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bronzovka 04-02-2012 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by gedna (Post 56695)
ANYone? :)

You need delete AppleIntelCpuPowermanagement*.kext and delete cache !
And try it is bootloader iBoot and start LION 10.7.3 ! )
IBoot - clover or xpc )

PookyMacMan 04-02-2012 07:16 PM

Bronzovka, can you please, please release the source? :)

lunfai 04-02-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by bronzovka (Post 56698)
You need delete AppleIntelCpuPowermanagement*.kext and delete cache !
And try it is bootloader iBoot and start LION 10.7.3 ! )
IBoot - clover or xpc )

Anything for Family -F Model 4?

Seby 04-02-2012 07:50 PM

I'm asking if my system is compatible with the kernel released

crunk 04-02-2012 08:35 PM

I have this processor, but this not work help me please?
AMD Phenom II X4 925
Family 10
Model 4

Unrealized 04-02-2012 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by bronzovka (Post 56698)
You need delete AppleIntelCpuPowermanagement*.kext and delete cache !
And try it is bootloader iBoot and start LION 10.7.3 ! )
IBoot - clover or xpc )

Source code? We asked for it, you give it. That's the license of it. ;) Not trying to be mean but there is a lot of people who want to mess with it. Thank you.

You wouldn't like to see yourself in bad light, wouldn't you? So don't make the same mistake as some other people did.

So do us a favor and release them :) Violating the license is very rude.

delgadilloalex 04-02-2012 08:54 PM

instead asking "does my amd work with this kernel" try it and you can find out yourself faster.

i removed my hdd installed from a intel hackintosh or real mac, overwrite copy/paste mach_kernel to root, put the hdd back in your amd cpu and ready to rock.
good luck

demodex 04-02-2012 09:17 PM

Could you please release the source so I can play with it? Thank you very much.

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 12:25 AM

^^^^^^^^^^^ ;)

Lots of devs who would like to work on it and help you. :)

shawnanastasio 04-03-2012 02:01 AM

Okay, I installed iAtkos L2 to an external drive using a Core i5 Laptop, and replaced the kernel. However, when i boot with -v -legacy i get stuck at PCI Configuration i booted with -v -legacy npci=0x2000. Now it would boot a little farther, however it gets stuck at this:

Any ideas?


davisin666 04-03-2012 02:23 AM

Hell yeah! bronzovka compiled a kernel for me,

Now Lion boots and runs as expected, but, the system, after a while, starts to run slowly.

The console is getting nuked with this error


Process:        xpchelper [3197]
Path:            /usr/libexec/xpchelper
Identifier:      xpchelper
Version:        ??? (???)
Code Type:      X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [1]

Date/Time:      2012-04-02 20:47:08.835 -0400
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version:  9

Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
objc[3197]: garbage collection is OFF

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0              0x016136b9 CFRelease + 25
1              0x01613fde __CFStringDeallocate + 222
2              0x016138e1 CFRelease + 577
3  xpchelper                            0x000ec6d5 0xe4000 + 34517
4  xpchelper                            0x000e5592 0xe4000 + 5522
5  xpchelper                            0x000e8314 0xe4000 + 17172
6  xpchelper                            0x000e520d 0xe4000 + 4621

Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
0  libsystem_kernel.dylib                0x0287f90a kevent + 10
1  libdispatch.dylib                    0x026aac58 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 969
2  libdispatch.dylib                    0x026a96a7 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
  eax: 0x016136ae  ebx: 0x7c173701  ecx: 0x0178d260  edx: 0x000ed880
  edi: 0x00000007  esi: 0x01613f0e  ebp: 0xc00e1e78  esp: 0xc00e1e20
  ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00000246  eip: 0x016136b9  cs: 0x00000017
  ds: 0x0000001f  es: 0x0000001f  fs: 0x00000000  gs: 0x00000037
  cr2: 0xffe2a8e8
Logical CPU: 0

The full crash report is here

Any ideas???

PD: bronzovka, please share the kernel source ;)
Thanks for the kernel!

shawnanastasio 04-03-2012 02:31 AM

Try booting with cpus=2. If that doesn't work try cpus=1.

Puttabong 04-03-2012 02:39 AM

Thank you for the kernel bronzovka and please release the source.

pαuℓzurrr. 04-03-2012 08:56 AM

Doesn't look like bronzovka is going to release the source code...

Unrealized 04-03-2012 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by pαuℓzurrr. (Post 56713)
Doesn't look like bronzovka is going to release the source code...

Yes, It's very sad if he doesn't do so, as APSL says:

The license does, however, require that if any derivatives from the original source are released externally, that the source be made available.

Also the development of it would be a lot faster if he did release it. ;) I'm almost bleeding for the source code. :( (and making a diff isn't so hard, either)

francesco 04-03-2012 02:02 PM

He must to publish the source, the license is the license and is obligatory and I whish that he will publish the source soon.

We can only wait for it.

gedna 04-03-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by bronzovka (Post 56698)
You need delete AppleIntelCpuPowermanagement*.kext and delete cache !
And try it is bootloader iBoot and start LION 10.7.3 ! )
IBoot - clover or xpc )

Thank for replay, the problems still exist, i have snow leopard. o other partition (GUID partition table) i installed iatkos l2 wich is 10.7.2, with iatkos i have installed these kexts (Fakesmc,Disabler,RTC,EVOreboot and IOPCIfamily kext) then i put my ATIATA kext in S/L/E then i put your kernel on root, installed Chameleon-2.1svn-r1914, (i dont know how to install other bootloader this one has installer) and then i tried to boot, my flags are: -legacy userkernelcashe=no -v, system hangs on waiting for DSMOS, then i delete (like you sed) intelapplecpumanagement.kext tried to boot, still the same, tried boot flag usbbusfix=yes.. and still the same system hang on waiting for DSMOS.... i have no idea what i have done wrong? its clearly has to work on my stystem, any thoughts?

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 04:19 PM

Agree with Unrealized!

I'm also watching the Russian thread via Google Translate:

Not perfect but good enough to understand if he ever posts source there. :)

I might end up running IDA on both kernels and seeing what the difference is...

lunfai 04-03-2012 04:31 PM

I know he has to release it but I think he already knows, there's no way you can make him release it. What you going to do, take him to court, who's going to spend that much on legal fees over this. Just wait, I'm sure he's just working on it a little more before its ready.

We are very thankful for your work.

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 04:45 PM

Gee, I'm not that serious about's just normal protocol to release source. All kernel devs have done that in the past...

I'm also thankful for all the work done. :)

Unrealized 04-03-2012 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by PookyMacMan (Post 56721)
Gee, I'm not that serious about's just normal protocol to release source. All kernel devs have done that in the past...

I'm also thankful for all the work done. :)

That's it. :)

akimoa 04-03-2012 05:18 PM

and so did he ....atleast to some people he just doesnt want the wrong peeps trolling with his work wich is perfectly understandable im pretty shure that the ones wich are compatible working on it have a source from him otherwise we get idiots like on nawcoms website trolling with wrong devloper names and virus sites to get attention ->

larrougos 04-03-2012 05:33 PM

----ing idiots!!!sry for bad words but i saw that and a huge smile came to my face!!! u said some guys are trolling so much!!!FOR NO REASON!!!IDIOTS!!!

Unrealized 04-03-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by larrougos (Post 56724)
----ing idiots!!!sry for bad words but i saw that and a huge smile came to my face!!! u said some guys are trolling so much!!!FOR NO REASON!!!IDIOTS!!!

I agree. People are just plain stupid. We should all just unite and get the work done. Instead of trolling.

R:A:W:X86 04-03-2012 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by PookyMacMan (Post 56721)
Gee, I'm not that serious about's just normal protocol to release source. All kernel devs have done that in the past...

Well I am into this since the early days of Leopard and this wasn't not usual in the beginning.
The source code of the ToH Kernel patch was made public end of May 2008.
More than half a year after the beginning of it's development.

It has proved that this had been the right decission.
If the source would not have been released back then, the development of the Voodoo Kernel would have never been achieved and AMD OSx86 would be already dead for a long time now...

But still I do understand him.
If I would have put a lot of work in to a Kernel patch, I would not want some tonymac like asshole to relabel it without giving any credits either.

Nevertheless I hope my argumentation will be heared... :)


Originally Posted by akimoa (Post 56723)
and so did he ...

Good to hear someone has it.
My FX-4100 is on it's way and my Phenom II just been put for sale on eBay. :D

I am pretty sure to get it fully working.

Would be to bad if some nasty Kernel depencies would end this with the release of some future system update...

akimoa 04-03-2012 06:44 PM


If I would have put a lot of work in to a Kernel patch, I would not want some tonymac like asshole to relabel it without giving any credits either.

Nevertheless I hope my argumentation will be heared...
made me smile ..100% agree

Unrealized 04-03-2012 06:51 PM

I get instant reboot. Model 5.

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by akimoa (Post 56723)
and so did he ....atleast to some people he just doesnt want the wrong peeps trolling with his work wich is perfectly understandable im pretty shure that the ones wich are compatible working on it have a source from him otherwise we get idiots like on nawcoms website trolling with wrong devloper names and virus sites to get attention ->

I can totally tonycrap people are needed to take credit for work they didn't do!!

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 56725)
I agree. People are just plain stupid. We should all just unite and get the work done. Instead of trolling.


pma61 04-03-2012 07:14 PM

I tried the v3 mach_kernel... More apps are working now such Activity monitor, but finder & Co. have the same problem

Unrealized 04-03-2012 07:28 PM 16
machdep.cpu.model: 5

Mind adding support for these? :) It's an AMD Athlon II X3 450.

gedna 04-03-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by gedna (Post 56717)
Thank for replay, the problems still exist, i have snow leopard. o other partition (GUID partition table) i installed iatkos l2 wich is 10.7.2, with iatkos i have installed these kexts (Fakesmc,Disabler,RTC,EVOreboot and IOPCIfamily kext) then i put my ATIATA kext in S/L/E then i put your kernel on root, installed Chameleon-2.1svn-r1914, (i dont know how to install other bootloader this one has installer) and then i tried to boot, my flags are: -legacy userkernelcashe=no -v, system hangs on waiting for DSMOS, then i delete (like you sed) intelapplecpumanagement.kext tried to boot, still the same, tried boot flag usbbusfix=yes.. and still the same system hang on waiting for DSMOS.... i have no idea what i have done wrong? its clearly has to work on my stystem, any thoughts?

Can anyone help with this? :)

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 07:47 PM

Try a different FakeSMC? Usually if it really stops at waiting for DSMOS, that's a FakeSMC issue...

gedna 04-03-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by PookyMacMan (Post 56734)
Try a different FakeSMC? Usually if it really stops at waiting for DSMOS, that's a FakeSMC issue...

thank you for response, well i have tried a bunch now, dont know with is newest, fakesmc v4? tired that but stll the problem is the same:(

$The-King$ 04-03-2012 07:58 PM

try fakesmc from here

Seby 04-03-2012 07:59 PM

Anyone with Amd Turion 64 X2 tl-64 got it working?

gedna 04-03-2012 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by $The-King$ (Post 56736)

emm cant find the actual kext file....

$The-King$ 04-03-2012 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by gedna (Post 56738)
emm cant find the actual kext file....

there are ZIP before http hit it and download will begain
you will find fakesmc under binaries

bronzovka 04-03-2012 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Unrealized (Post 56732) 16
machdep.cpu.model: 5

Mind adding support for these? :) It's an AMD Athlon II X3 450.

Yes should work !
You Family only 15 , no 16 :)

bronzovka 04-03-2012 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Puttabong (Post 56712)
Thank you for the kernel bronzovka and please release the source.

Yes ! Wait ... ))

bronzovka 04-03-2012 08:29 PM

I found source code from AnV or NAWCOM for amd for davisin666 and write and compile and work only for davisin666 ! Maybe for anyone Phenoms ))

History .
I read source code from AnV and anothers developers . Then i write and fix xnu and working first kernel for amd )

akimoa 04-03-2012 08:38 PM

just chatted with bronzovka and he agreed on the share

so here it is the diff ->

may all cook us a Awesome AMD Kernel tx again Very much Dimitri be sure all who use that file may give the aprop. credit to him ! Since we are one Community


$The-King$ 04-03-2012 08:40 PM

thanks bronzovka for your hard work and sharing it :)
thanks man

larrougos 04-03-2012 08:46 PM

thanks a lot!!!!

PookyMacMan 04-03-2012 08:51 PM

Will do!!! Thank you so much!!! :D

Just talked to meklort on IRC; to allow 64-bit support for SSE3-only CPUs, there need to be changes in the commpage to use SSE3 commands instead of SSSE3. I'll be working on that. ;)

davisin666 04-03-2012 08:55 PM

Thanks dude for sharing the source ! :D

Puttabong 04-03-2012 08:56 PM

Thank you very much indeed :)

demodex 04-03-2012 08:58 PM

thx bronzovka, let's play everyone (:

Unrealized 04-03-2012 09:05 PM

Thank you for the source code! Let the exploration begin :D


Originally Posted by bronzovka (Post 56740)
Yes should work !
You Family only 15 , no 16 :)

Sysctl says 16. :S all I get is a instant reboot. Same on Linux, cat /proc/cpuinfo says 16.

sulphide 04-03-2012 09:10 PM

it would be great to have x64 kernel special for bulldozer processors ;) no ssse3 emulator needed at all...