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pαuℓzurrr. 12-23-2009 06:04 PM

10.6.2 Kernel - Pcj XNU Release

Originally Posted by pcj
First of all to thank our predecessors release of the source code!

P4 32bit CPU support enabler SSE3! (Please use arch = i386 32-bit kernel)
P4 single-core 64bit support to open the 64-bit core!
AMD 32 Wei Yuan should support! 64-bit Unknown! (Welcome to participate in testing, I can test non-AMD)

32-bit open-force64 can be used under 64 bit mode!

Some proof pictures:

Release Log:

Release versions: Pcj XNU Release V0.1

        File with mach_kernel and System.kext your own replacement!
        Kernel contains the I386 and X86_64

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.2

        1. To amend some error part of the source code!
        2. Intel CPU if the support 64, in the I386 core automatically Enable 64bit mode!
        AMD still use the-force64 open 64bit mode enable.
        3. To amend part of the code in AMD! Increase AMD cpuid patch.

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.3

        1. Increases of some cpuid!
        2. AMD enabler 64 bit Mode (no test)

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.5

        1. Modify the CPU frequency of reading methods.
        2. Amendment PM CPU busratio path!
        3. Amended to read AMD cache size means!

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.6

        1. Added a permanent link!
        2. To amend a few bug.
        3.CPUID patch is currently unable to join! Apple released the source code! Missing part can increase the CPUID!
        Therefore, we must release the source of all for Apple to find the relevant part of the! Take some time!
        At present the final version released! And other parts of CPUID will find the update! (CPUID patch can increase the effectiveness of SSE3)
        Now know that the problem! Qtime there will be an exception under the 64bit (apparent in the Welcome screen that period of film)!

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.7

        1. To amend the definition of part of the AMD!

        Intel CPU test OK!
        AMD (at least should be able to open the 32bit core, 64bit core is unknown)

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.8

        1. Again amended the definition of part of the AMD! Hope that AMD can use the X86_64 part of the core!
        I reserve the V0.7 version of the download part! Because the definition of majority of AMD I386 version V0.7 is available!
        If the V0.8 version! AMD is available, then! Would remove the V0.7 version of the link!

Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.9

        1. Fixed some CPU reads the cpu in the acpicpu would Kernel panic before the bug.
        2. To increase Nanodisks Download:
        3. To increase RapidShare Download:

This kernel has been tested on Intel's which seems to work for most and gives 64-bit.
For AMD there are still test's going on.
If you would like to help with this, you should take a look at the original topic here:

Version 0.8

Version 0.9

Thanks to NghiaDev we got mirrors!

spalek83 12-23-2009 09:46 PM

thank you for mirroring them here


1. Increases of some cpuid! "
does that mean on the fly cpuid patching?

this guy came to either this forum or insanley and a few people chewed him out so much that he left never to come back. I hope someone who can navigate that website apologies to him and thanks him for his work. i can't for the life of me figure out how to register to do it myself. yet i do have time this holidaze, maybe tha'd be a good project/// yay for google translate. what do i put for verifacation when i try to register? it dosn't make sence. invite code.. damn

sulphide 12-23-2009 10:04 PM

BRSBOX is under maintenance, waiting to test it on my amd system...
thanks from Russia ;)

maya77 12-24-2009 12:51 AM

Here it is ;)

maya77 12-24-2009 01:18 AM

I've just tested this on my Asus A8N-E/AMD Opteron 180.

It works in 32-bit mode, no 64-bit.

I'm not sure if it has on-the-fly opcode patching. I have no idea on how to check it? My system is already patched using Marvin's Utility.

scififan68 12-24-2009 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by maya77 (Post 41682)
Here it is ;)

That's not the pcj release. Could you please kindl, post a link to this kernel if you have a working one, thanks!

pcj 12-24-2009 05:23 AM

Sorry guys, i afraid let you down!
1. Increases of some cpuid! " this not on-the-fly-cpuid-patch! i just include some old machine for intel, source came from 10.4 and 10.5!

If want to join on-the-fly-cpuid-patch, need other soucre dyld! but Apple release soucre lose one file, still now. i can't find that file. so still finding!!!

Now i just try let AMD can boot with 64bit kernel! before i has a friend can use AMD to test. but he has change computer to Intel! so i put the kernel on the website!
but still now, i still do'nt know v0.8 working or not or will be reboot????

so if you can debug by youself and need this diff file(case i use copy or typeing,not use patch command, maybe lose some voodoo notes, if you do'nt care). you can PM me and notes your email address, i will send the diff file to you by email!


sulphide 12-24-2009 04:25 PM

Pcj, you'd better upload your kernel somewhere else ^_^ BRSBOX is not breathing... there is no pulse... dead... ))

spalek83 12-24-2009 09:04 PM

yea pcj, can you please upload your kernls to megaupload or rapidshare please

NghiaDev 12-25-2009 01:27 PM

This is kernel v0.8

This version is much better than 0.7 because my hack can start Java Virual Machine ( JVM ) in 64-bit mode, make it possible to run eclipse 64-bit

I only need to use the mach_kernel from only ( no need any other Kexts )

arch=x64_64 -x64

I've uploaded to multi hosts, get the kernel from your favourite host servers

QuickTime X Player crashed in 64-bit mode, 32-bit fine

spalek83 12-25-2009 03:20 PM

thank you.

pαuℓzurrr. 12-25-2009 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by NghiaDev (Post 41786)
This is kernel v0.8

This version is much better than 0.7 because my hack can start Java Virual Machine ( JVM ) in 64-bit mode, make it possible to run eclipse 64-bit

I only need to use the mach_kernel from only ( no need any other Kexts )

arch=x64_64 -x64

I've uploaded to multi hosts, get the kernel from your favourite host servers

Thank you, i've added the links to the first post!

spalek83 12-25-2009 03:34 PM

Download V0.9




RapidShare :


Release version: Pcj XNU Release V0.9

1. Fixed some CPU reads the cpu in the acpicpu would Kernel panic before the bug.

Intel CPU test OK.
AMD (unknown).

eMatoS 12-25-2009 06:37 PM

I can't boot with this kernel, even in 32bits I get an instant reboot after chameleon so I can't figure the problem. I've cleaned boot caches and repaired permissions but no luck.

spalek83 12-25-2009 07:02 PM

yea it didn't boot at all here either

crimsonangel 12-25-2009 07:03 PM

V0.9 doesn't allow me to boot. It just goes to the apple screen with no loading. When I boot in verbose it just goes to a black screen.

NghiaDev 12-25-2009 07:31 PM

Guys, please use minimum extra kexts as possible ( for example do not use SleepEnabler.kext - this might cause kernel panic, sometimes, even for Vanilla kernel )

Backup your current working kernel ( mach_kernel or legacy kernel ) and replaced by mach_kernel from the zip file

Delete all /System/Library/Caches/*
Delete all /Library/Caches/*
Delete /Extra/Extentions.mkext
Use Disk Utility to fix all permission

Boot with these options for the first time
-v -f arch=x86_64 -x64 -force64 ( put all, it's better to give more than missing something )

After that you can boot without -f

pcj 12-25-2009 08:05 PM

Guys, thanks for responds!
Yes, v0.9 maybe not work for AMD, even v0.8.
case that define is different for v0.7(this can work on 32 bit)!
so i change few define for AMD! upload to rapidshare!
should be work on 32bit kernel, but 64bit ????
please help me to test it! thanks


eMatoS 12-25-2009 10:02 PM

Same result with the new version, I can't even get a kp instant reboot after chameleon.

pcj 12-25-2009 11:24 PM

Sorry, I forget to modify one file!
But case this time, maybe confirm my contention.
If CPU is AMD,SL kernel will get the CPUType is PPC.
case i mark all ppc define of CPUtype, that to induce the kernel can't boot with AMD then reboot!
but v0.7 no mark ppc define and can boot with 32bit kernel.PPC no define 64 bit kernel,
so if you want to boot with 64bit kernel, you will get a black screen then jump back chameleon screen.
Now i try modify the source code, when need to get CPUType, i define ppc to I386 and X86_64.
but this maybe not work! please try this kernel! thanks!


sulphide 12-26-2009 12:15 AM

got no result just bkack screen after loading mach_kernel 0.9, on amd system, what should i do instead of fust replaycing mach_kernel???

maya77 12-26-2009 12:22 AM

Does not work here.

But why new kernel anyway?

We are able to boot Snow using other patched kernels. We need one with on-the-fly opcode patching, like Voodoo (based) kernels were able to do.

pcj 12-26-2009 12:44 AM

I think you can wait Voodoo release New version kernel and support on-the-fly opcode patching.
Voodoo is a good team and more clever guys. I thinks new kernel will be release come soon.
so i will stop to release any version kernel, Thanks for your support test kernel.

Thanks again.

maya77 12-26-2009 01:37 AM

Don't take me wrong, I really appreciate your work. I'm just wondering what this kernel is able to do and others are not?

I don't believe that Voodoo Team is even working on new kernel, unfortunately.

pcj 12-26-2009 02:10 AM

I not to blame you, I just tired. and i need to rest few day to clear-headed.
Yes, on-the-fly-opcode-patching maybe can add.
I had found where can add source code about patching. but lose file still not find!
I don't know when i can find that file.
So, I stop release kernel until i finish patching.
And Voodoo maybe will release new kernel soon.
So, you must wait more time.


Imkantus 12-27-2009 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by maya77 (Post 41820)
I'm just wondering what this kernel is able to do and others are not?

Beeing able to boot Snow Leopard with 64-Bit Kernel & Extensions on Netburst (Celereon D, Pentium D, Pentium 4) gives ofcourse kind of advantage to those users.

Alltough there might not be that much software this could be used for, there are tasks, like if your are into virtualization of 64-Bit based opertating systems or similiar.

So I am sure there will be Intel users who will appreciate pcj's work. :)

prasys 01-02-2010 02:11 PM

This kernel will not fix issues with SSSE3 such as QuickTime in 64-bit and such. So again we will be needing a working SSSE3 emulator if we want to get AMDs and Intel (pre Core series) to boot properly into 64-bit kernelspace

This kernel is great with those who are like on Pentium D or Pentium 4 and want true 64-bit support or Xeons on NetBurst

pcj , you should look into QuickTime X under 64-bit userpsace

xie xie

toanbk 01-03-2010 03:59 PM

Which the best kernel version for AMD ? (0.7 ; 0.8 or 0.9 ?)

never_mind 01-03-2010 06:10 PM

Trying pcj release v0.9 on P4/SSE2

Thank you for the kernel! :) Finally trying it.

Running the PCJ Release v0.9 now on my P4 with SSE2 only.

It seems to have the similar issues for my like the 10.0.0 qoopz kernel (quick list):
- high cpu for some processes at some point (Finder/Launchd)
- Safari hangs
- date/time can't be set/shown via system preferences
- Apps that install via "installer" (graphical one) don't install (installer hangs)

Prolly still related to outdated SSE2 emulator??

Still pretty cool to run it on old pc :)

PCJ where can we get the source for your kernel/the .diff ?

Cheers! :)


GothGargoyle 01-06-2010 10:18 AM

Great work! Now I can finally have my Pentium D system running a 64 bit kernel!

Had a KP when I tried to run parallels, though (14 page fault). Anyone else seen a similar issue?

Also looks like NTFS-3G isn't working as none of my NTFS drives appear when in 64 bit.

NghiaDev 01-10-2010 10:44 AM

NTFS-3G, Tuxera, Paragon drivers for writing NTFS won't work in 64-bit, even for Vanilla kernel, the only driver that works for 64-bit Snow Leopard is hidden inside Snow Leopard, you have to active it to use it, however, in my case, and from other people as well, it will make your NTFS partitions errors

lemonsoda 01-14-2010 02:05 PM

A semi-complete solution exists
Hello Everyone!

I had this same problem but after blasting Google i found what i was looking for. Not the latest version it seems but hey, it works for ME and you can always recompile it yourself (any takers to build latest version on this forum?)

MacFUSE 2.1.7 for 64 bit Snow Leopard

you can get it from here ->

The original link is dead so thanks google cache!

Got this info from ->

"Compile it yourself …
Or download and install precompiled binary…"

I also recommend fuse-ext2 which also works on 86_64 kernel. It works for ext3

Have fun. i'm glad i could contribute something at last!

Please note, this is experimental software so no guarantees it will not cause problems etc.

Note - I selected the reliability mode in NTFS (which seems pretty slow) and you need the latest NTFS3G which has recently been updated:-

Its nice to access all drives under SL without stupid boot flag. Lets hope we see lots more stuff for the new kernel in 2010!



+ Original info from cached googlepage (") re compiling etc :-

<START> On Sep 11, 2009, at 12:39 PM, corvo wrote:

> I would like to use MacFuse with 64-bit kernel, but I have no idea how
> to apply these patches. Maybe someone could post some sort of step by
> step instructions here? Thanks.

I made a package for those who don't know how to compile MacFUSE.
Disclaimer: I'm not a MacFUSE developer so I don't guarantee anything.
This package is provided as-is without any warranty! If it makes your
computer explode, DON'T BLAME ME! You have been warned.
I compiled it on my MacBook running MacOS X 10.6 and Xcode 3.2, git
revision c537453b7be9e63eab9c8caa84ef2a064396f485 (you can fetch the
code from my macfuse repository on This is
the command that I used:
./ -c Release -p 10.5 -t smalldist -d

The package is available here:

If you want to build the package yourself, clone my macfuse repository
on github, cd into core/ and run the above command.

tom <END>

For building, please check post on his group page for updates

such as this one:-

Please feel free to pm me or post if you have any tips, find a better solution or have compiled a better / more up to date version :-)

Also, if anyone has any experience of using Tuxera with Macfuse, please let me know. I read this interesting post:-

Does this mean the only advantages to pure 64bit kernel are that it allows you to address over 32gb memory?

I understand that the hybrid kernel uses PAE so i guess a pure 64bit kernel would be a bit faster because of that.

64bit preference pane here ->

UPDATE! -> After reading some more about this, it would seem that although this works, there are some fixes that need to be made to make this 100& stable and fast on the 86_64 kernel :-

I will watch this space, eagerly awaiting developments :)

DariosF 01-20-2010 08:30 PM

pcj can you upload your last modified kernel for amd? link on rapidshare is dead...

DariosF 01-24-2010 03:01 PM

so??? nobody can answer?

kocoman 01-27-2010 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by never_mind (Post 42318)

Thank you for the kernel! :) Finally trying it.

Running the PCJ Release v0.9 now on my P4 with SSE2 only.

It seems to have the similar issues for my like the 10.0.0 qoopz kernel (quick list):
- high cpu for some processes at some point (Finder/Launchd)
- Safari hangs
- date/time can't be set/shown via system preferences
- Apps that install via "installer" (graphical one) don't install (installer hangs)

Prolly still related to outdated SSE2 emulator??

Still pretty cool to run it on old pc :)

PCJ where can we get the source for your kernel/the .diff ?

Cheers! :)


do you think this problem will ever be solved? its like talking to death ears.. if the computer wasn't a laptop I would have not kept using it..

TheNoxier 01-27-2010 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by kocoman (Post 43909)
do you think this problem will ever be solved? its like talking to death ears.. if the computer wasn't a laptop I would have not kept using it..

I have an older dual Xeon machine which has the same problems, but i don't want to dump it because it is equipped with 4gb of ecc ram and dual intel ethernet. Can anybody confirm the problems are only caused by the SSE3 emulator?

kocoman 01-27-2010 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheNoxier (Post 43915)
I have an older dual Xeon machine which has the same problems, but i don't want to dump it because it is equipped with 4gb of ecc ram and dual intel ethernet. Can anybody confirm the problems are only caused by the SSE3 emulator?

I don't think it will be solved because (from Voodo Document)

Will the source-code for the SSE3 emulator be available?
The SSE3 emulator is available as a binary blob. If you would like to see the sourcecode,
please disassemble it using ndisasm or another tool of your choice. The source
is very concise and should be easy to comprehend for anyone with the required
Without source code, people have to rebuild a SSE3 emulator from stratch.

It might also be GCD.. but I don't think there is a documented way to disable it. again, reverese enginnering takes a lot of time because of many trial and error. and the free community would not do it

TheNoxier 01-29-2010 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by kocoman (Post 43946)
It might also be GCD.. but I don't think there is a documented way to disable it. again, reverese enginnering takes a lot of time because of many trial and error. and the free community would not do it

Libdispatch is open source, so there shouldn't be much reverse engineering needed.

kocoman 01-30-2010 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by TheNoxier (Post 44058)
Libdispatch is open source, so there shouldn't be much reverse engineering needed.

The problem is loading gdb in would cause the beachball problem in Xcode..It would be better if it CRASHED then we can get the log.., and then a log would be generated, I also cannot take a "Sample" in Activity monitor.. that would just beachball also.. having it beachball for hours on the "main" thread is hard to debug..

unless someone have other ways, like kernel_debug_kit_snow_leopard_10a432.dmg in the 10.6 distribution before in the newsgroup

NghiaDev 03-20-2010 03:50 AM

Version 1.0 has been released, it seem to works on AMD arch=x86_64

Imkantus 03-20-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by NghiaDev (Post 46443)
Version 1.0 has been released, it seem to works on AMD arch=x86_64

I tried on my AMD rig using arch=x86_64 - at least it seems to boot, but drives me into a KP:

Having that fixed + a SSSE3 Emu Layer would be a high level great job. (Yes I propably should stop day-dreaming :D)

scififan68 03-21-2010 12:57 AM

it almost worked for me but my ioatafamily.kext to fix slow slow boot times is only 32bit so it didnt boot. But I'll try to boot it again later.
For Imkantus: Try and rebuild your dsdt file, I've had that same kp before and when i rebuilt my dsdt it hasn't happened since.

Imkantus 03-23-2010 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by scififan68 (Post 46470)
For Imkantus: Try and rebuild your dsdt file, I've had that same kp before and when i rebuilt my dsdt it hasn't happened since.

Haven't been using modified DSDT.aml inject on that one - since using HPETDevice.kext by netkas made SleepEnabler work properly I was to lacy to mess with DSDT editing. :D Solution was a more simple one - my /Extra/Extensions.mkext was slimed down for i386; yet another example how obvious problem solutions can be. :)

It seems to work fine, but now I am having chipset driver difficulties similiar to yours but with using Andy's kext...

Anyway looks like some nice work been done by Pcj here. :)

kocoman 03-24-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Imkantus (Post 46454)
I tried on my AMD rig using arch=x86_64 - at least it seems to boot, but drives me into a KP:

Having that fixed + a SSSE3 Emu Layer would be a high level great job. (Yes I propably should stop day-dreaming :D)

Are you suggesting the 100% CPU problem is caused by "no SSSE3" or (SSE3 did you mistype)?

scififan68 04-20-2010 12:22 AM

Pcj xnu v1.1 is out (Darwin 10.3.0) and it has the same features as v1.0.

m28ew 04-20-2010 01:58 AM

32-bits applications: quit unexpectedly

Originally Posted by scififan68 (Post 47529)
Pcj xnu v1.1 is out (Darwin 10.3.0) and it has the same features as v1.0.

thanks for the new patched kernel :)


on my AMD Phenom II x4 965,
all 32-bits applications which were run with this kernel in the 64-bits mode,
got crashed & quit unexpectedly with the same errors as the BlackKnight/AnV/Qoopz' kernel :


Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0  dyld                              0x8fe2b7af _sysenter_trap + 3
1  dyld                              0x8fe2d5da mach_init + 47
2  dyld                              0x8fe01766 dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long) + 448
3  dyld                              0x8fe01057 _dyld_start + 39

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
  eax: 0xffffffe4  ebx: 0x8fe2d49c  ecx: 0xbffffa9c  edx: 0x8fe2dce2
  edi: 0x00000000  esi: 0x00000000  ebp: 0xbffffae8  esp: 0xbffffa9c
  ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00010286  eip: 0x8fe2b7af  cs: 0x00000017
  ds: 0x0000001f  es: 0x0000001f  fs: 0x00000000  gs: 0x00000000
  cr2: 0x8fe2b7ac

Binary Images:
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b  dyld 132.1 (???) <211AF0DD-42D9-79C8-BB6A-1F4BEEF4B4AB> /usr/lib/dyld

scififan68 04-20-2010 02:15 AM

Thats a unknown bug, happens to me too in 64 bit mode. The fix is to boot into 32bit.

pcj 04-20-2010 02:54 AM

i think this is know issue,
in AMD CPU, cause not add on-the-fly opnode,
so if you boot with arch=x86_64 or -force64,
it will can't not runing 32bit program.

JaS 04-20-2010 06:25 AM

I have an amd 64 Athlon system w/ 2GB ram.I am thinking about throwing it together, would have a nvidia 7300 LE pcie gfx card so I am thinking It would have decent support. I want to put it together to try and see how / if 64 bit is working for amd. What do you guys think ?

scififan68 04-20-2010 11:22 PM

JaS: If you want to experiment with 64bit mode, boot with -force64. True 64bit kernel space doesn't boot into a gui(as seen above).