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man_of_the_oak 01-24-2011 06:55 PM

I would like to say sorry because of many non-answered PMs! It seems that I had notifications turned off... if my help is still needed, please contact with me at my e-mail address: man_of_the_oak[at]

aljester 01-25-2011 06:13 AM

Using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
Hi people, i need a help. Last two days im trying to built hackintosh :(leopard) on my k50in notebook.
First i tried to built it with ideneb 10.5.6, and i got a message

Mac framework successfully initialized
Using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers. And i know that snow leo have a better solutions for this problem. So Im downloading version 10.6 by hazard, and hope that you will be my guide trough setup process, I just want to know how to avoid this problem.


flip360 01-26-2011 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by pichibg (Post 52371)
@hoffbrandm: Look at page 10-11! There you'll find everything! When I get back home, I'll post the S/L/E and E/E folders that worked for my Asus K50IN!

@flip360: How do you update, can you tell me, because I want to update but I don't want to mess up my instalation!

you download the 10.6.6 combo installer from apple and install it :)

man_of_the_oak 01-27-2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by aljester (Post 52435)
Hi people, i need a help. Last two days im trying to built hackintosh :(leopard) on my k50in notebook.
First i tried to built it with ideneb 10.5.6, and i got a message

Mac framework successfully initialized
Using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers. And i know that snow leo have a better solutions for this problem. So Im downloading version 10.6 by hazard, and hope that you will be my guide trough setup process, I just want to know how to avoid this problem.


Get a retail DVD and read my tutorial a few pages earlier. Good luck!

PS I should start killing people for using shitty distros on such a compatible hardware :]

flip360 01-28-2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 52489)
Get a retail DVD and read my tutorial a few pages earlier. Good luck!

PS I should start killing people for using shitty distros on such a compatible hardware :]

true, man_of_the_oak :)

hoffbrandm 01-31-2011 01:53 AM


Eventually having trialled and errored for a very long time, i now have a very almost working hackbook. minus perfect sound (only a small clicking noise) webcam is upsidedown, and now sleep.

in my efforts to try and create a dual booter, ive left 100gb free as fat32 so i can figure out how to install windows later.

list of how i did it
boot with iboot
insert mac osx 10.6.3 and boot with -x
install chameleon
run kext (dont input password)
update to 10.6.4
put S/L/E and E/E from Man_Of_the_Oak's 'backup file'
i changed dsdt.aml to DSDT.aml just to be safe not that it might make a difference
add IO80211family kext
add nullcpumanagment kext
update to 10.6.5 replacing with fakesmc from flip360 into S/L/E and reinserting nullcpu and apple hda from MOTO
kext utility and repair permissions
restart, same thing with 10.6.6

so i have a working hackbook, and i have a spare 100gb partition in fat32! fun fun
but i want that to be windows so if anyone can give me a hand? I want to install windows 7 into that partition, then make mac the default boot partition, so i am able to use the bootloader in chameleon to access windows 7 if i so please. so how do i change the active partition when ive installed windows? should i have done it the ther way round and install windows first?

although ive managed to get this far through trial and error now that ive got it working i would prefer some expertice on the matter of partitions and installing windows!

Sleep solution anyone?
web cam solution anyone?

Kind regards

Matt Hoffbrand

jeffabe3 01-31-2011 09:30 AM

After installing Snow Leopard, can I directly update to 10.6.4?

RGGG 02-02-2011 03:55 PM

Heya All,

I've been running 10.6.2 on my Asus K60IN since October of 2009. Back then we had the retail disc and a series of kext's to get everything running. I was just wondering if I can update directly from 10.6.2 to 10.6.6 without many issues. From what I've read, all I really need to do is backup my AppleHDA kext and reinstall it after the update. Lastly, should I download the update from the update manager in OSX?



RGGG 02-02-2011 08:28 PM

Okay, updated, restarted and it failed to boot.

1. First error message was the sound issue, no worries, booted into safe mode and installed appleHDA.kext

2. Still doesn't boot. Looked at it again with -v and it looks like it hangs just after NVEnabler runs. Boot into single user mode, and remove NVEnabler 64.kext from S/L/E

3. System now boots to desktop, but only 1024x768 resolution. If I change GraphicsEnabler to yes in, system still hangs.

4. Tried man_of_the_oak's extra's and extensions...boot screen is correct 1366x768 but hangs at: "acpi_smc_platformplugin::registerlpcdriver-failed to locate smc driver"

No idea what to try now....any ideas?

hoffbrandm 02-02-2011 09:07 PM

anyone got a solution for enabling sleep in 10.6.6??