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gils 10-27-2012 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Godofwar (Post 59083)
I fixed my problem, I just repaired Windows on my Mac side now its out of my trash-bin! Still can't get my computer to self boot properly.

-legacy UsekernelCache=No npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=0 is the command I use, I don't know if that is the proper command tho. Also, for some reason if I type UseKernelCache=No it won't boot because I think it wants the k lower cased on kernel for whatever reason that is...

et si tu faisait -legacy UsekernelCache=No PCIRootUID=1 npci=0x3000 GraphicsEnabler=Yes -v -f


Godofwar 10-27-2012 08:37 PM

I just got a weird Kernel Panic possibly from using Google Chrome or maybe running too many applications at once?

A message popped up on my screen cursing at me saying Kernel Panic there's no ----ing support for AMD. I doubt that was from Apple unless Apple is upset that people are hackintoshing and cursing at them? Or is that from Hackers who created Hackintosh? Either way it was quite childish message no matter who wrote that Panic. Why do people always have to use the f-bomb now a days?

It could have been Utorrent related aswell, I had a torrent file open and I didn't download anything on it because I was looking at the files I wanted to download.

Godofwar 10-30-2012 02:33 PM

Running Hackintosh Lion on Amd Phenom II x4 965 3.4ghz with a Nvidia Gigabyte GTX 570 on 10.7.4 Lion but I'm having a problem making my Hackintosh Lion self-boot properly. This is my command. Was wondering if you had any clue to get it to work or do you not mess with Amd at all so you don't know? Thanks

<plist version="1.0">
<key>Boot Graphics</key>
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-legacy npci=0x3000</string>
<key>Quiet Boot</key>
<key>Legacy Logo</key>

Weird thing is that to get my Hackintosh to boot up I have to either type stuff like -legacy UsekernelCache=No PCIRootUID=0 to get it to boot up sometimes. Also, sometimes when I do boot my Hackintosh Lion up it doesn't always load Voodoo Audio Drivers properly and sometimes when I try to watch Youtube videos with no sound since Voodoo isn't loading up properly the flash video struggles to play video. Do you know whats going on?

Godofwar 10-30-2012 06:24 PM

Got that stupid Kernel Panic again... Weird, I wonder what is causing it. Do you think its any the apps I'm using, is it Google Chrome? What is it?

Godofwar 10-31-2012 08:57 AM

Doing a test, I'm sticking with Safari and I removed Google Chrome out of my Dock. I'll be using Safari for the next week or so. I'll let you know if I get Kernel Panics. I still have to find a way to get my Hackintosh to self-boot tho. I'm using the key commands -legacy UsekernelCache=No PCIRootUID=0 now and its booting that way. But I really don't think I should have to keep typing a boot command to load an operating system.

Edit: I can already tell that it was Google Chrome causing that dumb Kernel Panic. This blows, I guess I have to get used to Apple's browser since it works the best with their mac operating system. I say I'm about 80 percent sure it was Google Chrome causing the Kernel Panic. I'll be back in a week or so to let you know if it was. Right now I have a lot of of different Safari tabs and 5 different windows open and so far no Kernel Panic.

diedo 11-01-2012 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Godofwar (Post 59097)
Doing a test, I'm sticking with Safari and I removed Google Chrome out of my Dock. I'll be using Safari for the next week or so. I'll let you know if I get Kernel Panics. I still have to find a way to get my Hackintosh to self-boot tho. I'm using the key commands -legacy UsekernelCache=No PCIRootUID=0 now and its booting that way. But I really don't think I should have to keep typing a boot command to load an operating system.

you don't need to suffer mate install any of the supported bootloaders as of Chameleon and put these flags in the boot.Chameleon plist . you won't need to type it each time ... see it's easy as pee !

Godofwar 11-01-2012 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by diedo (Post 59100)
you don't need to suffer mate install any of the supported bootloaders as of Chameleon and put these flags in the boot.Chameleon plist . you won't need to type it each time ... see it's easy as pee !

Aren't I already using a supported Chameleon? Or is their a specific Chameleon boot loader I need to work properly with 10.7.4?

instant idiot 11-01-2012 06:14 AM

The kernel flags section of org.chameleon.Boot.plist is exactly the same as what you type into chameleon at startup: try adding your flags there.

Godofwar 11-01-2012 07:05 AM

Is it normal to run into Kernel Panics with Google Chrome or you guys don't use that Browser so you wouldn't know? Thanks, ii, I'll try that.

instant idiot 11-01-2012 09:09 PM

I have never used Google Chrome on OS X, so I'm not much help there. I use Firefox on all platforms.