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pmcnano 06-26-2008 07:56 PM

I just noticed that when i was hash-checking my torrents the problem appeared, but when i finished, its normal again, i really dont know WHEN it happens to me. But yesterday happened while i was using excel (of course, torrents in background and other apps).

I want any answer, did it worked with the new flags? Thanks

edit: what i mean by "WHEN it happens to me" i mean when it happens and stays like that.....

Ianxxx 06-27-2008 02:19 PM


[cite] pmcnano:[/cite]I just noticed that when i was hash-checking my torrents the problem appeared, but when i finished, its normal again, i really dont know WHEN it happens to me. But yesterday happened while i was using excel (of course, torrents in background and other apps).

I want any answer, did it worked with the new flags? Thanks

edit: what i mean by "WHEN it happens to me" i mean when it happens and stays like that.....
I found that it always happened around the 3 hour mark no matter what I was doing

pmcnano 06-28-2008 04:53 AM

I had been without the issue a while, whithout doing anything else, lol.....meh..i want it to happen again to check some stuff on console, etc

pmcnano 06-29-2008 03:25 AM

Well, transmission crashed again, so i reboot with the flags posted (hpet tsc) and it got worse! LOL, they crashed like in a little while and i couldnt open anything again! D:

ClawHammer 06-29-2008 04:09 AM

I have found, sadly, that my system is still not perfectly stable. My mouse movement problem is fixed with the kernel flags, and I needed no restarts for 3 days, but then I got the 10810 error again. It is getting really annoying. Itunes also gave me a division by 0 crash. I know it has to be some problem with multiple cores, but what?

R0GUE 06-29-2008 09:53 AM

After a few days of testing I cannot maintain a stable dual core system with any of the aforementioned flags. Looks like we're going to have to wait for either a patch or switch to Intel. For now I have reverted to using cpus=1 in my config.

pmcnano 06-29-2008 07:46 PM

well mine crashes right now like in 3 days or something, dont know whats the breaking point, but i wont put cpus=1 lol...i dont want to lose my core =)! XD

naquaada 06-29-2008 09:57 PM

I only have the problem that Firefox crashes rather often. Version 2 and 3.

pmcnano 06-30-2008 06:55 AM

meh it had been crashing more often, which "solutions" did you all used? Thanks

R0GUE 06-30-2008 08:55 AM

@pmcnano: Unfortunately it appears to be an AMD dual core issue that needs to be resolved at base code level. For stability, the only solution is to use cpus=1 :-\

naquaada 06-30-2008 12:38 PM

I think it is a board/ram/cpu issue. Puttabongs and my Dual-Core system are working without problems. My system has maybe a speciality: I installed it on a single-core computer with the same board and restored the image on my dual-core machine. Even real big applications like Final Cut and Logic are working without problems. BTW: My new M-Audio ProFire Lightbridge 34-channel audio interface is fantastic!

The only progs which are crashing sometimes are Firefox, Toast and the Quicktime Player, but I have the same problems on my single core machine. I presume these programs fail sometimes because the DivX-Encoder is faulty installed. The DivX Player and the DivX converter are also crashing. Firefox, Toast and Quicktime are all using the DivX-plugin. Bad is that I can't repair DivX even after removing all files, so I have to reinstall the whole system :-P I'll do it again on my single-core machine and copy the finished image to my other machines. I have 4 computers with 3 different boards, but all are using variants of the nForce 4 chipset and using a Radeon X1600, so porting the OS is easy - just restore it with Disk Utility from an image ;-)

Voyn1x 06-30-2008 02:10 PM

Thought i'd chime in with my results. I have found it certainly a lot more stable, going at least 15hrs without issues - where previously it would only manage 3hrs tops before an app would quit. I also haven't experienced the jumpy mouse since adding the flags, but have still received the -10810 error a couple of times after prolonged uptime.

Also Rogue kindly pointed out that Firefox contains 2 cpuids, so I promptly marvinised the bastards. This seemed to have solved the random crashing of FF. I had overlooked this, I've run Marvins in the past but since Mozilla is constantly releasing updates (especially for FF3) I think the cpuids had been rewritten somewhere along the line.

Oh well, new mobo here I come, maybe an intel chip while i'm at it! :)

pmcnano 06-30-2008 02:21 PM

aww i want a new computer too trying atm this kernel flags, i will report:

<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>apicpmtimer=1 notsc=1 nohpet=1 cpus=2 maxmem=3072</string>

Lets see what happens.....atm its working fine..wthout a problem

@All: which distro's are you using?

naquaada 06-30-2008 03:57 PM

Leo4All + 10.5.3 Update by Zephyroth Updater

Voyn1x 06-30-2008 06:24 PM

Zeph 10.5.2 Rev 1 upgraded to 10.5.3 using ASU.

Also using an EFI gfx string, MacNub's AppleSMBIOS27, Modbin 9.3.0 kernel and 9.3.0 system.kext

pmcnano 06-30-2008 07:18 PM

naquaada, I might try Leo4ALL V3 ppf patched to 10.5.3 to see how it goes, anyway, with the kernel flags i had been using for like 12 hours, i didnt had any problem, lets see how it goes ^^

R0GUE 06-30-2008 07:49 PM

Mine is exactly the same as Voyn1x's setup.

pmcnano 07-01-2008 06:57 AM

leo4all with ppf went wrong i cant get it boot, i get kernel panic before anything, i cant even boot in single user mode.

pmcnano 07-03-2008 09:07 PM

I have been reading, theeres a post in insanelymac about the divide by zero crashes on Tiger, it was because the HTT recognition in the kernel, they had to mod some hex parameters to get it working and suppostly it worked flawlesly, what do you think? It has something to do with the kernel recognizing 2 cpu's instead of 2 cores, or something like that.

What do you think?? hope it helps! ^^

naquaada 07-03-2008 09:42 PM

This was in August 2006, so maybe 10.4.7 or 10.4.8 = 8.4.1 or 8.8.1 kernel. And only two posts... that won't work here, the kernel is totally different now.

What shows System Profiler on your system? It's 1 cpus and 1 cores for me.

pmcnano 07-03-2008 09:49 PM

Same here, it was just a though XD :P

Anyway, i dont still get some crashes, especially ff and transmission, im not using any kernel flags atm...i just reinstalled and updated. We'll see

naquaada 07-03-2008 10:40 PM

If Transmission and Firefox fails, could the network driver be a problem? What are you using? I'm actually using skge.kext because I had problems with the old forcedeth driver. The forcedeth-v driver is working without problems.

pmcnano 07-04-2008 05:07 AM

Well but its the divide by zero error.

anyway im using a Realtek 8169 card.

So, nvidia drivers are working fine now? The last thing i knew is that it made system's crash

pmcnano 07-07-2008 04:47 PM

bump? using cpus=1 atm =(! no crashes or anything, still mouse movement thing when hdd has heavy loads..

Puttabong 07-07-2008 07:44 PM

It seems like I just experienced the Mouse Movement Bug while playing around with Photoshop for a few hours...


R0GUE 07-07-2008 07:59 PM

Finally! :-P

Photoshop does seem to cause the cores to freak out.

pmcnano 07-07-2008 08:32 PM

Im selling my motherboard/cpu/ram...(well trying to sell them) if i have success i will buy c2d :(!
It would be first time with intel in like 8 years.

With cpus=1 expose seems slow etc...bah!

Ianxxx 07-07-2008 09:34 PM


[cite] pmcnano:[/cite]Im selling my motherboard/cpu/ram...(well trying to sell them) if i have success i will buy c2d :(!
It would be first time with intel in like 8 years.

With cpus=1 expose seems slow etc...bah!
Thats what I did and it was the first time in twelve years lol

pmcnano 07-08-2008 12:18 AM

Lol the problem is....selling my current stuff, i have to "scam" someone lol....XD if i sell it to someone that knows...ill get crap for it =(! and its a great board! =(!

muitommy 07-08-2008 08:49 AM

I just want to add that,
i'm using intel cpu with 680i chipset,
everythings run fine, just the mouse will lag slightly (a very slight one, but noticiable) sometimes ...
but it's annoying!

snyder9 07-08-2008 10:06 AM

I've tried just about everything mentioned on this thread with no success. Once my CPU undergoes significant load, the various problems start surfacing.

But for now, I can live with using one core. I can manage to play 720p with Mplayer OSX 1.0 RC2 with only minor instances of lagging. The lag was a concern for me using a single core but I realized I wasn't using the RC2 version of the player.

Puttabong 07-08-2008 11:30 AM

I just added the cpus=1 flag to my boot.plist, it's time for me as well...
The only application that seems to be able to cause the mouse movement bug is Photoshop CS3.

I use it a lot at the moment. Rebooting now.

milanca 07-08-2008 12:58 PM

I never had problems, like strange mouse movements, mouse jumpung or things like that. But what i noticed after installing OS-X onto 2 AMD machines, one Intel C2D desktop and Intel C2D laptop machine is that somehow on my amd machine mouse movements are somehow very unnatural comparing to windows or linux. Its very annoying. On intel machines its just great but only on AMD machine very unnatural and really not comfort using mouse as in windows. I tested with 3 different mice, the same. I am used to this almost, after 5-6 months, but what i wanted to say is this kind of movement i really didnt notice on my other Intel machine.

Voyn1x 07-08-2008 01:50 PM

The more AMD users recognise this is problem the quicker we can find a solution. I know Jas might be looking into it, I wonder if the great Zephyroth has any input/suggestions?

R0GUE 07-08-2008 02:34 PM

To summarise this for future reference; it is not a 'mouse bug' per se, but a dual core timing issue.
Symptoms include:
• Mouse lag - early signs are drag and drop inaccuracies, trail skipping
• GUI lag - Finder window movement becomes choppy and acceleration degrades
• Random restarts - caused by the 'divide by zero' error resulting in kernel panic
• -10810 error - applications will not start until a restart or log out/in
• increased CPU fan noise and temperatures - due to dual core synchronisation errors
• general erratic behaviour - system feels sluggish, unresponsive at times

Remedy (Temporary)
• Boot using the 'cpus=1' kernel flag - this can be done at the beginning of each boot at the Darwin boot prompt, or permanently by editing the which can be found in: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

pmcnano 07-08-2008 04:11 PM

I would like to ask, this happened in all versions of leopard?

Does it happens on tiger?

Is there any kernel that detects the 2 cores (in system profiler).

I do think it could have something to do with the HTT issue that happened in tiger.


naquaada 07-08-2008 04:55 PM

It also must be a problem depending on the hardware. My Dual Core Opteron 185 (2 x 2.86 GHz overclocked) works absolutely perfect. Firefox quits sometimes, but otherwise I have no problems. I'm running Leo4All V3 + 10.5.3 update by ASU. The board is nForce 4 SLI, Socket 939 with 4 GB DDR RAM 200 Mhz. Puttabongs Dual Core machine also runs fine as far as I know.

Maybe it's a software problem, especially Photoshop? I'm using Logic and have no problems. Or the gfx card? I presume you all have nVidia, I have an ATI.

R0GUE 07-08-2008 04:59 PM


[cite] naquaada:[/cite]Puttabongs Dual Core machine also runs fine as far as I know.
Read a few posts back, Puttabong's hack recently became susceptible to the problem. This issue has been around (according to JaS) since the Tiger days, and it is not hardware related it is a timing issue at software level. You're just one of the lucky ones.

bhast2 07-08-2008 06:24 PM

Yeah i am one of those lucky people too cause i don't have problems with this

and have a AMD Athlon 64 x2 5000+ and not one problem at all

Voyn1x 07-08-2008 06:46 PM

To the people who say they have no problems, how long on average do you leave your hack on without rebooting.

Many of these issues don't appear until long period of uptime has passed. Also if any apps quit on you during this time with a divide by zero error then you are suffering from the dual core timing issue, albit mildly.

cgsheen 07-08-2008 07:16 PM

Ya, I've never had a problem, but I don't leave my any of my machines running 24-7. My son probably does - but he's using a single core Turion64 socket 754 CPU. The longest any of my dual (quad) cores run is 15-20 hours at a stretch (well, except when, ummm, using Transmission a few times when they had to be up for a couple of days while Transmission, ummm, finished... what it was doing...)

bhast2 07-08-2008 08:36 PM

the only time i reboot or shut down my computer is when i have to for an update

so my computer is always running it could be weeks before i do a restart

Puttabong 07-08-2008 08:37 PM

I just switched back to two cores, because a single core is just too slow for most applications I use.

bhast2 07-08-2008 08:39 PM

i think it is a hit and miss for people because non of my apps crash and I hardly ever turn off photoshop it is always running in the background

pmcnano 07-09-2008 05:53 AM

Do anyone knows if this happened in tiger? I dont remember, in fact when i upgraded to dual core i changed to leopard so i dont know. I want to attempt to install tiger and update to 10.4.11 but i remember i couldnt before, Can i use the software updater? (Zephyroth's). I know there are kernels, but i dont know about updates.

@bhast2, yes, im with 1 core and its slow... meh

^fire^ 07-09-2008 12:54 PM

i've start to fiddle arround with some bios settings... maybe there are some options to solve that kind of problem!

disable: CnQ
memory CL timings raised from CL5 to CL6
Disabled some ACPI settings
Disabled Enhanced halt state
Disabled Advanced Virtual Machine
Disabled USB Legacy Mode
Disabled PCI Busmaster

leopard is working fine atm since 2 hours no crashes no mousejumps, i will report if the issue happens again! :)

^fire^ 07-09-2008 04:14 PM

after 5 hours intensive use of macOS with the settings above still no mousejumps or crashes!!!
i made some hardcore tests to run many heavy applications at the same time e.g. eyeTV, photoshop, reason, toast, adium, UT2003, firefox (about 50tabs lol) and adium(about 10chattabwindows) without any issues!
i will check it out till today evening, if the problems doesnt come back i will change the bios settings back to normal and lemme see what happens!

seren 07-09-2008 05:27 PM

As far as this issue is concerned I'm one of the lucky ones. I have has sporadic problems with -10xxx errors and the mouse movement. My CPU is a X2 Brisbane 5000+ Black Edition (Unlocked Multi) Stock 2.6GHZ Running at 3.2GHZ with 4gb ddr2 800 @ 886. I'm running a new install of Zephs Rev2 with 10.5.4 (ASU) and modbin kernel 9.4.0. My current uptime is over 2 days not a single issue.

For what its worth i use this to stress test rather than running a bunch of apps, but using this plus a bunch of processes should stress nicely. . The method I use for CPU Test is 32 Instances small and 10 repetitions . YMMV .


2 Days up; and running Transmission (seeding many GB) + the usual's, Firefox will Crash sometimes over night but not resulting in -10xxxx errors anymore with this install.

naquaada 07-09-2008 07:20 PM

My computer is online for about 3 or 4 days. Transmission crashed last night, division by zero. My installation has maybe a speciality: It was installed on a single-core system, then ported on a dual-core computer. Have you guys with the stuttering problems tested Onyx? I made some additional settings in my system, maybe this will to the trick.

If it's a mouse problem (like the thread was called first), we should compare the mouse connections. What is you mouse connection and configuration? Here's mine:

Mouse: Wireless Mouse of the Logitech Cordless Internet Navigator Keyboard/Mouse combination
Connection: PS/2
Type: Optical
dpi: 800 (not sure)
Speed setting: 3 (third bar from the left)
Space needed for desktop: 2x2 cm (0,78x0,78 inch) for 1600x1200 pixel
Underground: plain table (!)

I'm actually running seren's test program, it finished over 920 tests sucessfully. EDIT: And I get every time that damn authentifcication error!

pmcnano 07-09-2008 07:52 PM

nah, its not the mouse....its something with the kernel...or software based error