the laptop to 10.6.2?
any advice ? thanks!

I mentioned this data a few posts ago.
Basically, updating is safe, just make sure you delete the SleepEnabler.kext before rebooting or you won't be able to get it working again easily. Let me know if you are confused by my posts, it late here, so I'm kind of tired. I'll try and clear up the instructions if needed.

You may need to re-apply some kexts after update depending on your config.
I also decided to use an older version of the boot loader which fixed my usb and bluetooth from dropping out. I never made my own dst.aml file.. so this was a work around for me. To use the older version I just copied the boot file from the link below onto my current drive..

Now I updated from 10.6.1 to 10.6.2, but I don't see any trouble if you go straight from 10.6.0 to 10.6.2 as long as you delete that SleepEnabler before reboot.


Originally Posted by blacklabelsktr2 (Post 39253)
I tried the 10.6.2 Update through Apple Update. Deleted and replaced SleepEnabler.kext before rebooting. Seemed to update fine. However, when rebooting, it seems as though USB and Audio (and even bluetooth) no longer work. I applied the original kexts.. but no success with getting them working again. Anyone else experience this or know the fix?



How I fixed my problem after the 10.6.2 update..this is odd, but it worked for me..
First I made a copy of my screwd up SL install to a USB. Then:
1. Went to: (dang it, I copied the url wrong, so it wont work. For the boot file I'm using.. try this instead.. )
and downloaded Bootloader2. Installed the included Charmeleon 1 Installer to the USB drive, Copied included Boot to USB Drive /Volumes Folder.
2. Re-installed original Audio kexts from original D630 Package in this post (the original one, before the installer) Followed Included Directions on adding the VoodoHDA Helper and preferences.
The USB copy now has bluetooth working, audio, and USB again!!! I'm going to either do the same to my main drive or just clone it over.

Update: As mentioned in step 1.. The boot file included with that fixed almost all my issues.. It runs even better than before.. USB and Bluetooth work everytime now.. whereas before they would stop working every once in a while.

If you restart and have issues with your graphics resolution.. I just reinstalled the D630 installer package (uncheck option for reinstalling chameleon and then I used HelperKext to add SleepEnabler.kext and Natit.kext back in (to overwrite the existing bad ones).
my current specs (my profile wont let me update my sig for some reason)
Got a wifi card that works with airport! - the same card in the current mbp's
running 10.6.2
Everything working except for Sleep and Restart (also I don't think secondary monitor works..haven't tried it.)

InsanelyOne 12-13-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by sad_nomad (Post 40857)
plug external monitor, start the laptop, press F8 at the darwin bootloader, switch to external monitor (fn-F8), use -v switch, when text mode finishes - switch back to internal screen.

Well... I'm getting close but not quite there. I'm typing this now on my D630 under Snow Leopard but I'm in Safe Boot mode. If I don't do a safe boot I get this error:

ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - WARNING - LPC device initialization failed: C-state power management not initialized

I suspect it has something to do with the DSDT file. I've tried using the DSDT Patcher but that didn't get rid of the error. I've also tried removing the DSDT file but get the same error.

Suggestions are welcome...

wojei 12-18-2009 01:15 AM

Warning in console
Do any of you know how to fix any of the following errors that I get in a console:

12/17/09 7:10:23 PM[19] /SourceCache/SmartcardCCID/SmartcardCCID-35253/ccid/ccid/src/ifdhandler.c:1323:init_driver() Driver version: 1.3.8

12/17/09 7:10:26 PM[82] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:

12/17/09 7:10:28 PM[82] ([107]) Exited with exit code: 1

12/17/09 7:09:03 PM[11] EV_DELETE failed for file watcher 26


ganjabob 12-24-2009 08:48 PM

GMAX3100 loading but LCD is 'sheared'?
2 Attachment(s)
Hello gurus.

I've got retail SL installed with SLICs patch set and I'm able to boot up into SL on a Dell D630 with a GMA965 Intel video card.

However only my external monitor is appearing in the proper resolution (and size). Actually my LCD is also 'noticed' properly and loading the GMAX3100 appropriately and it's registering at 1440x900 (I used SwitchResX pro to change the settings). The strange thing is that the LCD is 'showing' my 1440x900 desktop bigger than it should, only the right 1/3 of the desktop and it's appearing only on the left side of the LCD. A picture's worth a 1000 words. The first pic is of the 'sheared' LCD image. Second is the System profiler showing my GMAX3100 drivers are loaded properly and registering the proper resolution.

SwitchResX is registering both monitors properly and their appropriate resolutions.
The LCD is vendor: AUO-6AF, product: 1347
The Monitor is vendor: NEC-38A3, product: 43BC.

I've build a custom resolution in SwitchResX for the LCD using the following:

Pixel Clock: 96.3 Mhz non-interlaced
Active: H=1440, V=900
Front Porch: 64pixels, 3 lines
Sync Width: 32pixels, 3 lines
Back Porch: 224pixels, 6 lines
Blanking: 320 pixles, 12 lines
total: 1720 pixels, 912 lines
scan rate: 54.716 kHz, 59.966 Hz
image size: 303mm, 189mm

I've also tried the 'standard' 1440x900 resolution that OSX wants to use and it looks the same just with fewer vertical still registers too large a desktop scale and only on the left 1/2 of the LCD.

If I remove the GMAX3100 kexts I boot into a prop looking (but scaled) 1024x758 GPU-only desktop. From all the research I've done the GMA965 and Dell D630 combo is an OSX bummer but it appears it's not a driver issue, it's a monitor issue with the AU Optronics LCD used in the Dells. Any ideas how I can address this issue? Note that I have the same issue in Kalyway's 10.5.2, iPC 10.5.6, Retail Leopard and Retail Snow Leopard. That's why I don't think it's a GMAX3100 issue! Thanks.

rabidpilot 01-01-2010 02:45 AM


I have D630 with nvs 135m graphics card. running snow leopard retail 10.6.2 I can't find a driver/Kext that will give me 3d rendering support. So can't play dvd
get the following error:

There was an initialization error
getting a valid video device could not be found for playback [-70017]


Originally Posted by blacklabelsktr2 (Post 40860)
I mentioned this data a few posts ago.
Basically, updating is safe, just make sure you delete the SleepEnabler.kext before rebooting or you won't be able to get it working again easily. Let me know if you are confused by my posts, it late here, so I'm kind of tired. I'll try and clear up the instructions if needed.

You may need to re-apply some kexts after update depending on your config.
I also decided to use an older version of the boot loader which fixed my usb and bluetooth from dropping out. I never made my own dst.aml file.. so this was a work around for me. To use the older version I just copied the boot file from the link below onto my current drive..

Now I updated from 10.6.1 to 10.6.2, but I don't see any trouble if you go straight from 10.6.0 to 10.6.2 as long as you delete that SleepEnabler before reboot.

my current specs (my profile wont let me update my sig for some reason)
Got a wifi card that works with airport! - the same card in the current mbp's
running 10.6.2
Everything working except for Sleep and Restart (also I don't think secondary monitor works..haven't tried it.)

teufel2k 01-04-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by ganjabob (Post 41749)
Hello gurus.

I've got retail SL installed with SLICs patch set and I'm able to boot up into SL on a Dell D630 with a GMA965 Intel video card.

However only my external monitor is appearing in the proper resolution (and size). Actually my LCD is also 'noticed' properly and loading the GMAX3100 appropriately and it's registering at 1440x900 (I used SwitchResX pro to change the settings). The strange thing is that the LCD is 'showing' my 1440x900 desktop bigger than it should, only the right 1/3 of the desktop and it's appearing only on the left side of the LCD. A picture's worth a 1000 words. The first pic is of the 'sheared' LCD image. Second is the System profiler showing my GMAX3100 drivers are loaded properly and registering the proper resolution.

SwitchResX is registering both monitors properly and their appropriate resolutions.
The LCD is vendor: AUO-6AF, product: 1347
The Monitor is vendor: NEC-38A3, product: 43BC.

I've build a custom resolution in SwitchResX for the LCD using the following:

Pixel Clock: 96.3 Mhz non-interlaced
Active: H=1440, V=900
Front Porch: 64pixels, 3 lines
Sync Width: 32pixels, 3 lines
Back Porch: 224pixels, 6 lines
Blanking: 320 pixles, 12 lines
total: 1720 pixels, 912 lines
scan rate: 54.716 kHz, 59.966 Hz
image size: 303mm, 189mm

I've also tried the 'standard' 1440x900 resolution that OSX wants to use and it looks the same just with fewer vertical still registers too large a desktop scale and only on the left 1/2 of the LCD.

If I remove the GMAX3100 kexts I boot into a prop looking (but scaled) 1024x758 GPU-only desktop. From all the research I've done the GMA965 and Dell D630 combo is an OSX bummer but it appears it's not a driver issue, it's a monitor issue with the AU Optronics LCD used in the Dells. Any ideas how I can address this issue? Note that I have the same issue in Kalyway's 10.5.2, iPC 10.5.6, Retail Leopard and Retail Snow Leopard. That's why I don't think it's a GMAX3100 issue! Thanks.

Hi ganjabob,

i have exactly the same problem. I also tried some patching the DSDT as mentioned a few posts ago, but nothing helps! If you or someone else could help finding the right settings I would be very happy!


osxfr33k 01-11-2010 09:35 AM

Thanks for the Great Pack. I have the D830 T7800 Processor and NV 140 4GB ram with Dell 1505 Wireless and same 9205 audio.

Right now I want to stick with 10.5.8 and use Chameleon RC4 and a DSDT.aml that is closest to my system. Obvious it will be hard to find with my specific processor with Both C and P states.

Does anyone have a Good working DSDT.aml and how do I get this working with 10.5.8? I have already tried and got Vaniila 10.5.6 and combo update going with Chameleon RC4. Found a DSDT but it does not look like DSDT override is working? How can I tell?

I am getting SMC warnings and if I keep the CPUPM I get a Kernel Panic. I have fakeSMC going. PlatformUUID does not seem to work in 10.5.8 nor does the voodooHDA?

I think the problem with the Power management is that I don't have a good DSDT with all the fixes right?

JustinCase 01-12-2010 02:18 AM

Hi guys,
First thanks to slic for such topic which makes installation 10.6 on D820 simply enough.

For those with sleep issues :
- and download sleepenabler [if you use 10.6 or 10.6.1]
- copy to /E/E
- rebuilt Extensions.mkext
- reboot

Done :)

If you have d820 can you please attach smbios.plist to this topic

howoarang 01-14-2010 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by sad_nomad (Post 40858)
I have D630, running 10.6. how safe is to update the laptop to 10.6.2?
any advice ? thanks!

I have d630 too with 10.6.2.
Update yours system basicaly via software updater, but if you use sleepenabler.kext, you must remove them before update and download new sleepenabler.kext for 10.6.2.

Some question to you. Are you using DSDT.aml from Slic, if yes, have you any problem with USB ports?

osxfr33k 01-16-2010 09:00 PM

The DSDT in this package is Great has all the fixes I asked about in my first post.

What is not working for me is:

PS2 keyboard not functioning
USB flash drive insertion error from sleep/wake << I thought there was a DSDT fix for this? I see the DTGP script for each USB device section? Could my USB ports address be different from the DSDT provided?

Here is my kernel log message about Power management? Is there a fix for this?

ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::start - waitForService(resourceMatching(AppleIntelCPUPower Management) timed out
Jan 16 13:19:03 my-MacBook kernel[0]: ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - WARNING - LPC device initialization failed: C-state power management not initialized

Does this mean the DSDT is not have the complete script for this to work? I don't see any LPC script in the DSDT? Maybe I am overlooking it. Is this a C and P state issue?

Should I use VoodooPS2 and remove all the Mac Nub and PS2 kexts supplied in this package?

If I use the voodooPS2 what other kexts do I need to remove besides the ones in this package?

These? in Preferences folder?
FFscroll Daemon.plist in LaunchDaemons folder?
ffscrolldaemon from the /usr/bin folder?

What is the purpose of the smbios.plst? I have the latest Chameleon. DO I need it still? Is there a PlatformUUID kext for the D830 or do I add the UUID in the smbios.plist?

I see some infomration about before I update to 10.6.2 what I need to do as far as sleepenabler but is there anything else I need to know?

Last question, why can't most of the kexts in this package go into the /volumes/efi/Extra/extensions instead of the /system/library/extensions?

My Laptop is Dell D830 4GB Ram 2.6GZ processor . 1505 BCM wireless
10.6.0 snow


I used the installer this time instead of trying to put in the kexts and plists files manually and now everything works except the ETHERNET kext is not loading correctly and the Disk Insertion from sleep/wake. PS2 now works.

Any clues on what I need to do to get Ethernet and Disk Insertion fixed?

DO I need the smbios.plist and what about the PlatformUUID.plist that is not included in the package? Where does the System UUID go?



I should have read the guide more carefully I did not set my USB to wake in Powermanagemnt section of the Bios. The DIsk insertion error after sleep/wake is now resolved.

Removed the Ethernet Kext as it was messing with the trackpad.

Is there any driver available yet to get ethernet working? Will it happen? I guess I can purchase a USB to ethernet adapter.

I have a 2.6GHZ processor, how can I change this to show 2.6 instead of 2.0GHZ? SMBIOS.plist?

Is the DSDT.aml need any editing for my particular processor?

And I still have a question about the Extensions in the package installer. Can't those all go into the Volumes/EFI/Extra folder instead?


osxfr33k 01-17-2010 09:14 PM

Quick Help. I extracted my DSDT using Ubuntu and a nifty command from this site to get me all the ACPI tables zipped.

The DSDT provided in this package looks pretty much the same as the one I extracted overall as far as definition block and CPU etc addresses. Only one concern is the CPUPM _CST section. Slight differences in address as you can see. Do I need to mod this?

I see some differences in addresses. Do I need to change these values or not?

DSDT provided in the Nvidia package Section of concern:

Scope (\)
Name (SSDT, Package (0x0C)
Name (CFGD, 0x013369F7)
Name (PDC0, 0x80000000)
Name (PDC1, 0x80000000)
Name (SDTL, Zero)

My DSDT Freshly Extracted ACPI tables no DSDT override so Clean Extraction:

Scope (\)
Name (SSDT, Package (0x0C)
Name (CFGD, 0x013369F7)
Name (\PDC0, 0x80000000)
Name (\PDC1, 0x80000000)
Name (\SDTL, 0x00)

Last issue. I had everything working Shutdown, Restart everything except the Ethernet and now shutdown is back to the way it is in all PC laptops, you have to hold down the power button and also the PC NUB Kext won't load all of a sudden. I used the new Kext utility for Snow could that have broken something? I was running the chmod, chown and touch commands manually and everything worked then. Maybe its something else that I cannot figure out?

blacklabelsktr2 01-20-2010 08:27 AM

I dont know what I've done differently from you guys. I have all current updates up to 10.6.2 (32bit) But this is what works for me:
Keyboard & Mouse (trackpad) /both built in and usb
Wifi with Airport (bought a supported card)
Fully supported graphic acceleration
Time Machine
Gigabit Ethernet

What doesn't work so far:

Haven't tested:
2nd Monitor
Docking Station

If you want me to upload any files or configs I have, let me know.

FYI: I can't update my signature/tag..on this forum, I think because I used "------>" in the beginning...

yzpdsg 01-21-2010 02:22 PM


First I'd like to say that you did great on the kext pack for DELL D630/830.However,after install the retail SL,I immediately install the pack and reboot,it turns out that nothing happened as if I didn't install the pack.The system didn't open QE/CI either.Nor my sound card,wired and wireless card don't work(The wireless card did work after installing SL).I don't know why the kext pack didn't work on me:(.I'm working on DELL D830 now and type these words in Windows.;)I'm quite appreciate your help.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo T9500, 2600 MHz (13 x 200)
DIMM1: Hynix HYMP112S64CP6-Y5 1GB
DIMM3: Kingston 9905295-052.A00LF 2GB
Graphic Card:
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M(64bit,256MB)
Network Card:
Broadcom NetXtreme 5755 Gigabit Controller
Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card Wireless Network Adapter
Sound Card:
SigmaTel STAC9205X @ Intel 82801HBM ICH8M - High Definition Audio Controller [B-0]

howoarang 01-21-2010 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by yzpdsg (Post 43487)

First I'd like to say that you did great on the kext pack for DELL D630/830.However,after install the retail SL,I immediately install the pack and reboot,it turns out that nothing happened as if I didn't install the pack.The system didn't open QE/CI either.Nor my sound card,wired and wireless card don't work(The wireless card did work after installing SL).I don't know why the kext pack didn't work on me:(.I'm working on DELL D830 now and type these words in Windows.;)I'm quite appreciate your help.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo T9500, 2600 MHz (13 x 200)
DIMM1: Hynix HYMP112S64CP6-Y5 1GB
DIMM3: Kingston 9905295-052.A00LF 2GB
Graphic Card:
NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M(64bit,256MB)
Network Card:
Broadcom NetXtreme 5755 Gigabit Controller
Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card Wireless Network Adapter
Sound Card:
SigmaTel STAC9205X @ Intel 82801HBM ICH8M - High Definition Audio Controller [B-0]

Hi, you must edit and add vendor ID of your dell wireless card to IO80211Family.kext.
Or, use this script:
Simply double click and run. Restart and post here, if it is working.

howoarang 01-21-2010 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by blacklabelsktr2 (Post 43389)
I dont know what I've done differently from you guys. I have all current updates up to 10.6.2 (32bit) But this is what works for me:
Keyboard & Mouse (trackpad) /both built in and usb
Wifi with Airport (bought a supported card)
Fully supported graphic acceleration
Time Machine
Gigabit Ethernet

What doesn't work so far:

Haven't tested:
2nd Monitor
Docking Station

If you want me to upload any files or configs I have, let me know.

FYI: I can't update my signature/tag..on this forum, I think because I used "------>" in the beginning...

What type of wifi internal (primary) card you have?

rabidpilot 01-23-2010 08:25 PM

What driver/Kext are you using to get dvds playing on the d630 10.6.2 and the nvs135m



Originally Posted by blacklabelsktr2 (Post 43389)
I dont know what I've done differently from you guys. I have all current updates up to 10.6.2 (32bit) But this is what works for me:
Keyboard & Mouse (trackpad) /both built in and usb
Wifi with Airport (bought a supported card)
Fully supported graphic acceleration
Time Machine
Gigabit Ethernet

What doesn't work so far:

Haven't tested:
2nd Monitor
Docking Station

If you want me to upload any files or configs I have, let me know.

FYI: I can't update my signature/tag..on this forum, I think because I used "------>" in the beginning...

patchrick 01-24-2010 06:43 PM

Hi everybody! I've been lurking on this thread for months now without actually commenting. First and foremost I want to thank everyone who contributed to this thread and thereby helping me get my D630 running OS X with little difficulty. My only issue is Sleep. It used to work flawlessly whether closing the lid or choosing sleep from the Apple Menu. But ever since 10.6.2 I can't get it to work properly. If I close the lid, it does nothing. Fans stay on, HDD still spins, and when I open the lid the desktop is still there. If I choose sleep from the menu, it tries to sleep. The screen goes black and the HDD spins down but the fans stay running. Then in about 10-15 seconds, the DVD drive and the HDD come back on and the screen lights up where it left off.

I've got the latest version of SleepEnabler.kext from and compiled a DSDT using DSDT_Patcher1.0.1e from InsanelyMac. I'm no dummy, but I don't completely understand all the ins and outs of this OSX86 situation yet. I'm throroughly comfortable on both OS X and Windows, but it's just some of the inner workings stuff that confuses me. So all that being said, does anyone have any suggestions for me to get my D630 to sleep comfortably!?

Thanks in advance!!

ashman 01-26-2010 09:18 PM

Frustrated. I have a Dell D630 with Intel GMA965 video, I have tried various installers and cannot get 10.6 to boot to setup, I always get the 'you must shut down your computer' message. My ATA settings in the BIOS are set for AHCI, should they be set to ATA? What method have those of you use to boot with the 10.6 disc?


howoarang 01-27-2010 05:56 PM

try to boot leopard 10.6.2 Universal v3.6, but if you have intel integrated on Dell d630, you need to plug in external monitor. After installation and and patching with dell d630 x3100pack from Slic, you will have everything working with internal screen included, and the you don't need external monitor.

howoarang 01-27-2010 05:59 PM

With new dsdt.aml and kext pack from slic I have working sound with legacystac9205 kext, but if I plug in external microphone, it doesn't work. Only internal microphone is working.. have somebody the same problem?

donjuant 01-29-2010 08:00 AM

Problem with USB ports after installing DELL D620-630-830 NVIDIA.mpkg

I need help with an USB issue I have after installing the following package:

DELL D620-630-830 NVIDIA.mpkg

USB stopped working after I installed it

please help me, I have some stuff on an USB HD and cannot do it until I fix it.

already enable USB at power Management and did not work


TheEdge 02-06-2010 02:33 PM

I have the same problem, Please someone...

rabidpilot 02-07-2010 06:14 PM

THis may be useful to you

I'm not sure about that. I created a boot disk from a image

just look for

Update: 10.6.0 Boot CD for Snow Leopard Retail Install here:
at the bottom of the first post. that image will allow you to boot off the retail dvd and do a native install. All works execpt for wireless ethernet and graphics for 3d stuff.. if u need ethernet drivers let me know and I will find where I found the driver to get it working or send u the correct kext file.


Originally Posted by ashman (Post 43870)
Frustrated. I have a Dell D630 with Intel GMA965 video, I have tried various installers and cannot get 10.6 to boot to setup, I always get the 'you must shut down your computer' message. My ATA settings in the BIOS are set for AHCI, should they be set to ATA? What method have those of you use to boot with the 10.6 disc?


rabidpilot 02-07-2010 06:19 PM

I was wondering if anyone knew of a kext that would work with retail 10.6.2 that would allow 3d graphic support and DVD Playback

I have tried the pack but it crashes my install and I have to reinstall

slic 02-09-2010 01:04 AM

im finally back :) and have 10.6.2 on my D630 (with broken lcd).

cnknsd 02-13-2010 12:04 AM

Slic, do you have a new version
Do you have a osx 10.6.2 updated version of your d63c/d630/d830 kext installer? When I use your installer to update all of the kexts on my install for a d630, I get a kernel panic about the kernel and cpu not being the same version. Or any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Sent you a pvt msg too...


slic 02-13-2010 11:44 PM

Hi the installer is not a combo updater.
You must remove ALL old kexts and then install kextpack.

or remove only problematic kexts (see readme).

howoarang 02-14-2010 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by cnknsd (Post 44940)
Do you have a osx 10.6.2 updated version of your d63c/d630/d830 kext installer? When I use your installer to update all of the kexts on my install for a d630, I get a kernel panic about the kernel and cpu not being the same version. Or any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Sent you a pvt msg too...


Maybe you have some other kernel. You need original vanilla kernel from original Mac OSX Snow DVD, not from SnowOSXUniFlash1.0.

stephens 02-19-2010 05:55 AM

Has anyone tried using these kexts with the non-Mac boot method that r0m30 documented on insanelymac? I was able to create the HFSPlus partitions with all the necessary bits, created my own DSDT.aml (caveats to this, btw!), and file(s). Zero luck so far.

I've tried everything with my d830, and even with an external monitor, I can't get past where it starts the GUI for the install. I've got the dreaded Intel GMA965 and even using an external monitor, it only coughs up purple/pink horizontal lines. I tried just about every GraphicsMode known, from 800x600x16 to 1920x1200x32 -- with various incarnations of the same result.

Someone please tell me I won't need another Mac to do this!

I'm confident that once I get booted into the install, I can make everything work, but this is just absurd!

Just as a note, when booting back into the parted magic USB key, I have to run fsck.hfsplus /dev/sda2 (the partition that I have my chameleon installed on) before mounting it to make changes.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

slic 02-19-2010 09:45 PM

hi stephens,
the horizontal lines causes dsdt fix for intel gma.
My external monitor working perfectly only without dsdt (im using sleep trick).

stephens 02-19-2010 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by slic (Post 45254)
hi stephens,
the horizontal lines causes dsdt fix for intel gma.
My external monitor working perfectly only without dsdt (im using sleep trick).

So you installed without DSDT.aml in your root partition or /Extra folder?

Also, what is this sleep trick?

Is this where you let it just 'sit' for 10 minutes or more, then wake it up?

After it's installed, is it possible to boot straight to the LCD panel without the need for an external monitor?

stephens 02-20-2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by stephens (Post 45262)
So you installed without DSDT.aml in your root partition or /Extra folder?

Also, what is this sleep trick?

Is this where you let it just 'sit' for 10 minutes or more, then wake it up?

After it's installed, is it possible to boot straight to the LCD panel without the need for an external monitor?

Ok, so I've tried a few more things, without success thus far, but some progress.
  1. I edited my DSDT and recompiled, removing all the AGP sections, as well as the CRT, DVI and TV subsections from the VID device. I removed the AGP device completely, as well as its scope. While I was in there, I also yanked out all the nasty code from the TPM device, as I figure it's not necessary anyway.
  2. I am using the X3100 and X3100FB modified kexts and removed the Apple supplied ones. I'm not sure if this is helping or hurting, but the results is the same.

Thus, now when I boot, using 1920x1200x32 (Yes, my LCD supports this resolution), it gets to the GUI part of the installer and it is a black blank screen, but it is at least back-lit.

I'm wondering if I can use the default Apple VESA drivers to install with and worry about the X3100 after installation -- is this possible?

speedcat1995 02-28-2010 09:14 AM

Am i dumb?
Am I that dumb? I cant find the download for the Pack!?
Could someone tell me where it is???

Question: With Monitor Dimming... do you mean the Ambient Light 'Sensor is working???

itry2hide 03-02-2010 01:53 AM

I'm a noob - need a little help
So, I have a dell D630 with the intel GMA965 - is that the X3100? It sounds to me like you installed this to an external drive on a Mac, then used the drive to boot the D630. You then installed to the D630?

Is there a step by step procedure somewhere?

FYI, I've installed SL on a D620. For most of these, I've used A preset up bootloader that I can install to my USB drive with SL retail install DVD imaged on it.

EDIT: Somehow I got this up and running. Stable and fast.

EDIT #2 - OK, I finally bit the bullet and installed VoodooHDA and Fakesmc (new version) in the /E/E folder. Pretty stable right now. two problems: Jumpy trackpad and no sound input.

FYI - I'm running Crossover for the few Windows apps I need. Kinda weird - Office 2007 (for XML parsing)->WinXP->Crossover->Snow Leopard->on a Dell. Plays with the mind a little.


diablo99 03-03-2010 05:12 AM

USB is still a problem
I first want to say great stuff here. By far the most centralized resource for getting my d630 up and running on SL.

I have read through every post so far and found solutions to all my problems. The one issue that seems outstanding is USB ports working. I have found that my USB ports seem to be somewhat randomly working.

Most of the time the two ports in the back work. Occasionally it will change and one in the back will work and only one on the side will work. It's a big deal because I use external keyboard and mouse as well as an external HD.

My main question here is: Which specific kext file is responsible for USB ports? I haven't seen solid documentation of this anywhere. I would love to know which kext file i should be trying different versions of to resolve this issue.

Thanks for any help.

stephens 03-03-2010 07:54 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Just an update on my d830 (Bios A15) with the Intel x3100 and a 1920x1200 screen. This is running a Snow Leopard 10.6.2 Vanilla kernel and Chameleon 2.0 RC4.

I've got almost everything working, some without kexts even. This is possibly one of the nicest laptops to use with Snow Leopard
  • Sleep, by power button or clamshell close, works -- natively, no kext. When you open the display, it wakes perfectly.
  • Restart and Halt work exactly as they should -- using OpenHaltRestart.kext, but will test without
  • P and C states work when on battery, battery life goes to 3.5 hours immediately and openssl speed tests confirm a seriously degraded performance, ha! No NullCPUPowerManagement.kext required.
  • Audio works using the legacy9205.kext, including headphone out, line in, built-in Mic
  • PS2 keyboard/trackpad/trackpoint all work beautifully using the ApplePS2Controller.kext and AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext (must reside in /S/L/E)
  • Display dimming works not only with the Fn keys, but also with the slider under Display Properties
  • Battery display works using AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext
  • gigabit ethernet works, including WOL using AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext
  • Bluetooth works natively
  • Volume up/down/mute work natively, as does the power button for sleep
  • I flashed a Dell 1390 (BCM4311) and also a BCM4328 with Apple Device IDs so now it recognizes either as an Airport Extreme.

I'm still having issues with the rear CRT port.. if I press Fn-F8 to switch from the internal LCD to mirror to CRT, it scrambles the video and I can't fix it. Perhaps setting up a hot corner for 'sleep' would do the trick, but I think a simple display re-init in the DSDT if I can find what function governs that flip back and forth would also do the trick. Feel free to contribute here...

The only other thing I can think of is migrating everything to 64 bit, but that shouldn't be hard. The only device drivers I'm using are the Broadcom ethernet, PS2 keyboard/mouse and legacySTAC9205. The rest should be fine, but I'll test soon enough anyway.

So, how to do all this?

SERIOUS DSDT modifications. I'm going to attach my current DSDT for others to use, but do NOT take it thinking that it will 'just work' on your laptop. You'll need to have a Latitude D830 with Bios Revision A15, x3100 (965 chipset) video, and a 1920x1200 panel.. otherwise, I can't guarantee *anything*.

P.S. When I say SERIOUSLY modified, I'm not joking. I have added and removed devices, hacked up IRQs, put in different OSID checks, changed device names, timers, and even IDs. Do not take this as a panacea for all your laptop compatibility woes, but do take it as proof that you can get very close to native operative performance with just about any laptop if you are persistent enough and willing to read ACPI specs. No really, go get the document to read about what you don't understand BEFORE asking questions.

P.P.S. I also am using a custom /boot file. I'll include that as well. PC-EFI 10.6 does NOT initialize the x3100 correctly!

P.P.P.S. Quick lists of kexts in /Extra/Extensions


And in /System/Library/Extensions:


And my /Extra/smbios.plist file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

And my /Extra/ file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <key>Boot Banner</key>
        <key>Default Partition</key>
        <key>Graphics Mode</key>
        <key>Hide Partition</key>
        <key>Kernel Flags</key>

stephens 03-04-2010 07:03 PM

Just a quick update -- on those C & P-states, unless you're using a T7300, those may (probably) not work for you. You'll need the FID/VID values for your specific processor, and then recompile the dsdt accordingly.

Best of luck.

sp-am 03-05-2010 05:24 AM

Flashed Appel IDs
  • I flashed a Dell 1390 (BCM4311) and also a BCM4328 with Apple Device IDs so now it recognizes either as an Airport Extreme.

Sounds very interesting: How did you 'flash' the IDs ?

itry2hide 03-15-2010 10:40 PM

I've tried everything I can think of and can't get sleep to work. My D630 is a [email protected], Intel GMA 965 (X3100). I'm loath to mess with the DSDT file, as I know I'll mess it up. Everything else works, P-States, QE/CE, OpenGL, wireless and wired.

I've gone a much different route, using Voodoo Kexts for power mgmt and sound. I get really confused when I check IORegistry. It looks like most of the extensions say Apple this or that.

I also have and entry in the DSDT that is Device (VID). There is no AGP device, etc In IOReg with a video drive. I have VID2@2,1 and a VID@2. I've read in a couple of posts that problems with video drivers can prevent sleep.

Any ideas?
Any ideas?

dutongtie 03-21-2010 09:13 AM

thx , It's great.

martinchanh 03-22-2010 05:46 AM

Hi, anyone get this Dell D630 X3100 work with external monitor (mirror screen) using DDST? Thanks

bigtwenty 03-27-2010 03:30 AM

Dell D630
Ok, So I have used Chameleon RC/Retail 10.6 (genuine) install on a Dell D630 with Nvidia video, Broadcom 5755 wired ethernet, Intel 2.0 ghz and intel wifi (Broadcom wifi on the way :)) Anyways, I did a fresh install and installed the kext pack. No dice. Video is good, but no:

1. Ethernet not detected
2. Sleep/Shutdown/Restart not working
3. If I do the Natit install, SSR work, but then I lose video resolution again


Sorry for the caps and such, but I have spent days on forums and hacking this thing. I just can get ethernet working. HELP!!!!

Thanks and thanks for everyone's dedication!

stephens 03-30-2010 12:03 AM

Just a quick update, the 10.6.3 update has broken the audio on my d830 using legacySTAC9205.kext. I'm looking for a workaround, removing AppleHDA.kext doesn't seem to do anything, and of course there's no way to get any real debugging output to know why it's not loading. *sigh*

mialemat 03-31-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by bigtwenty (Post 46671)
Ok, So I have used Chameleon RC/Retail 10.6 (genuine) install on a Dell D630 with Nvidia video, Broadcom 5755 wired ethernet, Intel 2.0 ghz and intel wifi (Broadcom wifi on the way :)) Anyways, I did a fresh install and installed the kext pack. No dice. Video is good, but no:

1. Ethernet not detected
2. Sleep/Shutdown/Restart not working
3. If I do the Natit install, SSR work, but then I lose video resolution again


Sorry for the caps and such, but I have spent days on forums and hacking this thing. I just can get ethernet working. HELP!!!!

Thanks and thanks for everyone's dedication!

For a successful installation of snow leopard 10.6.2 on a Dell D630 look at the last post at:

cnone 04-01-2010 09:29 AM

Mac OSX Snow Leopard Universal 3.6
Hi and thanks for the pack but i have a problem:
i have finally managed to install SL to my d630c (nvs135) with the snow leopard universal 3.6 distro. But when i tried to install your pack i have a kernel panic. Symptoms:
installer says it finishes less than a minute and suddenly kernel panic happen.
rebooted and kernel panic still there with sleepenabler.kext.
i think it's a problem with sleepenabler.kext. The distro is 10.6.2.
is there a solution?
Thanks in advance..

mialemat 04-01-2010 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by cnone (Post 46906)
Hi and thanks for the pack but i have a problem:
i have finally managed to install SL to my d630c (nvs135) with the snow leopard universal 3.6 distro. But when i tried to install your pack i have a kernel panic. Symptoms:
installer says it finishes less than a minute and suddenly kernel panic happen.
rebooted and kernel panic still there with sleepenabler.kext.
i think it's a problem with sleepenabler.kext. The distro is 10.6.2.
is there a solution?
Thanks in advance..

To solve your problem follow instructions on Step by Step Installation Guide of Snow Leopard on a Dell D630 found @:

Have a nice Easter holidays.