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Godofwar 10-07-2012 12:52 PM

If you have Snow Leopard working properly, there's no need to update unless you're like me and had to update because you have a graphics card not supported on Snow Leopard. Or maybe you want some of the software that only Lion supports? I don't know... Lion and Snow Leopard look almost exactly the same to me, only difference I notice is that it has Launchpad and other pointless new features.

bassie86 10-07-2012 11:39 PM

If I understand you have against me. I like to do mac try with Snow Leopard works 100 percent even super video card after I had installed lion 10.7.2 latest video card works with kext and after 10.7.4 combo update wast that video card kext does not work anymore! but now has provisionally been resolved fix video card and network. but at the time now I have not networking internet where ever said cable is not connected say hello to snow leopard did web and does not lion but were working perfectly 10.7.2 to 10.7.4 update that became renowned as some problems kext vidoekaart and network card but has not been solved except network kext

$The-King$ 10-23-2012 12:53 AM

setuped today retail 10.7.3
and updating now to to 10.7.5


is there any development or any release for 11.5 kernel ?

gils 10-24-2012 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by $The-King$ (Post 59061)
setuped today retail 10.7.3
and updating now to to 10.7.5


is there any development or any release for 11.5 kernel ?


Pas besoin de kernel 11.5 , car celui 11.4 de rawx86 supporte très bien la version 10.7.5 .

pour les phenom boot en -legacy .


jhusly 10-24-2012 07:18 AM

@ gils : wow! that's really a good news! i havent tried that update yet since im happy right now with my 10.7.4 update and everything still seems supported.

$The-King$ 10-24-2012 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by gils (Post 59065)

Pas besoin de kernel 11.5 , car celui 11.4 de rawx86 supporte très bien la version 10.7.5 .

pour les phenom boot en -legacy .


I already updated to 10.7.5 using 11.4 kernel
but will be more better to use 11.5 kernel

gils 10-24-2012 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by $The-King$ (Post 59068)
I already updated to 10.7.5 using 11.4 kernel
but will be more better to use 11.5 kernel

le mieux que tu ais à faire c'est de te prendre un FX 4100 et tu n'auras plus aucun problème . ;)

$The-King$ 10-26-2012 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by gils (Post 59072)
le mieux que tu ais à faire c'est de te prendre un FX 4100 et tu n'auras plus aucun problème . ;)

upgrade is on list
but to next generation

Godofwar 10-27-2012 03:07 AM

fseventsd-uuid will not remove from my trash bin under 10.7.4. I just updated to 10.7.4 from 10.7.3... I tried using the program Trash it! and it will not delete it. :-/

Also, each time I update my Mac version I have to download newer Nvidia drivers, is that normal? I went from Retail 270.00.00f01.dmg from 10.7.3 drivers to Retail 270.00.00f06.dmg

Godofwar 10-27-2012 04:42 AM

I fixed my problem, I just repaired Windows on my Mac side now its out of my trash-bin! Still can't get my computer to self boot properly.

-legacy UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0 is the command I use, I don't know if that is the proper command tho. Also, for some reason if I type UseKernelCache=No it won't boot because I think it wants the k lower cased on kernel for whatever reason that is...