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direlime 08-25-2009 07:18 PM

Problem installing SnowLeopard
Hey everyone,
I"m sorry if any of this sound noobish, because i am new to mac os x and I am trying to learn. Anyway, i am trying to install Snow Leopard on my computer:
Hp Pavilion Dv2940se

Geforce 7150m/630M
I'm unsure what MOBO i have
(If you need more info, which i'm sure you will, please don't hesitate to ask)

Anyways, I have downloaded the dmg for the leopard install, and i restored it to an install volume. Everything goes normal and I click the Install Mac OS X icon. It opens, and I hit continue, hit customize and select only the thing's i need. (the essential system software, and X 11, don't have any need for font's or languages, and i don't have a working printer.) i hit ok, and then hit install. It starts the installer for about 5 seconds and crashes back to finder. It says that the application install mac os x quit unexpectadly and give me the options to ignore, report and relaunch. I have tried all the options!

When I hit report this is what it says:
Process: Install Mac Os X [235]
Path: /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/Install Mac Os Mac Os X
Version: 23.1 (24)
Build Info: InstallAssistant-240000~1
Code: X86 (native)
Parent Process: launchd [128]

Date/Time: 2009-08-25 12:05:52 .153 -0700
Os Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C7010)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0

Dyld Error Messege:
Symbol Not Found: _IOPMAssertionCreateWithName
Refrenced From: /Volumes/Mac Os X Install DVD/Install Mac Os
Expected In: /System/Library/Framworks/IOlet.framework/Verisons/A/ioKit

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read all that. ;)

mormegil 08-25-2009 08:29 PM

Have you tried installing Leopard first and get it running stable? If not, I suggest you do so. Get a hang of the quirks in running osx on a pc. That's what I did. Got a perfectly running 10.5.8 Leopard as a failsafe environment where I can troubleshoot issues with the SL install. And trust me, you will have issues installing SL the first time :P

direlime 08-25-2009 08:46 PM

I actually forgot to mention i am running leopard...the only thing is I got no internet on that install, but thats not a hugely big deal

maya77 08-25-2009 09:33 PM

Start installation by running OSInstall.mpkg from mounted image. There is no need to create "install partition".

What I've done to get it working:
- Installed SL to separate partition by running OSInstall.mpkg
- Installed latest Chameleon to SL partition + replaced BOOT file with SL-compatible one by netkas
- Replaced mach_kernel on SL partition with my system (AMD-based) compatible one
- Added necessary kexts to Extra/Extensions folder on SL partition
- Added dsdt.aml to SL partition root
- Added smbios.plist to Extra folder on SL partition

Note: I've edited two files to add SL partition UUID to (smbios.plist and PlatformUUID.kext/info.plist)

direlime 08-25-2009 09:44 PM

I think maybe i downloaded the wrong dmg or i'm not looking in the right spot. I can't find the osinstall.mpkg all i have is 3 things to select in the mounted image:

Install Mac OS X

Optional Installs (folder)

Instructions (folder)

Do i have the wrong one, or am I not looking in the right spot

P.S. Sorry for being noobish...again!

Note: If I just mount it, without making it a seperate partition, it won't run, It just says finding disks with a loading bar, then it tells me It needs to be burned to a disk

maya77 08-25-2009 10:29 PM

Don't run "Install Mac OS" from mounted image.

Mount your DMG, then press Command+Shift+G (WinKey+Shift+G).

Then paste this into GoTo field:
/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages/

Find OSInstall.mpkg and run it. Follow setup instructions and install SL to desired partition.

direlime 08-25-2009 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by maya77 (Post 32203)
Don't run "Install Mac OS" from mounted image.

Mount your DMG, then press Command+Shift+G (WinKey+Shift+G).

Then paste this into GoTo field:
/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages/

Find OSInstall.mpkg and run it. Follow setup instructions and install SL to desired partition.

THANK YOU! I can't believe i didn't figure that out myself. Anyways, i'm installing it now. Wish me luck

direlime 08-26-2009 12:15 AM

Sorry for double posting. This is a real noobish question, but which folder is the Snow Leopard root. I'm a little confused

SaCleoCheater 08-26-2009 12:27 AM

The HD "Root" is the start (If you want to call it that) of the volume.

So, if you were to browse to /Library, the root of the HD or volume would be / that contains the mach_kernel, var, tmp ect...

direlime 08-26-2009 12:32 AM

Thanks so much

direlime 08-26-2009 02:07 AM

Ok, here's my next problem *sigh*, not like i didn't expect it :)

So, i followed SaCleoCheater's tutorial, and everything succeeded successfully...or so I thought. I rebooted and I selected my Snow Leopard Partition in the darwin bootloader and it says it's Loading darwin/x86 then it blinks a cursor..and the entire thing freezes...and sometimes my display goes all funny too. Anybody have a soloution? Any help would be appreciated

I have tried many combinations of boot flags, but none of the worked

SaCleoCheater 08-26-2009 02:50 AM

That is very weird :-/

Make sure your not using different versions of the bootloader... for example: Chameleon v2 with PC-EFI v9 Snow Leopard boot

direlime 08-26-2009 04:26 AM

I am running: Darwin/x86 boot v5.0.132 - Chameleon v1.0.12
Thats what it says at the top before I select a partition to boot from

I don't think it's the kernel. Because i am running my leopard boot, from the same kernel. I got the patched kernel for SL from the tut. What if I install chameleon to the partition i'm installing SL too? Or will that screw up more than it needs to?

direlime 08-26-2009 04:22 PM

Ok I think i'm getting somewhere. I started over from scratch one more time. I realized I was putting the new boot file in the snow leopard partition *slap's forehead* , so i finished up the editing I had to do and rebooted. This time it did a similar thing, except instead of freezing up, and me having to do a hard shut down, it just automatically rebooted. It said loading Darwin/x86 then the little spinning line, then it just reboots and it continues to do that no matter what flag I use.

P.S. Sorry again for double posting

EDIT:: Just tried a new combination of boot flags and I used the legacy flag for the first time and it started loading all the kexts...then it rebooted again *sigh* I was excited there for a minute
As well, if I used -x -s -f -v it loads all kernels, but reboots. Do you think this could be caused by having the worng version of snow leopard? Cause i am downloading another version now, but i think it is, because the icon for the installer is not the snow leopard's the cd with the X on it.

direlime 08-29-2009 12:01 AM

Hi again. Really sorry for triple posting.

Could this restart error be caused by not having the proper hard drive kexts. I should probably throw in the i'm installing on an external hard drive because leopard wouldn't pick my my laptops internal drive. I really want snow leopard to work, please help.