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man_of_the_oak 08-22-2011 11:10 AM

Ok flip360, put the tutorial on the first page if you can and try it yourself :p I'm eager to know how will you like it~

flip360 08-22-2011 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 55010)
Ok flip360, put the tutorial on the first page if you can and try it yourself :p I'm eager to know how will you like it~

i will man_of_the_oak, first off i like it very much,i tried making my own dsdt but...:P 103 errors and so on...
anyway the LegacyAppleHDA kext u supplied doesnt work for me, the audio is there in sys profiler but no icon and no audio output, everything else seems working ok with another dsdt i had from before,


man_of_the_oak 08-22-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 55011)
i will man_of_the_oak, first off i like it very much,i tried making my own dsdt but...:P 103 errors and so on...
anyway the LegacyAppleHDA kext u supplied doesnt work for me, the audio is there in sys profiler but no icon and no audio output, everything else seems working ok with another dsdt i had from before,


Did you extract your DSDT using Ubuntu and updated your bios before doing so?

+ my Legacy won't work until you binpatch your AppleHDA and use valid audio injection in DSDT (layout id: 12) or simply go with my tutorial and get audio after sleep with IOAudioFamily and old AppleHDA + DSDT injection. In general - don't use parts of tutorial because there is a high chance it won't work.

+ remember that you have other CPU, so you have to edit SMBIOS a bit! Part about WLAN also isn't for you since you've replaced your card.

flip360 08-22-2011 11:50 AM

Yep i know that, updated to BIOS 223 and i have macbookpro5,3 in my smbios.plist, also the LegacyAppleHDA does work (my bad) even with the other dsdt i have :) no more clicks and plops? that would make me a happy camper :) can i send you my DSDT so you can quickly check it? trying to make your tut for the first page, my BBCode skills are noobish lol


man_of_the_oak 08-22-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by flip360 (Post 55013)
Yep i know that, updated to BIOS 223 and i have macbookpro5,3 in my smbios.plist, also the LegacyAppleHDA does work (my bad) even with the other dsdt i have :) no more clicks and plops? that would make me a happy camper :) can i send you my DSDT so you can quickly check it? trying to make your tut for the first page, my BBCode skills are noobish lol


You have to use MacBookPro5,1, just like in my tutorial.

Yes, I have no clicks and pops etc.

Send me your clean DSDT extracted under Ubuntu and I will have a look. I am not going to work with something extracted using DSDTSE though...

About my tutorial - simply quote my post where I showed you how I would see it and you will get bbcode to put in the first post.

flip360 08-22-2011 12:09 PM

here u go my dsdt, its not extracted from ubunty but it was modified by maldon and sofar works properly:
No crack and pops AT LAST!!! Thanks man_of_the_oak :)
i will try posting the tutorial with the links right now :)


man_of_the_oak 08-22-2011 12:23 PM

I am not going to modify pre-modified DSDT ;-)

Extract your own DSDT using Ubuntu Live CD and then I will be able to help you with errors, if they really are other than the ones in my tutorial. It seems that you like to do it your own way but it's not the best choice if I state in my tutorial to extract the DSDT from Ubuntu and modify it yourself, until you realise that it's the only good way to get a stable system - you won't be satisfied, trust me ;)

mondet 08-22-2011 12:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 55014)
You have to use MacBookPro5,1, just like in my tutorial.

Yes, I have no clicks and pops etc.

Send me your clean DSDT extracted under Ubuntu and I will have a look. I am not going to work with something extracted using DSDTSE though...

About my tutorial - simply quote my post where I showed you how I would see it and you will get bbcode to put in the first post.

to man_of_the_oak,

I was followed your steps with 10.7.1, but unfortunately after I finished everything and restart, I got Kernel Panic... I dont know what I did wrong... now I role back to 10.6.7 and now using your latest kexts family, the click sound was gone... Perfect!!:p but I still need to upgrade to 10.7 do you have any idea?

FYI,while I upgrade from 10.6.7 to 10.7, I use multibeast to modify SMBIOS to MacBookPro8,1 'cos the old one of mine is like yours, MacBookPro5,1 but it show up "This version of Mac OS X 10.7 cannot be installed on this computer"

Could you please help me?

man_of_the_oak 08-22-2011 12:31 PM

I am sorry, I can't provide any support for Lion. I don't like the system at the moment and all I can do is to recommend to install Mac OS X 10.6.8 using my tutorial. It will work perfectly...

When Lion is enough stable for me, I will spend some time to check it out but as for now - let's stick to 10.6.8.

btw. I don't like tonymac's (aka thief) works either, so please simply try to use what I give in my tutorial ;)

flip360 08-22-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by man_of_the_oak (Post 55016)
I am not going to modify pre-modified DSDT ;-)

Extract your own DSDT using Ubuntu Live CD and then I will be able to help you with errors, if they really are other than the ones in my tutorial. It seems that you like to do it your own way but it's not the best choice if I state in my tutorial to extract the DSDT from Ubuntu and modify it yourself, until you realise that it's the only good way to get a stable system - you won't be satisfied, trust me ;)

Cool :) i will try and extract my DSDT from ubunty and send you the same :)
Also agreed on Lion, too buggy atm 10.6.8 is working flawlessly,
Check out the first page,
