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Ortonruk 05-26-2010 04:21 PM

The Snow Leopard Saga...

Firstly I'd just like to say how helpful this forum has been for me in trying to understand some of the hackintosh concepts such as DSDT's, Kexts, permissions, terminal commands etc.

Unfortunately, however I try, I cannot seem to get a stable install of Snow Leopard 10.6.2 (or higher) on my system. I will begin by listing my system specs. and what I have tried so far and I hope you guys will help me further :)

Motherboard: Asus P5K-E Wifi AP (bios rev.1305)
Processor: Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66
Ram: 4GB DDR2-800.
Audio: AD1988b
Network: Marvell Yukon 88E8056

Also I should point out I simply have 1 500gb SATA HD and 1 CD-RW drive both configured to AHCI in my bios. I am also using a USB Keyboard & Mouse.

Ok down to the nitty gritty...

After scouring the net for a solution that seemed to be easy for a beginner like myself, I came across the myHack installer (uses chameleon bootloader). I checked off all the boxes in terms of the required hardware for a successfull install so I thought to myself, great.. this sounds like the one!

However.. I have managed to get it installed and boot into Snow Leopard successfully but I can not get my Audio/Network up and running alongside the 10.6.2 patch.
I have downloaded the pack at the start of this guide and tried to use the AD1988b.Fix.kext alongside the edited DSDT file (which I placed in /Volumes/SnowLeopard/Extra) and at some point this did work but I actually can't remember how I did this (stupid I know).
I also edited my Info.plist file to enable my network card and I also got this to work in the first install I did (alongisde the audio) except I was stupid enough to update to 10.6.2 without backing any of this up and subsequently lost the lot.

Where I am confused is this... The myHack installer states that it is safe to update to all the way to 10.6.3 using the kexts that are provided with the installer without any kernel panics or errors. On my first attempt at installing I did have everything working as it should but obviously mixing kexts from the pack at the start of this guide and those contained in the myHack installer has caused my system to become unstable somewhere down the line. I have also come to the conclusion that the edited DSDT.aml file may have caused some problems?

Sorry for the extremely long post and poor grammar but I am coming to the end of my tether with trying to get Snow Leopard installed and functioning on this system and I am even contemplating installing Windows 7! My previous OS was the iPC 10.5.6 Distro which worked flawlessly on my system.

Thanks Again to you all for the information I have gained already and I hope some of you may be able to put me on the right path with how to get this working!


Kenobi1 06-05-2010 02:56 AM

Like 3 or 4 weeks ago I managed to get my Asus P5K-E Wifi/AP Hackintosh finally workin(2Duo E6750 and 2 gigs of kingston ram)...Got a new HDD from Samsung few Days ago which is much better than my old one and its even better now...faster...just copied the drives with carbincopycloner....NOW MY PROBLEM: Just bought another 4gig of the same ram and now installed 6 gigs (2x1; 2x2)...The rams work fine cause windows 7 is booting nicely BUT my beloved Snow Leopard (10.6.0) freezed when the grey/silver boot menu with the apple appears...It Just doesn't move no more...PLZ ANY IDEAS? I'm on 64 Bit

thx very much


if I take out the 2 gigs and leave only the 4 it isn't working either...Only If I take out the two 2gb rams and put back the 2x1gb it works flawlessly like before... at least I know it something with the 4gb of ram....

these are the memories

KHX6400D2LLK2/2G 2GB 800MHz DDR2 Non-ECC
Low-Latency CL4 (kit of 2) 4-4-4-12 2.0V
KHX6400D2LLK2/4G 4GB 800MHz DDR2 Non-ECC
Low-Latency CL4 (kit of 2) 4-4-4-12 1.95V

kpkp 06-05-2010 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kenobi1 (Post 48671)
Like 3 or 4 weeks ago I managed to get my Asus P5K-E Wifi/AP Hackintosh finally workin(2Duo E6750 and 2 gigs of kingston ram)...Got a new HDD from Samsung few Days ago which is much better than my old one and its even better now...faster...just copied the drives with carbincopycloner....NOW MY PROBLEM: Just bought another 4gig of the same ram and now installed 6 gigs (2x1; 2x2)...The rams work fine cause windows 7 is booting nicely BUT my beloved Snow Leopard (10.6.0) freezed when the grey/silver boot menu with the apple appears...It Just doesn't move no more...PLZ ANY IDEAS? I'm on 64 Bit

thx very much


if I take out the 2 gigs and leave only the 4 it isn't working either...Only If I take out the two 2gb rams and put back the 2x1gb it works flawlessly like before... at least I know it something with the 4gb of ram....

these are the memories

KHX6400D2LLK2/2G 2GB 800MHz DDR2 Non-ECC
Low-Latency CL4 (kit of 2) 4-4-4-12 2.0V
KHX6400D2LLK2/4G 4GB 800MHz DDR2 Non-ECC
Low-Latency CL4 (kit of 2) 4-4-4-12 1.95V

You must re-patch you DSDT for every RAM change (2gb, 4gb, 6gb...) ;)

Kenobi1 06-05-2010 01:40 PM

Don't got DSDT only changed kexts

lukelovett 06-16-2010 01:57 PM

Just updated to 10.6.4 - no issues. working well.

Akshunhiro 06-18-2010 05:13 PM

Won't load new kernel, weird SW Raid0 problem
Hey all, just wondering if you guys were able to help me out with a new problem I've encountered after updating to 10.6.4

Forgive me if this has already been covered, I couldn't find anything after googling for hours and this is the first time I've come across this problem.

I made a post over on Insanely Mac but hasn't had any responses so was seeking assistance here.

I firstly want to thank every one of you great people contributing to the community! A Hackintosh has been an awesome experience for me and has even inspired me to buy a real mac, a macbook pro.

Now, I recently setup software raid0 on my hack since my TB drive was filling up and I wasn't using W7 anymore so wiped my WD1001FALS's and striped them.

I followed all the steps from Chameleon and had no problem duplicating the necessary files for Chameleon to do it's thing and let me boot from either drive.

All was fine and dandy until I installed the 10.6.4 update and I had noticed it didn't update the kernel to 10.4 and upon further inspection, I was receiving 'refusing new kext' errors so it wasn't loading any new kexts either. I was tearing my hair out trying to work out why this was happening when I finally thought I'd try booting from the other drive, and, it worked. It loaded the new kernel & all the new kexts and my system was working as it should with the update.

I think a normal person would leave it at that and be done with it but I want to understand why this has occured. Why would it matter which drive I boot from? Well I opened up the Boot OSX partition on each drive and noticed one had the new kernel while the other one didn't. Could this be an error on Apples part? I mean, it's their software controlling the raid slices, all slices should have the same kernel shouldn't they? I copied the new kernel to the other drive though and it loaded but still wouldn't load the new kexts.

Here's the error from the kernel log:


Refusing new kext, v10.4: already have loaded v10.3.
Refusing new kext, v7.9.9: a loaded copy with a different executable UUID is already present.
This happens for a bunch of kexts, I just chose mach.

I also noticed while trying to patch my DSDT to support shutdown, restart & sleep (failed on the sleep part) I noticed another error affecting the current drive which is.


Sound assertion "0 == pciVendorProductID" failed in "/SourceCache/AppleHDA/AppleHDA-187.4.1/AppleHDAController/AppleHDAController.cpp" at line 3345 goto Exit
Sound is still working though as I use DSDT to get that up with the AD1988.kext so I assume this is because of the new AppleHDA? I don't get this error booting off the other drive (the one with the 'refusing new kext' errors) so I assume it's because it's not loading the new AppleHDA.

Sorry for such a long post, just wanted to give you as much info as I could. Here are my system specs too.


Akshunhiro's Mac Pro
Snow Leopard 10.6.4 Vanilla with Chameleon
Asus P5K-E/WIFI-AP (Intel P35 ICH9-R) with Q6600 @ 2.4GHz
XFX8800GT 512MB
2x WD1001FALS in Software Raid0 + Pioneer DVR-215
Thanks in advance (Y)

bingaling 06-30-2010 02:01 PM

As far as the audio is concerned, i never got mine to work without Voodoo. My ethernet (88E8056) was however working but since an update from Apple, the details of which i can't remember and which i clearly shouldn't have installed, it hasn't worked. While this is not too helpful, maybe that's what is preventing yours from working - it may not be a hackintosh issue. Unfortunately for me, the update was so long ago that the Time Machine backups are useless now to reverse the situation... anybody with any ideas, please help... and btw, i went back to W7 for a week and then missed Mac so much i went back again - i wouldn't advise it ;)


Originally Posted by Ortonruk (Post 48477)

Firstly I'd just like to say how helpful this forum has been for me in trying to understand some of the hackintosh concepts such as DSDT's, Kexts, permissions, terminal commands etc.

Unfortunately, however I try, I cannot seem to get a stable install of Snow Leopard 10.6.2 (or higher) on my system. I will begin by listing my system specs. and what I have tried so far and I hope you guys will help me further :)

Motherboard: Asus P5K-E Wifi AP (bios rev.1305)
Processor: Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66
Ram: 4GB DDR2-800.
Audio: AD1988b
Network: Marvell Yukon 88E8056

Also I should point out I simply have 1 500gb SATA HD and 1 CD-RW drive both configured to AHCI in my bios. I am also using a USB Keyboard & Mouse.

Ok down to the nitty gritty...

After scouring the net for a solution that seemed to be easy for a beginner like myself, I came across the myHack installer (uses chameleon bootloader). I checked off all the boxes in terms of the required hardware for a successfull install so I thought to myself, great.. this sounds like the one!

However.. I have managed to get it installed and boot into Snow Leopard successfully but I can not get my Audio/Network up and running alongside the 10.6.2 patch.
I have downloaded the pack at the start of this guide and tried to use the AD1988b.Fix.kext alongside the edited DSDT file (which I placed in /Volumes/SnowLeopard/Extra) and at some point this did work but I actually can't remember how I did this (stupid I know).
I also edited my Info.plist file to enable my network card and I also got this to work in the first install I did (alongisde the audio) except I was stupid enough to update to 10.6.2 without backing any of this up and subsequently lost the lot.

Where I am confused is this... The myHack installer states that it is safe to update to all the way to 10.6.3 using the kexts that are provided with the installer without any kernel panics or errors. On my first attempt at installing I did have everything working as it should but obviously mixing kexts from the pack at the start of this guide and those contained in the myHack installer has caused my system to become unstable somewhere down the line. I have also come to the conclusion that the edited DSDT.aml file may have caused some problems?

Sorry for the extremely long post and poor grammar but I am coming to the end of my tether with trying to get Snow Leopard installed and functioning on this system and I am even contemplating installing Windows 7! My previous OS was the iPC 10.5.6 Distro which worked flawlessly on my system.

Thanks Again to you all for the information I have gained already and I hope some of you may be able to put me on the right path with how to get this working!


boudmac 07-28-2010 02:48 PM

snow on Asus P5K-E WiFi-AP

at first, thank you for all the osx86 community.

I've done a retail Snow Leopard 10.6.3 install using MyHack installer on this system:
- Asus P5K-E WiFi-AP
- Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
- GeForce 8600 GTS

I got some problem to make sound or ethernet work, because I've tried more than one kext for each element. Now, I've removed all kexts and only installed the minimum.

Here are my steps:
1. Make a retail restauration of Snow on 8Gb USB key
2. Install MyHack on this usb key
3. Install MacOsx on the system (booting on the usb key) with GraphicsEnabler "yes"
4. install some more kext* (if possible 64 bits working) with Kext Helper b7:
  • AD1988bFix.kext
  • the last one fakesmc.kext
  • IONetworkingFamily.kext (because new one)
  • JMicronATA.kext because I have more than 4 Gb sdram
  • SleepEnabler.kext (the last one, without kernel panic)
  • also VoodooHDA.kext, but certainly in double
  • (there's also all the kext present in Chameleon, Myhack)
5. make the change for ethernet in AppleYukon
6. I've then used to extract the DSDT (maybe after a reboot is better ?), changed it to make the AD1988B sound chip work, and then compile and install it in Extra folder.
7. the last, use to put some Boot options:
  • Graphics resolution
  • "Built in Ethernet" and "Graphics Injection"
  • emplacement of the DSDT file
  • boot theme
  • Extra flags: -v (verbose mode)
But finally, I'm not sure all the lizard options have been taken in acoumpt... (cause I've not done yet Install and Update)

* Note that before install kext, it is interesting to put them in color (right click) in order to find them easy in S/L/E ;)

Now I'm running a 10.6.4 snow Leopard
Thanks !!! :)

barren 09-02-2010 05:18 AM

q6600 P5K-E Wifi A/P final touches
Thanks to the information on this forum I've successfully got SL 10.6.4 running on my overclocked q6600 P5K-E Wifi A/P

I used the myhack method and installed the following kexts on top

The latest Fakesmc.kext
I used the Realtek_RTL8187 installer to get the wifi card working.

Theres one thing I'd like to iron out:

In the profiler>Serial ATA the Intel SATA controller is showing as UnKnown AHCI standard controller. Can this be changed to show the Intel ICH9R controller correctly by using a kext or DSDTSE hack?


Sorted this by editing /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACHIPort.kext/Contents/Info.plist

Under IOKitPersonalities I added:

<key>Chipset Name</key>
<string>ICH9R AHCI</string>
<key>Vendor Name</key>

10.6.5 update now working using new 64 bit SleepEnabler.kext

lidas 10-13-2010 10:46 AM

I have a problem
I have a mobo P5K-e wifi

when I was 2giga ram was fine
now that I put the new ram OCZ Reaper PC8500 8GB DDR2 1066 is no longer
evil black screen comes on and turns off
What can I do??

lukelovett 11-11-2010 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by lidas (Post 51116)
I have a problem
I have a mobo P5K-e wifi

when I was 2giga ram was fine
now that I put the new ram OCZ Reaper PC8500 8GB DDR2 1066 is no longer
evil black screen comes on and turns off
What can I do??

Rebuild your DSDT. You need to after ram changes.

flicka 11-15-2010 07:04 PM

10.6.5 Update
Upate successfully to 10.6.5. I've only to repatch ionetworkingfamily.kext

fishcow 11-18-2010 03:34 AM

Speed Stepping and temp control
Long time no post.
I have a dilemma that I'm hoping one of you fine people could help me out with.

I have been successful in applying enough dsdt patches posted here to enable the use of native PowerManagement and therefore Shutdown, Restart and Sleep all working in dsdt.
I would like next to try and take control of the stupid-high CPU temps I'm getting running Apple's PowerManagement.

I have found a lot of conflicting and confusing information regarding editing dsdt and entering P State tables etc. I also tried using Q6600 patches available in many dsdt editing software in combination with voodooMonitor - but frankly I didn't see any changes.

I saw mention of Chameleon 2 RC5 (218) which has P and C States injection, but it's been a long time since I have had to install a new boot loader (still using RC3 here) and a bit sketchy on how best to go about trying this out.

I have since reverted to a dsdt that doesn't have any _CST methods inserted by any patching.
I have confirmed that AppleLPC is loading.

Just not sure if I can jump from RC3 to RC5 by just swapping out the boot file and editing the to add in the new flags for p and c states injection.

I think that about covers it.
Any help appreciated.

BTW, because I'm still on Chameleon RC3 - I still have PlatformUUID and OSXRestart in my E/E .
I assume I should get rid of those if I can install the new bootloader?

spanakorizo 01-15-2011 09:18 AM

hello everyone, it's been a long time since i looked around, so what is the current status of onboard sound and snow leopard?
cause for 2 years i had an external card (m-audio/modified crappy drivers) and now i want to get rid of it and go back to the onboard.
Last time i used the onboard sound and ad1998b.kext the status was:frontpanel no work (i think..i am not really sure) and by digital connection you couldnt mute or change the volume slider, and also sometimes crappy noise sound at boot.
Still the same or somebody fixed 100% ad1998B?

in case you would like to try my dsdt methods, download my .aml here:
mobo is p5k-premium wifi

spanakorizo 01-15-2011 10:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
the dsdt edits came from lancelotu at page3 were allready at my old dsdt so i still use dsdt fix+ad1998b.kext,
i rebuild my extension.mkext,reboot with onboard sound and this is what i get:
Attachment 1482
the most important that i remember also made me find another card is no 5.1 in the audio MIDI setup, only stereo
and i confirm that the volume slider doesnt move. (in Digital Out)
how about you?
still is like this or something changed?

alhazred23 01-23-2011 12:56 AM

Pinout configuration AD1988b
Hi all

This has been an excellent thread and I have learned much.

I have an ASUS Commando board that isn't very well supported in the OSX86 world and have been building up my DSDT from scratch. I've got it almost perfect now, but am still struggling with sound.

I have used all methods mentioned in this thread (and many others!) but I can't get it to work. I've got the speaker icon on the desktop and system profiler recognises I have audio (thanks to the DSDT edits and the AD1988b_fix.kext) However, there's no sound coming out. I've got my speakers plugged in the back to the Green plug. I think the Commando may use a different pin config and I was wondering if anyone here knew how to create your own pin config. I tried some alternative ones, but I'd like to make my own. Where do I start?


pipes 01-23-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by omargoa (Post 31592)
here is my bios setup : (bios version 0903) i have P5E but i think the P5E and the P5k are the same bios setting

-configure sata as [AHCI]

-CPU configuration :
C1 support [Disabled]
CPU TM Function [Enabled]
Vanderpool technology [Enabled]
Execute Disable Bit [Enabled]
Max CPUID Value limit [Disabled]
Intel Speedstep [Enabled]

-Suspend Mode : [Auto]
-Repost Video on S3 Resume [Disabled]
-ACPI 2.0 Support [Enabled]
-ACPI APIC Support [Enabled]
-Front Panel audio : [HD audio]
-J-Micron Pata/Sata Controler : [Disabled]
-VIA 1394 [Enabled]

kext instaled in extra :
-AD1988b.Fix.Kext --- dsmos.Kext --- OpenHalt Restart.Kext ---IOAHCIBlockstorageInjector.Kext

in just add my graphic device-properties and set Graphics mode to my resolution (1680x1050x32)

in smbios.plist i add the same number of SMUUID for my hardrive, set the SMmemType at 19 (for ddr2) and add SMexternalclock : 267 and SMmaximalclock 2400 for the correct information of my (CPU q6600 2.4)

Now for the method on this page by "ZHELL"

first open IORegistryExplorer and type USB
you find a list of your USB like USB0 USB1 USB2 EUSB USBE ...
clic on one of them and note to number in the "compatible" Property like pci8086,2934 ... (see my IOregistry attachment photo this is after modification 2934--> to 3a34)
Attachment 472
every USB has a specific number
now as i understand the tips is to change the first couple of number of every port to 3a to have as result 3a34 (replace 29 by 3a ), to do this you need to add in every usb devices in dsdt line like this in the end :


                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                    Store (Package (0x02)
                            Buffer (0x04)
                                0x34, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00
                        }, Local0)
                    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                    Return (Local0)

and put the number you find in ioregistrydevice USB in :
0x34, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00 (you add first the second couple of number 34 after you add the changed number 3a in all USB

you should have something like this :

Device (USB0)
                Name (_ADR, 0x001D0000)
                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                    Store (Package (0x02)
                            Buffer (0x04)
                                0x34, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00
                        }, Local0)
                    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                    Return (Local0)
            Device (USB1)
                Name (_ADR, 0x001D0001)
                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                    Store (Package (0x02)
                            Buffer (0x04)
                                0x35, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00
                        }, Local0)
                    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                    Return (Local0)
            Device (USB2)

after that compile your dsdt (for me i have no error in compiling)

reboot and verify in your ioregistry in the appleUSBUHCI of you usb the property "Errata" : if it set to 0 your usb device are not recognized you should have a number like 0x20e800
see the second attachement "errata"
Attachment 473

if you do the same method for you sata device (type "sat" in IOregistry)
Attachment 474
your sata are recognized to ICH10 in system profile and no need for AHCIportinjector

  Device (SATA)
                Name (_ADR, 0x001F0002)
                Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
                    Store (Package (0x02)
                            Buffer (0x04)
                                0x22, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x00
                        }, Local0)
                    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
                    Return (Local0)

important : don't set your smbios.plist to MacPro 4,1, set it as MacPro 3,1

now the sleep/wake up work good but i need to re plug only the keyboard after every sleep other usb devices are fine.

to lancelotu :
can you please give me the "PinConfiguration" of your audio patch in dsdt ? because for me only the front micro work... Thanks

(sorry for my very bad english) (if someone need a better explain see the original ZHELL tutorial) (or talk to me in french :p)

Hello, I have a problem with boot with ich10r + X58, some time starts and a lot of others it returns me this message: Serial Atapi: initial device configuration did not complete successfully (failedcommandinfo=0X2).
Can you help me? please
This is my dsdt.dsl:
My mainboard is a rampage 2 extreme, core i7 920, 3 HDD's and HD 4870X2
Thanks in advanced

bingaling 02-11-2011 07:46 PM

hi all, first i'd like to say what a great post this is, i've a smooth hack pro thanks to it!
the only peculiarity is that all internal disks apart from the boot drive appear external... any know how to fix this? previously this wasn't the case, then i had to restore from time machine and this happened...