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Gurruwiwi 08-20-2009 05:17 PM

hey chrish10,

I'm really sorry for you, but this should not be happening. Try another clean install...

Or... now that you have the card, try booting iAtkos a just running the dsdt patcher again and re-load the broadcom kexts from installer...

Yeah, you can always go USB, but thats just... yuk!

I could recommend one to you, but I would just have to use the search engine and go to the known places to get the info. Like google, insanepeople's forums, HCL etc.

If I knew one off the top of my head, of course I would tell you straight off.

Really, this should not be happening to you.

maxxsx 08-21-2009 07:46 PM

Please, help!
Hello Gurruwiwi! Thank you very much for your business!
I was able to run at its hakintosh aspire 6935! But the memory I have is displayed incorrectly. 800mGz instead of 1067! Please help me! Sorry for my English, I'm from Ukraine.
Thank you.:)
P.S: Another question, when we read the instructions for installation on our laptop Snow Leopard?

fisheye 08-22-2009 07:27 PM


Thank you! it's working, all except ethernet...

I've the same machine as you, aspire 6935g - 864g32mn

Installed the ktext with osxtools, but still no ethernet... what am I doing wrong? How?


Whenever something doesn't work properly, just re-install. I did it , and now it works. Now to get dual boot working... MAybe i'll use bootcamp, since I always manage to corrupt the Vista install...

scorpion332 08-23-2009 01:58 PM

i have acer 6935g 944g32bn is a bit diferent , i haven´t got intenet , mi card by ethernet don´twork i have the drivers same idea?

Gurruwiwi 08-24-2009 07:26 PM

Fisheye - YEY !! congratulations!! :) You must have forgotten to do something... anyways, now it is fixed.

Dual booting, people think its a problem but it is NOT, you only have to understand how play with bootloaders and active partitions.

Install Osx first, install Vista/Win7 second, this will "break" OSx booting, dont worry. Vista has set its partion as active.

If it gives an error at the end, its normal.

Insert Vista DVD and choose repair option, when it looks for OS, dont let it automatically fix, go to the next menu and choose the command prompt.

In command prompt type

"diskpart" - without the "" of course, just to let you know the sequence. Press enter

"list disk" - this shows all disks present.

"select disk X" - where X is the numer 0, 1, 2 whatever. See the number of your Leo/vista install.

"list partition" same procedure as before. See number of your Leo install

"select partition X" - where X = Leo partition

"active" - press enter

"quit" - just to be nice and tidy. Not really necessary


Now you'll have Chameleon showing both partition, but do NOT try to boot into VISTA or WIN 7. Boot Leopard, and copy the boot.ini files that is in the root into the root of Vista/Win7.

If by any chance when you reboot you get an error, insert iAtkos DVD and ONLY select Chameleon 2 and Post Action. This of course to the destination of your Leo and NOT Vista partition

Reboot and you should be able to go into Microcrap Vomit, or Winsh*t 7.

(sorry, having major problems with these two idiot OS's)

<GO !

Gurruwiwi 08-24-2009 07:28 PM


Please go to terminal and type "lspci"

Tell me what it says for ethernet.

Gurruwiwi 08-24-2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by maxxsx (Post 31732)
P.S: Another question, when we read the instructions for installation on our laptop Snow Leopard?

Greetings!! :p

I will as soon as I get it working. The irony is I got it to work before trying this Leopard !! I only bought this laptop 2 months ago

But now, I simply cannot get it working dual booting. No matter what I try or what flags I try, it always KP's in the same way and I cannot find out why. I need a new HDD for a project, so I'll try mono booting (as before) to try to figure out what is going on.

Anyways, its fun to know, and I do think I've got the gold master (10a432) but until its actually released some things could change. So lets be patient!

Gurruwiwi 08-26-2009 07:29 PM

For those having trouble with ethernet, find the RealtekR1000.kext and try it.

Please do come back to say if it works, dont forget to mention your specs.


Gurruwiwi 08-27-2009 11:06 AM

I finally went out and bought a new hard drive.

I will start to get funky with Snow Leopard pretty soon. Hope to make it my long run dual boot system.

Anyone want to join me ? :p

mascal71 08-28-2009 12:46 AM

hey Gurruwiwi I have almost the same your laptop.
Mine is the version with 1GB nvidia, display at 1920x1080 and blueray dvd .
I used iDeneb 10.5.8 and everything worked fine from my first reboot.
For sound I used voodooHDA kext and I solved the mic problem using a tiny USB one.
My only problem is the CPU speed that is 1,60 GHz instead 2,40.

Could u tell me how did u fixed this?
Which kind of SMBIOS did u installed ?

:-) and i'm waiting for the postman to bring me my copy of Snow Leopard, I hope tommorrow, and than let's get funky together ! :-)